
A sweet life changes

My names are Kirah vennessa Coker,am 18 ,I lived with my parents Mr/Mrs Coker ,I have a little brother name Brian which I love so much Brian is just 12 year old and love chocolates and always have a cute smile on him and me won't say I really loved anything,Well I won't say my family was okay financially but we were managing our resources well,my dad work at a recycling company and my mom she owned a shop ,and I and Brian went to school every day,and in school I had different challenges with most of my mate who looked at me as nothing ,we lived in a small town and to me my family was okay so I didn't care what most of my mates say to me at school ,but I had a friend who really liked for who I was named vennessa, she was every to me her parents where so rich and all of that stuff ,but usually hear people say the rich are always proud and arrogant but that not vennessa so enjoyed being around her and we had fun in school ,then school finally come to a close I bid all my friends good most especially vennessa we hope to see next section of the school ,we usually call each other so they was no big deal about the vacation , we had a long vacation so I usually stay in shop with mom and and little brian while dad always goes to work , normally every vacation as a family we always go back to our home town to pay visit, so little brian had already ready started disturbing about it ,so dad had to fix a day for that I was a little bit excited about it so I had to tell vennessa about it ,she was happy for me and then, the for the travel came we boarded a bus ,pack our luggage and we're good to go, not knowing that my life was about to change, so we reached a bus stop came down to recreate and wanted to ease my self I told mom so she let me go and as I left there was a rush on the bus to get moving and before I could be done the bus left mom thought I got on the bus so she could find me on the bus but after a check it was clear to everyone that I was lost , I was left alone on the streets ,mom and dad were so worried so the reported the case to the police to begin a search ,I slept on the streets and the next morning I found myself in a dark room with other girls in that room I think I slept too deep a got kidnapped , I asked the other girl what I was doing here not until the door open and some came inside talking about selling us to some ritualists and I shouted and one of the man gave me a slap and I got up with my hand tied tried to fight guess I put up a nice fight and succeded to run out of the room but caught by a man standing at the gate of the building I was then captured and sold I think to a ritualists,on the other hand vennessa my friend had already gone to my home to sympathize with my parents reporting the case to her dad and he promised to help out ,I stayed in captivity for weeks and one good day ,a meeting was going on In the home of the ritualists about when I would be killed and sacrificed and I was locked up in a room then I saw a telephone on a table may be that it was mistakenly dropped there so I picked it up Called home and it was my she was so happy to hear my voice I told her to come save me and she that would be done with immediate effect so she immediately rushed down the stairs of our home to my dad told what just happened and They drove down to a police station and reported the case the telephone number was tracked and then police got to the place I was lock the ritualists were all arrested and I went home with my parents and met little brian again who really missed me and my friend vennessa I was so happy to be home.