
My personal Black Magic

Amy a little girl of six years accidentally saves a boy who was a million years old from a coffin enchantment. The boy Who later she finds out he is a demon. What will happen to the little six years old girl who just fell into the devil's circle

Clyenemo · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

'Are you a witch'

Amy woke up to see herself on a bed.' Have she been dreaming since'. She thought as she starred at the room. The room was very dark with a little light coming from the window. It was already dark outside. She got up from the bed and walked towards the window. This wasn't her room. Where was she. Everything she remembered where they dreams of reality. She remembered the fact that she got swallowed into the earth. She also remembered stumbling into a coffin and the she saved the boy from her dreams. She then remembered that she was almost strangled a while ago by the coffin boy. Speaking of him. Was he the one who brought her to this room. Where was he and how did she get here. Amy looked around and decided to find out where she was. But as she was about to step out of the room, a small hand graped her shoulders pulling her grip from the door knob. She looked at the hand's band's owner. It was the coffin boy from earlier. The one who almost strangled her. He looked almost the same only this time,he was wearing a proper cloth and his eyes were no longer bloody red. They were now black with Gold patches. His face was still looking hard depicting that he was not someone to be messed with or else you go for it. He looked at her with no expression written on his face. And his eyes gradually started turning red. This caused Amy to quickly slip away from his grip. And move back wards. His eyes never leaving her, he followed her every step backwards. Amy who started getting scared, open her mouth to speak but she only stammered.

'Hey... you am... I was... going to come look for you...'. Amy said stepping back. As the coffin boy kept coming closer. And eventually she got to the wall. She looked at him trying to not act afraid. She took her wet palms to her back and started squeezing them. She was sweating a bit.

Draco kept studying her. Why did he save her . Left for him, he will have loved to see her dead but after he disappeared, the beast in him started acting stubborn and control of him. It then went to save her. Draco looked at her, did his beast see this girl as his saviour. Never it can't. He went closer to her. Did this girl somehow cast a spell on him. Was she a witch. Like the woman who put him inside the coffin. Draco eyes blazed dangerously. And the he asked her with fury .

'Are you a witch'. He asked as he scanned her face waiting for her reaction.

Amy just blinked at him. She was thinking this time around, she will be killed by him because of the way his eyes turned bloody red. But the question he asked suprised her. She was not expecting his next statement. And so she just kept starring at him. As her thought went far.

'Hey'. He said hitting his small hands on the wall behind her. Few pieces of the wall fell down and dust came forth. 'No body ignores the great Draco. Nobody, speak before I rip your bones into pieces you little witch'.

Amy whose mind went far came back to her senses as his hand smashed the wall behind her. Her fears came back to her as she quickly lend closer to the wall. She hoped something will happen and the wall will just open up and swallow her. She then replied to his question.

'No,no am not a... witch'. She swallowed. Little Amy starred at him awaiting his next sentence. She kept looking at him.

When she said she wasn't a witch. He looked at her . His eyes trying to see if the girl was lying. But nothing came of it. Even if she was lying her big ocean blue eyes did not sell her out. Draco looked at her. He was determined to find out why he went to save her. As he was calculating on a reasonable explanation for him going to save her. He then asked her again.

'Lier, you are a witch answer me. Stop lying. Answer me are you a witch '. This time his eyes started glowing.

But it seems what he said had no effect on her as the little girl started begging him. She was even crying. Not because of the fact that she was scared but because she missed he parents.

'Please let me go, I want to see my mummy and daddy. I realy miss my mummy and daddy. Please. Please'.

Draco just got lost in her tears. He didn't know what she was saying. It's like she was speaking giprish. What was she saying to him now. He asked her a question instead of her to answer, she was pleading with him to take her back home. He got confused.

'Please, understand. You also have parents don't you miss them . Same with me. Please.'. Amy cried in her position. The shout of Draco mad her silenced.

'Nonsense , how dare you ask me such question.. when I ask a question you blatantly ignored it. Did I say you can speak. How dare you speak when I have not given you a go ahead. How dare you ignoremy question. Ahn girly'. Draco spoke looking at her as his eyes turned golden.

Amy didn't know what she has done. She only ask him to let her go. Amy already frightened body began to sweat. As her mind reminded her about how he strangled her in the passage underneath the earth. She quickly begged.

'Am sorry, Draco . Please forgive me. I won't do such ever again. Please forgive me'. Amy said as she joined palms close to his face. In an act of begging him.

Draco just stood there. He was extremely dumb strucked. How come she still begged him. When she was still ignoring his question. Why was she begging. 0Begging infuriates him. His small palm covered her hand and dragged her out of the room. This girl if she was not going to confess that she was a witch,he will make her. And by the time he got to the door, he opened the large door.

When Amy saw what was inside the room, it made her swallow. The room was filled with snakes. She looked at him. Their eyes meant and what his eyes showed her, was that he was about to throw her in. And as Amy thought , Draco carried her and threw her all the way into the snakes den.

Amy flew when he threw her and eventually hit the ground. Luckily she didn't die or lose consciousness from that throw. But her sigh of relief was only short lived, when she looked at her surrounding. She was surrounded by snake. Amy started crying as the snakes came round her . Amy starred towards the door. She saw Draco smirking. Her eyes were already tearing up as she moved backward. Making sure there was no snake close by . She cried.

'Please Draco . Please save me . Please Daddy , mom..my. come and help. Help me. Please.'. Amy cried out . . And looked at Draco.'please Draco, I will not cry again please just let me go. Please'.

'Never I will not save you, use your powers , witch. Use your powers'. He said gritting his teeth.

'Am not a witch, please let me go am not a witch. Witches do not exist '. Amy said as she cried.

'Lier, if you are not a witch then how did you open my coffin'. Draco shouted.

'I... am not a witch. Please. I am not a witch'. Amy shouted

'Stop lieing. You are a witch. And I will kill you and eradicate all your remaining family'. Draco said as his eyes turned bright golden. 'I will finish what I have started by killing every single witch'.

Amy screamed as the snakes started snapping their head at her, she tried her very best not to get bitten by them. 'Draco am no witch , am not a witch. Please am not a witch. Plea..se. am not a witCH' . Amy said screaming. A snake snapped at her and bit her in her legs. Amy screamed.

'Draco...draco. Mummy , daddy. Draco am not a witch '. She said as other snakes bit her . Amy fell on the floor as the snakes made a feast of her. She starred at Draco who just smiled . Her body soon started becoming numb. The venom was spreading very fast around her body. The bite was excruciating painful. Amy started foaming and just like that her brain. Shut down.

Draco watched as the snakes made a feast of the little girl. He felt good. His old self was back. He smiled at the sight. He knew the witch will soon use her powers no matter how much she tried to pretend that she not one. As he watched her fall on the floor, his smile went deeper because he knew that she has been bitten and by the time the little witch notice that she will soon die if she does not use her powers. He knew that if the girl notices that he was not coming to save her, she will have to save her self. He was patiently waiting for it. But when he noticed that nothing was happening. When he saw that the girl was not even making an attempt to save her self. His smile started dieing down.'who was this devil. Why hasn't she used her powers yet'.

Draco kept studying her and when he saw her foaming something started going on with his beast. They were no longer compatible. Yes maybe now he believed her about the fact that she was not a witch but even though she is a human. Why was his beast so concerned. 'If the kid wants to die let her die'. Draco said to his beast. What was wrong with it. And when he saw the girl and stopped moving, Draco eyes turned red and he disappeared.

Did Amy just die . What will happen to the poor little girl who has not done anything wrong. Stay tune to find out what will happen to the little girl.

Clyenemocreators' thoughts