
My Obsession with Chloe Claire

When Luke Armstrong got accepted into the University of Alabama, he didn't think much about what was in store in him. He only had two things on his mind. One) be the best damn wide receiver Coach Saban had ever seen, and two) win back the heart of his childhood best friend, Chloe Claire. The only things that are keeping them apart? Their friends and one dirty little lie. My Obsession with Chloe Claire is a cheesy teen fiction that is sure to leave you cringing, laughing, and relating to its two main characters: Luke Armstrong and Chloe Claire. It contains a healthy romance, unrequited love, true friendship, and not to judge a book by its cover. It is a classic curvy girl meets popular guy with an unexpected twist. WARNING: You fill fall completely in love with good guy Luke Armstrong, who most of us wish was actually real (I know I sure do). UPDATES ON FRIDAY *You can also find the story on Wattpad&Inkitt under the same name/username. Wattpad includes cast members and pictures*

LithliyaOmorose · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
46 Chs

Chapter Nine

Chloe's P.O.V

What was a little strange to me was how Luke walked with me to my next class. He seemed so warm and genuine, making me feel confused inside and too awkward to respond back. So naturally, I didn't speak to him‒not even during theatre appreciation. I was surprised that he even decided to sit next to me again, and I realize it was probably because he felt obligated to since he would think I would be "alone."

Class went by rather seamlessly, with the few exceptions of Jess making remarks about how much she hated the class while the professor spoke, and I just sat there calmly doing what I normally did: quietly listening to the professor while diligently taking notes.

After the class I did not hesitate to take off at the first opportunity I could. I needed to go back to my dorm, eat dinner, and do some homework.

When I walked in my dorm, Hailee was already in the kitchen making ramen noodles.

"Want some?" she asked, taking the spoon out of her mouth and pointed it at the small pot on the stove top.

"Sure," I smiled and dropped my backpack onto the floor near the couch. I went into my room, quickly changed into my favorite pajama pants and oversized t-shirt and plopped myself onto the floor in front of the couch in the living room.

I took my notebooks and computer out of my backpack and set them up on the coffee table. I was now prepared to finish the last, annoying chemistry problem and then start on calculus.

"Here you go," Hailee grinned as she handed me a warm bowl of ramen with a spoon. Her tight, dark curls fell in her eyes as she bent over.

"Thank you," I smiled as I happily took it from her hands and set it beside my laptop.

"What are you working on?" Hailee asked as she sat on the couch, tucking her legs beneath her.

"Chemistry homework," I responded after taking my first bite of the ramen. It was absolutely delicious‒especially since I hadn't eaten lunch.

She rolled her eyes, pushing up her glasses. "Come on, Chloe. Quit being an overachiever and lighten up a little. You have plenty of time to do the homework, not to mention that we have Luke and Kason to help."

"I don't think they'll be a big help, Hailee," I said as I logged into my account and pulled up the chemistry homework. I was still stuck on the same problem as last time. What frustrated me was how I was almost finished with my homework, all but this one‒stinkin'‒problem.

"Sure, they will," Hailee said as she sipped a spoonful of the broth. "Are you just worried about chemistry because the professor pointed you out in class?" she cocked her eyebrow.

My heart dropped just thinking about what happened earlier. It was so embarrassing. "No..."

"Ha ha!" Hailee laughed as she covered her mouth so that the broth wouldn't spew out of her mouth. "You have to admit what happened was hilarious."

"I don't recall thinking it was funny," I said, feeling myself tense up. My mind flashed back to Kason. "It also didn't help how obnoxious Kason was being either."

"Pfft, nah," Hailee waved her hand. "What Kason was doing was pretty smooth on his part. He was only trying to get your phone number."

I began to blush. "No, he wasn't." There could possibly be no way that Kason's ulterior motive was to get my phone number. That seemed a little too smart.

"Chloe, that guy is so into you that I bet he'll end up texting you before the night is over," Hailee slurped on her noodles.

"I bet he won't," I cocked my eyebrow as I stared at the problem and scribbled it down in my notebook.

"Chloe, just stop doing your homework," Hailee whined. "That's what our chemistry study group is for," she winked.

"I know, but..." I stopped and stared at the problem. I tried racking through my brain with all of the possibilities as to how to do the problem, but no matter how hard I thought nothing came to mind.

"But what?" Hailee raised her eyebrows, placing her hand on her hip.

"Have you started on your chemistry homework by any chance?" I smiled sheepishly. I highly doubted Hailee started her homework‒as she was always capable of doing things last minute‒but it was worth a shot.

"Pfft, of course not," Hailee side eyed me, her thin lips curling into a smile.

My phone vibrated against the coffee table. I looked at Hailee, who wore a hopeful smile on her face. I picked up my phone.

???: Hey guys this is Kason! I created the chemistry study group but forgot to text after class…

Hailee and I looked at each other with dumbfounded looks as she looked at her phone also.

???: I was actually just wondering about that. I started on the homework and had a few questions about it

That must be Luke, I thought. I wondered what problem he was stuck on. Perhaps I could be of some help.

