
My one last shot

Yamato Takao is a 21-year-old adult who gets blessed with the power to be able to go back in time to whatever point of time he wants and change it in his young age. Plus, he has the power to possess a person's body and control it from within and the power to create weapons whenever it's necessary all through his mind- but all of this doesn't mean that he's lucky for life. In every new timeline, he creates a new trouble coming to face him. Sora anno- is a young adult in the age of 18 who only just entered into adulthood, in her highschool days she was an example of what you would call a 'perfect student ' Loved by everyone and admired by everyone but one day she faces a close 'death' experience when her home gets burned down but while trying to save her little brother . She gets help by a mysterious power that give her the ability to copy a person appearance and be 'them' and to copy other's skills and to multiply. there are more players in this game tho, every player is changing the world and their future as well { ' Unpredictable future '} Who will receive the happy ending they want ? (as to what to expect from this..ahem slice of life psychological thriller and mystery probably some comedy here and there but this is not for everyone taste obviously because it's not all fun of games so darkness is expected to be seen chapters will come out within a week or a month so take care! :3)

master_2002gamer · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Prologue: Unpredictable future

{ Re: enter skill have been activated!}

{ Transferring to the point of 'time'..}

{ Successful!}

Yes! I did!

{ calculating the results...}

The future is mine! Baby!

{ successful!}

Heh...I am a god!

{ Now entering 'unpredictable future'}

{ Transferring ' complete!'}

{ Location 'classroom'}

{ Time and date : 17:34 | 2089\12\9 }

I looked around. The room had a white color, the roof is reflective like mirrors. It's a simple yet unique room.

It's beautiful..

The students around don't have a name tag on their uniform and most of them seemed young like elementary school kids.even I was in the body of a elementary school kid.

I remained silent and looked at the students around, I wasn't interested in talking to anyone here yet.

The students talk to each other, It's a strange experience for me. Why are they enjoying their time in class, instead of focusing on what's outside? I wonder what it feels like to be so happy while studying...not that I care.

I can't wait until this class is over

The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows.It's a very mean and terrible place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it isn't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forwar.that's why I'm re-doing this life..if I can manage to rest everything like how I want it to be then things will get easier! I will get rich! I can change my future!-

I can't wait to see what outside looks like in the future!

I remain still, paying attention to the teacher's lecture but not participating. I took in the information being taught and try to figure out the main points. Meanwhile, I continue to observe the other students in the room, making sure to stay unnoticed and blend in with the crowd.

Stay calm ..

I keep my emotions in check, not letting anything distract me from the task at hand. Instead, I stay neutral and focus on the lecture and information being taught. But I keep my guard up in case of any sudden changes.

I take in my surroundings, noticing the bright white paint of the classroom and the mirror-like roof. My classmates look like elementary school students, young and innocent looking. I try to remain as emotionless and nonchalant as I can as I observe everything around me.

So beautiful..

It's really unlike what I usually see back in my timeline-

Even tho, this is the future it's still hard to believe that this is how everything is gonna look like-

Man- I bet they have the flying cars! No wait also flying trains!

Did the 'ai' take over? I bet it did-

Wait a minute! Am I gonna meet real life human robots out there?!

The other students seem to be paying attention to the lecture and there is a calm, subdued atmosphere in the classroom. I keep my body language closed and don't interact with any of them, allowing my eyes to wander around the room.

Being in a kid body is making me feel strange..huh

I wonder if there is a 'skill' to change your body from a kid to an adult fast-

But anything is possible with a system like this-


suddenly I heard a loud BANG noise

The loud BANG noise grabs my attention, and my eyes snap to where the noise is coming from. A sudden, unexpected sound like that would have been bound to draw anyone's attention.


The unexpected sound continues and starts to feel more like an earthquake or an explosion. My body tenses and I start to get nervous, wondering what could have caused such a sound. My hands start to shake slightly as I try to remain calm.

What was that loud sound?

My mind starts racing as I try to rationalize what's going on. My body is becoming restless and it's hard to keep myself still in this situation. I'm starting to feel uneasy but at the same time, I don't want to show any outward signs of weakness or panic.

What the hell is going on?..

I look around as the rooftop mirrors suddenly break and shatter, shards of glass falling onto every person in the classroom, slashing and injuring them. I fall to the floor as well in a heap of glass shards and bodies, blood beginning to pour out from my own body. The sound of screaming and confusion fills the classroom, adding to the chaos.

Damn it

{ 'Resistance' failed!}


No..no-c'mon I need to stay alive!

{ You activated healing..}

{ 'healing' failed!}

{ ' restoring energy ' failed!}

{ Body temperature is 'cold'}

I can't believe this..

My body begins to go into shock as I feel the pain and blood loss, my vision starting to go blurry. I try to stay conscious and look up but it's hard to differentiate anything from the sea of bodies. I feel myself becoming faint and starting to lose consciousness, my breathing becoming shallow and erratic.everything happened so far- I didn't have a chance to react in time..i couldn't react in time

{ Are you sure you want to quit your 'player' status?}

I'm not dying without achieving my goal!

As I fade away, I start to feel numb and detached from reality.

Even if I die now even if I disappear now.. someone else will achieve that perfect future..I bet they will-

{ Your 'player' status. Have been released}

I feel myself slipping away, unable to fight it any longer. My thoughts become blurry and my emotions start to dull, my senses fading away. My body starts to go limp and I become surrounded by a deep, dark void.

So this is what my future is like? I really thought I'm gonna be rich...I am an idiot



{ You 'died}

so far , I think my Grammer is not that bad lol but of course feel free to give me your honest thoughts on this chapter 0 and correct my gammer issues

so at this time I already wrote chapter 13 so I am excited to start this but yeah being a writer is a lot harder than what it looks? huh

one of the things I'm confused about so far in this app is the warning notice like I can put it in general but in the same time I'm planning to do not just light hearted stuff but dark stuff as well is it the ( restricted) option or the under 17 one ? feel free to guide me on how to improve on this and ask me any questions

master_2002gamercreators' thoughts