
My Peaceful Life

What if one day, a once in a lifetime offer comes up your door, what would you do? If you were to be given a chance to be transported into a different world in order to save it, or even rule it on your whim, what would be your choice? You would undoubtedly accept, no? I mean, which person in their right mind would be idiotic enough to refuse such a heavenly offer. You would be in a magical world where you could control elements with your fingertips, tame the mightiest of dragons, court the most elegant maidens, and sail the seven seas with your most trusted, family-like companions! -I refuse! Congratulations then, you will be sen- Wait what!? Excuse me, but.. d-did you just say, "I- I refuse?" -Indeed, I cannot be bothered by such a troublesome task. You claim that I am required to be transported into a world which I have no prior knowledge of, be it monsters, corruption, racism, or sicknesses, and force me your weird tasks that you call "missions" which causes problems belonging to other people to continuously bother me. -And I'm not even bringing up the fact that I personally have to travel to such a place, either by tiring physical means or possibly dangerous teleportation technique. The only act of packing up my possessions would bring me an insufferable amount of trouble and stress, let alone trying to get permission from my parents... Hayato Gira is indeed such a person. -Saving the mythical world? No thanks, I need to return home at 7:31 in order to prepare the dishes for dinner. -Your celestial pet is missing, and you want me to search for it alongside you? I'm sorry, but the fault lies within your inability to tame and control your pet. Don't make those useless puppy eyes, your pet is not my problem. -You wish to become the king of pirates? Sure. go for it, I guess? I mean, go and die for all I care. I'm satisfied as long as it gets you away from me. --------------------------------------------------------- Attention: I made this novel for self-entertainment and shits&giggles. I promise no steady publish rates and will not tire myself in order to clutch in an extra chapter or so. As a matter of fact, I may not even publish for a week or two! But all in all, the possibility of this novel becoming a full-fledged fanfiction which will cause me to publish steadily still remains. And the only way for this "possibility" to become "reality", is for YOU, the reader to leave your comments for the chapters and the novel in general. And it is somewhat but also required for a few stones to be given. Otherwise if no stable support is shown to this novel, how can it become a serial which requires my own hard work and effort, along with my time and sweat to be sacrificed.

LordAinzSama · อื่นๆ
2 Chs

Run, baby~


Hayato suddeny jolts himself up from the ground as his scream echoes throughout his current location.


As a sharp individual, Hayato immediately realizes the fact that he is currently no longer at his familiar street.

With sweat forming around his forehead due to the sudden turn of events, Hayato nervously begins to eye his surroundings.

'W-where am I?.. Why am I in this... strange place...'

As Hayato keept turning around in place, he quickly noticed that the place which he was in was quite... peculiar.

It had seemed like the only single color which existed as far as the eye could see, was white. After the threshold which the eye could see, the color gradually turned darker, as if to indicate that the corners which symbolized the ends were unreachable. But, if one were to turn his gaze slightly below, one could actually notice the existence of several black lines, mostly were geometrically aligned to one another, which seemed to extend indefinitely. The surroundings felt like a cube that was as sized as infinity. It felt like the cube had no length, no width, nor no height had seemed to be existent.

Who even said that this place was a cube?

For all we know, this place could be in a different shape, such as a round shape. It could even be a triangle, hexagon, octagon... Let alone other such incomprehensible shape or form which we could never hope to understand.

While he is slowly spinning around himself, Hayato is now stuck in a dilemma.

Should he stay at his current location and wait for what is to come...

Or should he try his luck and quickly run away from his current position...

Hayato's rigid breathing slowly gained back it's rhythm as his heartbeat began to slow down and sync up with the rest of his body.

'Mmmh, What should I do, what should I do?! If I were to stay here, the people who brought me at this place could be back any second... But what if I was not brought here by a person?.. Aargh, what am I thinking about, how could I be brought here other than by a person! If I was not brought here by a person, then how else could I have been possibly be brought here?!?'



While he was thinking inside of his head, Hayato began to occasionally scratch his hair the back of his neck.

'At the same time, the possibility of people returning here for me is not a concrete fact... If I were to run away, I would also be risking myself to possible danger... Let's say that I decided to run away from here. I would most likely end up in a location which I am even less familiar of, and the potential of finding myself in a dangerous situation would most possibly reach a higher degree...'

ScrAtCh SCraTch

ScrRatc H

The intensity of the scratching grows as Hayato falls into a deeper state of contemplation.

'What to do, what to do?!'

ScrAtCh SCra TchsCrAtcH SCra

TchScr Ratc HScrRatcH

Then suddenly


Hayato exclaims, "MY TELEPHONE!"

Then he hurriedly shoves his hand inside of his student blazer with a grinning expression.

"Yes, of course! I cannot believe it, how could I have forgotten about my telephone?! How inconceivable of me, I feel ashamed to forget such a simple thing! Hahaha- "

His laughter is cut short, as Hayato is not able to find his telephone inside the pocket of his blazer.

