
3. You are late!

After meeting Amelia head back to the office and her children took a cab back home. Though they both obtained first position they weren't surprised but getting scholarship was on another level.

They got home and did their homework and prepared dinner, their mom had told them that she will be home soon.


Today's breakfast was longer than usual and more alive. Amelia was always proud of her children but what they did this time around out did everything.

Their intelligence made her wonder how smart is their father or more their paternal family is. She doesn't recall anyone from her family who was this intelligent.

She was a bright student but she was never this bright. Their previous school was not doing them any justice which was one of the reasons she left the hood.

"Sh*t... buns we don't have time to tidy up this kitchen. Take your bags" she said ashing them outside and locking the door behind. "Have a good day. Now go" she kissed them and hail a taxi.

The trip to her work was short and no traffic gem. It's known that after eight a.m. the streets are clear because most of people are at work, school and some are yet to leave their homes.

She arrived at the parking lot and payed the driver and rushed inside.


A commotion broke in the lobby when a handsome and young man stepped inside the building of which it was rare to sight to see. This man takes the main entrance once in a blue mood. And it happened to be today.

No one dared to look at him nor stop working. With his dark and dangerous aura lurking around him, no one dares to stop his tracks.

This man was young, rich and most feared CEO in the country. The entire country crumble under his gaze only and a word from him, any company would go bankrupt. He is rumoured to be heartless, cold and hate the sight of women.

He walk towards the empty reception and stood there like he was searching for someone or something but he couldn't find it and he creased his forehead.

"Where is the receptionist?" His sexy manly voice echoed in the lobby.

"Sorry sir.... Miss Smith... is late" Winnie stuttered under his gaze. She could feel her knees trembling.

"Okay go back to work" he said that gesturing Winnie to go. Still he stood there not moving.

Winnie hurried disappearing from this man's sight. 'Amelia this is your dooms day and I can't save you from this' she murmured.


Amelia rushed inside heading towards her desk not noticing a huge body infront of her. She bump into something hard yet firm and before she could say anything she was shushed harshly.

"Miss Smith you are late"

"Sir.... I'm....

Again she was shushed harshly. "Miss Smith save your appology I don't need it. Last time I check states that your working hours starts at at eight o'clock not thirty minutes later. Get to work and see me in my office after lunch"

With that he left her trembling there in the spot heading to his private elevator. He left quiet a commotion and Amelia could barely hear anything because his words were playing like a broken tape in her head.

'See me in my office.... see me in my office.... see me in my office'

'No no no Lord what have I got myself into? Of all the misfortune days why this one? Amelia you are down for... God no no no I can not loose my job now' she murmured to herself.

Tears tick down her cheeks. She could feel that she will break down any minute from now then she dash to ladies room. Right then tears flow like a river. She wanted to yell at her stupidity and comfort zone.

'What were you thinking? Thinking that he would not notice your late coming? Stupid. This is not happening again' she facepalm herself inward.

She calm down and fix herself before heading to back to her desk and started working.


35th floor it was mostly occupied by the CEO and his secretary and assistance and some private rooms for him to take rest if he was tired or when he decided to stay back at work. No one was allowed to step in this floor unless you were called by the CEO himself.

William Walker is the CEO of Walker Enterprise Inc. The first heir of Walker Empire. The country's richest widower. Infamous, heartless and rumoured to hate women.Tough on the outside but broken and miserable in the inside.

He sit there on his big chair looking all elegant and charming without trying hard. He finish signing the last file that his secretary bought before lunch. He decided to finish the files before going to a lunch meeting across the street.

*knock knock*

A faint knock came. "Come in" he said without looking at the person at the door.

"Sir Miss Smith is here" his assistant said.

"Take a seat Miss Smith. You can go Lucas"

Lucas the assistant bow and left them both inside the office.

"Good...afternoon... sir..." she stutter looking at him.

He put his phone away and look at her. He could tell that she was nervous and trembling. He pinch the skin between his eyes and look at her again.

"Mmh" he cleared his throat. " Do I intimidate you Ms Smith?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Huh.... I mean no... no yes... I mean" she stutter. She wanted to slap herself for embarrassing herself like this infront of this man.

"I get it and you should be intimidated by my presence alone Ms Smith. When did you start working here? Eight years right?"

He gaze was piercing through her like he was trying to find something deep inside her. Now she believes when people say he hate women with all his might. His eyes showed no emotions and they are so blank more like they are lifeless.

"Ms Smith I hate late comers, they have this thing that shows that they don't value their jobs in fact they don't care. I always dismiss them with immediate effect" he said with a stern voice and cold voice.

Amelia eyes welled up with tears but she blink them away. She can not cry infront of him. And what was that 'I dismiss them with immediate effect?' is he going to fire her now? Her mind went straight into chaos questions and regrets flooding her.

*knock knock*

"Come in" he moved his attention to his assistant and extended his hand to recieve the file and gesture him to go.

"As I was saying Ms Smith I'm expecting you to hand your resignation letter to the HR today itself. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He said paging the file looking all impressed with the records but he could bring himself to tell her.

"Sir... please I can't loose this job. I was clouded by excitement but this job is everything I need. I admit my recklessness and I can own to it. But sir please give a last chance to prove my worthy for this job"

"Your records are impressive it makes me wonder how could you risk your job today. What was so exciting that made you late? Care to share?"

"My children got one of the best scholarships to study at Harvard university" she said proudly with a hint of excitement. "I work hard for them and in return they did their best to make me sure that my hard work don't go in vain"

"Great news indeed Ms Smith but that doesn't justify your late coming. You are one of trusted employees and you do take your work seriously, I hope this will make you prioritise your work next time. My assistant will bring your written warning before you knock out. You can leave"

"This means..."

"Yes now go before I change my decision"

"Thank you sir" she hurried back to her desk in first floor.

She kept thinking how can one be heartless and still be considerate at the same time. He didn't even care about me but one word about children his ice heart melt just like that. Can it be that he has a soft spot for children? But I dont recall the media saying anything about him having children. Ahh this man is way too mysterious to figure out.