
Chapter 347

His laugh send cold shivers down my spine, I can not imagine that he is so far gone and imbedded in evil, is there really any hope for him?, Is this the kind of person that I would tie myself down to for the rest of my life?. I am not looking forward to that sort of life at all and I would rather end my life here than be attached to him. I needed to go out and get help, if I can get in touch with Leo, what am I saying? Leo can not do anything to him as he would be overpowered and outnumbered. Should I involve Boy in this too? I know he would not stand by and watch such evil happen. The combined force of Boy and Leo may be able to do some damage,

The only problem I have now is how am I going to get back to the camp? I would not be able to navigate it on my own. It would only be possible if they send someone out and I would follow quietly behind them till I get out of here. Since they have not yet made up their made up their mind, I knew they were not going to kill him now. I maybe able to save the life of whoever they have held hostage. Just as I was about to crawl towards the entrance, I saw someone's leg coming in before the rest of his body, I had to shuffle back and hide myself properly before I will get caught. Because I was hiding I could not see the person who came in, so this must have been a place that is pretty know by them all because the person came alone,

"Here comes the main instrument to seal it all. I thought you would not come, I have thought of all the ways I would make you feel excruciating pain and wish you were dead but it seems you can be smart when you want to be" Donua told the person,

Due to the way I was lying on the floor, I could not see them and I could only hear their voice. To get myself up into a crouching position like I was earlier would be a bit difficult, as I have to ensure that I am not caught because if I shake the leaves excessively I would draw attention to my hiding place,

" You are making a grave mistake and I am ashamed to admit that I agreed to be a part of this and also assisting you with your evil ways just because I am afraid of death. My ancestors would be turning in their graves right now"

Donua just let out a booming laugh in response, I could actually feel the pain in the woman's voice. I was surprised when I heard a woman's voice at first, I wonder what part she would be required to play in this evil scheme he had drawn .