Hayato's eyes open wide as he sucks in a breath of cold air.

"W-what, impossible!" Hayato exclaims as he quickly begins to check the other pocket of his blazer.

"Not here, my phone is not here?!"

Hayato becomes panicked as he violently yet thoroughly checks every single pocket that he currently has. Not discriminating between location or convenience, he begins to push every corner of his pockets while his breathing turns rigid once again.

"I-Impossible, It cannot be! Come now, you must be joking with me! How is it not there... Why, Why is it not there?! I must fiND IT!!"

Back pocket...

Side pockets...

Pocket with a zipper below left side pocket...

Any possible pockets on the blazer...


As soon as he finishes checking his pockets, Hayato's body falls forwards, causing him to stumble.

"Not there... It's gone..." Hayato whimpers with a drained face as he tries his utmost best not to collapse down onto the ground.


After his mini-crisis, Hayato clasps his fists and forces himself to calm down.

ScrAtCh SCraTch

...ScrRatc H...







After Hayato manages to calm down his nerves, he begins to contemplate once again,

'Alright Hayato, no need to panic~. Don't you forget that in your original plan, your cellphone did not have too much of a factor anyways. So it's absence should not hinder you too much!..'

'Right now, it is neither beneficial nor healthy for me to stress myself over this secondary issue. What I need right now, is a plan! Supposed that I ran away, if I were to find myself in a dangerous and potentially violent situation, I would require to possess the best kinds of strategies to get myself out of harm's way.'




After an hour

Hayato is sitting on the ground, nodding to himself with a satisfied expression before he slowly gets up from the ground and brushes the dust off of his clothing.

'Huff, alright then. I believe that it is time to head out!'

He lifts up his leg to take a step.

But just as he was about to walk away,


A rectangular shape suddenly extends out before him!


Hayato jumps back in panic, but slips and falls back down to the ground.


Not just going to lie down in front of this.. "thing", Hayato quickly throws consecutive hits and stomps towards the ground with his legs.

His actions may have been a bit sloppy due to fear, but they were still more than capable of pushing Hayato back on his feet once again.

As soon as he managed to get up, Hayato gave a hard push towards the ground and began to sprint away from the unknown creature which suddenly appeared before him.

At this moment, Hayato was extremely glad and thankful that he took working out as a hobby during some of his free time.

As he began to run, Hayato quickly shifted and synced his breathing in a steady tempo, which was in order to sort his beating heart and shaking body.

He knew that unless he kept a steady breath, his form would be affected, which would result in a decline in both his speed and stamina.

And right now, he desperately needed both!

While he was running, Hayato's head subconsciously began to turn around.

Noticing this, Hayato quickly jerked his body and aligned his head with the rest of his body.

This motive of his had multiple reasons;

[1) If he wanted to increase in speed and decrease the burden on his body, he needed to keep his head down and aligned with the rest of his body in order to minimize the force of the air which would hinder his speed.

2) If he were to turn his head around, the balance of his body would turn unstable, and the possibilities of him falling down would significantly increase.

3) If he had turned around and saw that the thing had somehow managed to catch up to him, the sudden wave of fear would disorient him and cause him to be captured once again.]


Knowing the dangers of turning his head, Hayato shut his eyes closed and dashed forwards with a war cry!

After he ran for half a minute, Hayato had decided that it was finally the time to look back towards his assailant.

Nodding to himself, Hayato slowly gave his back a slight peak...


The rectangle creature was still chasing after him!

'Tch!' Hayato gritted his teeth, before an ingenious idea suddenly struck him!

Hayato gave a hard breath before he suddenly spun around himself!

Was he planning on attacking his assailant head on?

Was this a special attack, or some kind of ninjutsu?


Because just before Hayato had began to spin around, he was consecutively taking off his blazer!

And the first half of his spin had assisted in him in easily taking his blazer off of his body!


Hayato roared as he violently flung his blazer towards his assailant!

And with the second half of the spin, Hayato managed to spin back to his initial position, allowing him to once again sprint away without loosing too much of his tempo!

With this move, Hayato would cause his assailant to trip down due to the sudden interference of his blazer, and take the chance to get as far as away from it!

The blazer would block his assailant's view, and obstruct their running at the same time!

Double Downer!


But unlike how Hayato had imagined it, his blazer simply phased past the blue, rectangular entity, and simply fell down onto the ground.


After running for ten more seconds, Hayato finally turned around.

And when he did...



I hope you enjoyed today's episode~

Do leave your comments.

Don't forget that you have fun reading the chapters, I have fun reading the comments.

I write over 1500 words for you to enjoy, yet you can't even write 2 sentences for me, is that it?

If you don't leave comments, then you sir, will never become a Phantom Thief!

Also had surgery!

1 less organ for me to worry about~

LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts