
My personal Black Magic

Amy a little girl of six years accidentally saves a boy who was a million years old from a coffin enchantment. The boy Who later she finds out he is a demon. What will happen to the little six years old girl who just fell into the devil's circle

Clyenemo · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Age longed dreams

In a hole a coffin lies. There is a flash of light and a boy comes out from the coffin. A young boy stands. Then the blast of light comes of his body. Darkness evolves him. He makes a menacing smile. He was happy with the darkness. His eyes were complete gold with no single black eye . And then he drags the little girl. And pulls her to his embrace. He tells her she doesn't belong in his world. He uses his claws to stabb her. She falls on the the floor. He bends down and started drinking her blood. He raises his head. And gives an evil laugh.

Amy screamed. A young girl who had been having this dream since she was two years.Now she is six years. It still keeps recurring like a photocopy. Th kid ran out of her chamber and headed to her parents chamber. The guards tried to stop her. But she squeezed her way through their grips. By the time she got to the door, she knocked while the guards held her trying to drag to her chamber. The maids who were scared of what the king and queen do to them, if she is able to wake them up. They may get punished for not taking care of her and allowing her to get out of her chamber. The younger maids started tearing up, they were scared of the commotion, this girl may cause.

George was stunned to open the door and see his daughter same with a few maids.' What's happening out here'.

Everyone except the older lady spoke. ' your majesty she suddenly ran out of the room, we tried to stop her, but she didn't listen to us. We came hear to try and stop her from disturbing you and her majesty privacy. But she got to the door. But don't worry, we will take her to her chamber now. Sorry your majesty'.

' don't worry you all can go '.

They all left leaving the crying Amy and the king. George went up to her. And carried her gently patting her head. ' it's all right, daddy is here'. He said carrying her into the room. He dropped her down and the girl ran and embraced her mother. She kept sobbing in her arms.

' is the nightmare again, dear'. Nori asked while patted her daughters back.

' yes, mommy I don't want to die'. She girl said crying deeper.

' you are not going to die, infect you going to live a long life and have all your heart desires'. George said and sat down close to his family. ' you know what ever that demon boy does, its nothing, he just playing'. He said convincingly.

Amy sat down on the bed. As her big ocean blue eyes that seemed to change colours from blue to sapphire or electric blue, starred at her parents especially her father.' Really daddy,does that mean he won't kill me. Daddy please tell the boy to stop making such an expensive joke. Please daddy.' Amy cried.

'Sure, I will, now sleep. It's too late'. George said.

' okay, goodnigt' she held her father's and mother's hand.

Nori watched as Gorge soon tucked Amy to bed. She was realy happy. To see him even having little time to be with her when he was planning a war. She admired this qualities of him.

' come on let's go to bed'. Goerge said making his wife lie on his body. He kept her comfortable so she can still keep holding Amy hands same as him. He looked up at the ceiling. He didn't know what to make up of the situation of his daughter. It's been years, he has asked the best medical doctors in the kingdom and also in the United states yet nothing seemed wronged with her. He has called several pristine, spiritualist and all kind of personal specialised for such case and they all seemed to all give him the same report. They all say his daughter his perfectly fine. And not in any problem health wise and spiritual. He even had some imprisoned. His thought gets disrupted by the tear tah hit his body.

Nori starred at her husband and wondered whether he was also thinking the same thing was. She hated this. She hated that her daughter was not having the peaceful life other children. Like it's been years yet nothing seemed to be changing. She didn't want to lose her daughter. She loved her so much. Nori soon started crying. She felt her heart was tearing up into pieces. She was brought out of her dilemma by Goeorge who abruptly sits up and makes her sit up also. She starred at his gun metal blue eyes. She smiled bitterly. She knew he had a bigger battle to fight out there. How will he fight it if he is busy thinking about Amy. She leaned her head on his broadly muscular structured chest. She didn't want to lose this man and her daughter. She didn't want her only world to die off. She felt george hand hold her head and made her look at his face. His beautiful eyes seemed to deem down. As If reading her mind.

' hey what's wrong with you, I won't die neither will Amy. I will find a cure for her. And she will be fine. I will come back from the war unharmed. Alright. Please don't cry rather smile. Not all men can be king of royal hills. Yet I have been since my dad died when I was 10 and I have never lost any war. And I promised I will not lose this war. Not even in a thousand years. Now stop crying'. He said leaning in and wiping her tears from her face. ' l love you'. He gently placed his lips on hers. It was gently but he felt her every emotion.

When he leaned down to kiss her, she tried hiding her pains but once his lips touched hers, she poured her raw emotions into the simple quick kiss. She also noticed he also poured his emotion into the kiss. She felt his fears, hopes, determination, encouragement and strength in the simple kiss. And he soon parted his lips. She felt reassured and back to life. She buried her face on his chest.

' now rest, ah woman.its late and I am tired, that's enough emotion for one night'. He said lying on his back. And placing her as hed did before. Soon the trio slept off .