
My Over Powered System

What kind of system do you like? The kind who will give you mission to get stronger? Or let you farm experience from nonstop killing? What if, your system let you increase your strength just by waiting and gave you mission to develop your territory? Eduard was transmigrated on another world where qi and magic exist. When he woke up, he was already in the body of Eduard Chris, the fourth son of the Chris family. At the same time, he was also sent by the clan to manage a territory on the border of human kingdom. Being thrown by his clan on the border, the new Eduard also have a system with him. The system help him to increased his power jus by waiting. [ raising level of host to Tier 2; 2 days] He was shocked to learn that his system increase his strength by just waiting. Moreover, the mission of system can also be done by the help of the people under his command. By getting stronger, he was able to defend and develop his territory. People with an intention to taje his domain never wins. As time goes by, his border territory become a center of trade between the two kingdom. In his his Territory, racial differences was ignored and harmony was developed. He was able to create a City of peace bit with the power that could overthrow the human kingdom. Chris turned into a strong Lord of his territory. People that under him loved him and those who became his enemies was killed without mercy. Follow Chris as he developed his fiefdom to dominate the whole world.

mysterious_ed25 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 11: Return

It is already dark when Eduard reach his house, the guards escorted him when they saw his team coming out of the forest. They also assisted to bring the corpse of the beast that they hunted, bringing it to gather the selable materials and keep the meat.

Roxy was still on Eduard's arm, he planned to let her stay and her father in the mansion, since there is no place that is better for them to stay until they recovered.

Entering the door of the mansion, Eduard saw a familiar face at the door.

"Ehmm, E-elder sister your already here." He said. Eduard voice was strutted from the appearance of Estrella in his mansion. He thought that she will appear by next week.

Alas , Eduard suddenly move to the vacant room on the first floor of his mansion, feeling that his arm was numbed on carrying Roxy. He ignored Estrella and passed through her.

Estrella was shock from what she had seen. The fox girl on his arm is a trie brauty.

' I thought my brother would catch beast in the forest, why does he brought a beautiful beast woman instead? Oh no, did my brother turn into beast instead'.

Estrella was in panic, she didn't expect this situation. The script in her mind crumbled. As she planned to give Eduard a warning in his action and punished him for entering the East forest recklessly.

Sadly, she was ignored by him and didn't give an explanation beside asking that she was here already. When she the sound of door closing in the room. Estrella was only looking at the room direction, gritting her teeth due to anger of being ignored.

Inside the room, Eduard was placing Roxy on the bed carefully. Since her legs was strained, he let it be spread out in the bed to relaxed her muscles and veins.

"Roxy, you should rest here first. I will ask the maid to bring you a dinner later."

Roxy tried to raise her body and sit on the bed.

"Young master, I'm already fine. Let me check my father, I am already thankful that you help us until here. Let me take care of him, we are bothering you a lot. You don't have to worry, I will keep my words that ill do anything for you". Roxy said while looking down and her face turning red.

She is shy to look directly on Eduard face.

"You don't have to worry about your father. I have arranged my men to bondage his wound. They will brought him later here, at the room beside this room. You just have to rest, you can't take care of him if you are in that condition." Eduard assured her, to make her be at ease.

"For the other matters, well just talk later".

Roxy want to refuse Eduard offer, but he already turn back to leave. She was not able to continue her words. But she was happy that they survived on the hand of the mercenary and have a safe place to stay for now.

Eduard got out of the room, ' sheesh, I really admire that girl filial love, she's just like my sister'.

When the word "sister" entered his mind. A struck of realization struck his mind. He saw that Estrella coming into him.

"Eduard!, I thought you are going in east forest to hunt beast. I was really worried after hearing that from Linda. But, from what I see, you hunted a fox girl instead. You also brought her here and carry her to the room. Moreover, you passed by me, like I am an air and dust. You beast!!" her face was full of hatred and at any moment, will spit a fire on her mouth.

Eduard mouth was hanged opened to his sister words. Even though he was not the original Eduard, the affection of old Eduard to her was pass through into him with the memories. In addition to this, the fear and being obedient to his sister was also embedded in his mind, just like a installed program.

"Well you see sister, it's not what you think. I have just met her...." Eduard briefly explained his encountered on the forest with Roxy. He didn't tell the part that he was the one who killed the Mercenary, he just explained that he commanded his knights to kill them. After, he was done explaining, Estrella got a gist of the situation and calmed down his anger.

"Okay , I understand now. Then aside from that, let's talk about my worries because you enter a dangerous Forest."

He couldn't do anything, he thought that this topic would be drop out together with his story of Roxy.

"Eduard you know your condition, you don't have any cultivation. Why did you still tried to enter that place. Even if you have brought a knight, they can not still guaranteed your safety. Your action is foolish and reckless

Eduard hold his forehead, he was having a headaches to the sermon of his sister.

Having no choice, he let his aura of knight spread on his body to make a pressure on Estrella.

Estrella also fells the aura of Eduard, her eyes expand widely. Her expression was still in a disbelief.

"When did you become a knight? Base on your aura, you are already in the mid stage of iron level" she continuously asked.

She was suspicious of Eduard right now. It has only been two months since they last met. But there are some changes to Eduard just from her impression today.

First, his temperament, second is his cultivation as well as, how he manage this territory. This was a something that she didn't expect, specially from his shy and simple minded brother.

"I am sorry sister, I didn't meant to hide it from you, just three month ago I was able to feel that I can get strong then I tried to cultivate. The result is this, I am now at the 4th Tier Iron Knight". He responded. He keep the truth from Estrella, since telling her that he just become a knight a week ago is unbelievable.

Even though there are geniuses that already reach the bronze or silver level at his age. Those youth already started to cultivate from the young age below 10. Moreover, they are supplied with resources, from the medicine until the instruction.

So, it will sound like bragging if he told the truth to Estrella.

Estrella face glow up from hearing Eduard's explanation, "That is good brother, from now on you will practice hard to get stronger. Then when you reach the bronze level you can start to protect me, you know that I will retain at a Tier 9 Iron Mage and will only regress in the future", a hint of sadness flash on Estrella face.

Even though she didn't say it. Still, she didn't want to be a useless.

"Don't worry sister, I will protect you from now on. You don't need to go back to the family. Beside, it wont be long before we can find a solution to your damage magic veins" he consoled.

Estrella was touched, she still didn't believe on the statement of Eduard. But, she was happy that her brother consoled her.

"Okay, I will wait for your good news."

Eduard sigh. He feel like, he was able to avoid a death sentence.

"By the way brother, what do you plan on that fox girl? Do you intend to make her your lover/wife"

Eduard face turned red from the question of Estrella. He didn't intend to do anything after they are healed. He will just let them if they want to leave or house them if they choose to stay. But thinking of her question, he remember how beautiful Roxy and the possibility of having her.

Well at first place, she offered herself to do anything for him. Even if Eduard was not sure to what extent, but asking her to be his wife is possible.

"Uhmm, sister I don't have that intention. I am just a charitable person that cannot endure to see someone in the brink of danger. I will help to the extent that I can, I am not the sort of person that help others just because I covet something from them" Eduard announce in a righteous tone. He cannot say that he use his full effort to save roxy and her father, just to have the system rewards.

"Ehem, you have a good principle brother. Have you eaten something these past few day, making you a righteous and a capable person. Beside, your so confident in your words, I would almost believe it, if I didn't saw you carrying a girl at the door and the girl was hugging you also like an octopus".

Eduard eyes twitch and can not say any excuse for himself. He is just like an adulterer that caught by the NBI in action.