
My overpowered chaotic hero system

" I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 3 time to level up

After leaving the chiefs house, Miles slowly went back home; he kept thinking about what the chief told him.

"Dark magic" , it must be very powerful to conquer all the kingdom ; I have to be ready for something like that by growing Stronger I have to level up , and to do that I have to go deep into the forest but I need a weapon first.

When Miles got home it was still 12 noon ;only his dad was around , his mom and sister had but gone out , he went to where his dad always kept his weapon and took a shortsword from the pile .

Well I better head to the forest before it gets late , before long Miles made it to the same spot where he got attacked by the boar

To Think that I almost got killed by a boar at this same spot yesterday I have to get stronger so I won't be wounded so easily.


Miles worked for another 30 minutes before coming across an animal it was an hare ,the hare was chewing away at vegetables unaware of Miles presence.

Miles looked at the hare with" a predators gaze" they are very fast creatures I need to get close to it without it noticing me , Miles slowly moved closer to the creature,

30 meters

20 meters

10 meters

5 meters

The hare suddenly looked at the direction miles was and fled for its life.

crap it has noticed me Miles quickly dashed towards the hare and closed the gap in an instant.


Before the hare could register what happened it was already on the ground lifeless

[ Hero has leveled up to level 3]

Well it looks like you are my first prey , I still can't believe I can run faster than a hare , miles suddenly remembered the boar and let out a heavy sigh , but I need more than speed to kill a boar.

Miles travelled deeper into the forest and saw a boar standing by one of the trees .

Dammit did I travel to deep into the forest , well he hasn't noticed me I better leave here before he turns around.

Miles turned around to leave but stepped on a twig while walking.


The boar turned back and found Miles , it charged at Miles with his horn aimed at him ,but miles easily dodged it he jumped to the left


instead of impaling Miles liked it planned to the boar slammed into a wall , it got disoriented from the impact but quickly regained its balance .

It turned to face Miles who in turn faced him back .

I am fast enough to dodge its attack now I can do this I just need to stab him with this sword, Assess Miles said to no one in particular.

[Assessing information]

boar = [ 387]

Its almost three times as strong as me but I am faster I can do this ;gulp Miles gulped down dry saliva .

The boar charged at Miles again but this time Miles was prepared he jumped a little bit to the left and stabbed the boar in its large belly .


The boar cried out in pain but instead of retreating the boar became more vicious and sped at Miles .

Miles dodged it but as if learning from his mistake it followed up with another attack .


He hit Miles in his stomach throwing Miles some meter away into a tree .


The impact caused miles to vomit blood, Miles struggled to his feet .

Guardian what is my HP

[ HP = 74]

Dammit it managed to shave 36 point of my HP with just one hit I cannot let it hit me again ; Miles charged at the boar stabbing it by the neck causing it to shout in pain.

That's pay back for slamming me to the wall

The boar was covered in blood making it look horrific, it tried to stab Miles with its tusk but miles was just to fast for it he shifted to the side and stabbed the boar in the head .


The boar gave a loud cry before it finally died.

[ Hero has leveled up to level 5]

[ congratulation hero has reached level 5 boosting hero might by 100% ]

[ hero Might from 150 now 300]

[ New skill unlocked perception ]

My wounds have healed up is it because I leveled up ?

My might have been boosted by a 100% just by reaching level 5 and I unlocked a new skill amazing , Guardian show me my stats


Level 5

MIGHT = 300

HP = 250

ATK = 30


MANA = 0


[ resist all type of poison

resist all debuff

resist all magical and physical weakness]

Special effect : When caught in a live threatening situation the threat will be destroyed , nullified by the CREATORS Will


Effect : Learns all Skills 1000% faster


Effect : Can absorb knowledge, skills, magic device


Effect : Able to view information


Effect : Becomes aware of his surroundings

That's skill is going to be very useful for me in this forest , but I still have no MANA come to think of it I don't even know what it does well I will figure it out soon enough.

Guardian how do I activate this perception

[By concentrating ]

let me give it a try Miles closed his eyes and concentrated on his environment and he could hear the birds in their nest he could even hear the leaves whistling as the wind passed by he could hear boars grunting in the distant ; wait a minute their are two boars up head ,well I guess its time I see what I can do at level 5 , Miles said as he put on a smile

Miles sped to the direction the boar where , he was moving faster than when he fought the first boar.

Miles stood confidently in front of the two boar .


[Assessing information]

boar [ Might = 257 ]

boar [ Might = 278 ]

The first boar was more stronger than the two of them well I just have too test my strength right .

Miles held his sword with but hands and charged at the two boar he sliced the first boar in its head causing it to die instantly.

Well if I learned anything from my battle with the first boar it is to strike them first and on their head.

Before the second boar could even move Miles stabbed the sword deep in its head the lifeless body of the boar fell to the ground .

[Hero as leveled up to level 6]

Well I guess I have to find more animals to hunt .


Two hours later miles had managed to kill 16 more boars and had leveled up to level 9 .

its getting late I better head back home, to bad I couldn't reach level 10 , Guardian show me my stats



MIGHT = 380

HP = 320

ATK = 38


MANA = 38


[ resist all type of poison

resist all debuff

resist all magical and physical weakness]

Special effect : When caught in a live threatening situation the threat will be destroyed , nullified by the CREATORS Will


Effect : Learns all Skills 1000% faster


Effect : Can absorb knowledge, skills, magic device


Effect : Able to view information


Effect : Becomes aware of his surroundings

It will take me a while to get home since am this deep in the forest , wait a minute I am faster now if I run back home I should get home before to long .


Miles ran straight home he met some animals on the way home but didn't bother with them and simply went straight home.

Miles slowed down when he neared the village and walked all the way back home , he was greeted by the scent of a nice meal been made by his mom in the kitchen.

Miles where have you been I have been looking every where for you.

I was just around the village ,Miles replied his mom, "well he couldn't tell his mom he had been hunting wild animals she would have had a heart attack ". , He quickly went upstairs washed his father's now bloody sword and put it back where he found it before going to eat.


Pls guys I need your support , pls vote the novel for more chapters , love you all.