Me: What problem is it? I'm stuck on 30 if you could help me out there

Luke: Number five…

I laughed. He was only on number five?! I then had to remind myself that I tended not to procrastinate. I had to give the guy a least some credit, he was still ahead of everyone else in the group.

Hailee: Why don't we all just save our questions and just meet up Monday in the library to do the chemistry homework?

Kason: That sounds like a great idea! What do you think Luke and Chloe?

I really just wanted to knock out the homework right now, but I guess I could survive until Monday.

Me: Sure! But what time?

Kason: Does 6:00 work for everyone?

Luke: Sounds good

Hailee: Works for me!

Me: I finish my last class at 5:40 so I can make it

Kason: Okay great! See you guys then!

"Gosh, Chloe," Hailee rolled her eyes. "I just had to save us both there. If you had told Luke the answer to the problem, then we would have had no reason to do the study group."

"And why is that so important?" I asked as I took another spoonful of ramen. It didn't take a lot of thought to realize what she was talking about, but I just wanted to hear it for myself.

"It would ruin my master plan," she pushed up her glasses, giving me a cold glare.

"And what master plan is that?"

"Getting you and Kason closer," she grinned mischievously.

I did not expect that one coming. If anything, her master plan was to get closer to Luke, but there was no way I was about to say that.

"What makes you think that I should get closer to Kason?" I snapped.

"You two would be a very cute couple," Hailee winked as she sipped more of the broth from her spoon. "Besides, I already know he is into you."

"Can we stop with the whole 'he's so into you' thing. It gets pretty annoying after a while, especially when it's not true," I sighed.

"You're just in denial," she huffed out.


Football was considered a religion at the University of Alabama, and the school took everything a step further to celebrate game day‒ especially since it was the first game of the season.

"Look at how many people there are," Emery‒one of the saxophonists‒ said in awe as he looked around the stadium.

The stadium was jampacked, and there was nothing but a sea of crimson as far as the eye could see. I wished Mom and Dad were able to come, but the tickets immediately sold out‒ which came as no surprise.

I became super nervous just thinking about halftime, making me wish that a bathroom was nearby. I hoped I would not mess up the drills or music for the halftime show. Everyone ‒ well not everyone‒ would be watching, and I didn't want to be the person who ruined it. Although, I was pretty sure that wasn't possible because most of the people in the stadium couldn't decipher a trumpet from a mellophone but that wasn't the point.

Luckily, pregame went by rather smoothly. The band was perfectly in tune, and from what I could tell, it was an overall success. Our drum majors looked rather pleased with themselves afterwards, and one of them even winked at us.

Kickoff started, and the crowd roared as one of our players caught the ball and took off running past the twenty-yard line, eventually being tackled at the fifty-yard line. I knew Bama was going to pull a win today, I could just feel it.

The band continued to play fight songs, chants, and other stand music. It felt amazing to play with a band of this caliber and standing in the middle gave the greatest sense of pleasure when we all played together. The sound projected off the stands and echoed across the stadium.

My heart pumped harder and my fist was clenched as I watched Bama take the lead. It was near the end of the second quarter and it was zero to zero.

"Come on Bama, you can do it," I muttered as my eyes grew wide. It was the fourth down‒ our last chance before the other team got the chance to score.

The football was snapped and our quarterback ran backwards looking for anyone open to throw it to, or possibly looking for his chance to make a run for it. It made me even more nervous watching him go further back.

"He's going to get tackled at this point!" Emery yelled, his hands pulling on his hair in frustration.

"Come on," I said, chewing on the inside of my lip. "You can do it, Bama. You can pull through."

The quarterback, almost being tackled, took his chance and threw the ball‒ right into number thirteen's arms.

Whoever number thirteen was, wasted no time and immediately took off running towards the endzone. He dodged several tackles, and even jumped over someone as he continued his mad dash. It boggled my mind watching how effortlessly he ran, leaving anyone who ran after him in the dust.

Before my mind could process anymore, the announcer yelled, "Touchdown for the Crimson Tide!" and the sea of crimson roared with excitement.

Everyone around me started screaming and the drum majors quickly counted us off as we played our fight song.

I started to bob up and down giddily as we played. We got a touchdown. We got a touchdown!

Our team crowded around number thirteen and lifted him up.

Just as we finished our fight song, the announcer added, "First touchdown of the game, scored by Luke Armstrong."

I accidentally choked on my own spit and began to cough heavily. Number thirteen was Luke Armstrong? Luke Armstrong?! Oh my goodness. Oh. My. Goodness. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe that the first game of the season, Luke‒a freshman rookie‒ scored the first touchdown of the season. It was remarkable. He was remarkable.

"Isn't that the guy who went to school with you, Chloe?" Emery asked, his smile wide.

I finished coughing and responded pathetically. "Yeah…"

"That guy is good," Emery looked at me with big eyes, his hand on the bell of the saxophone. "Are you friends with the guy because I would certainly like to meet him and pat him on the back."

"I don't know about that," I said uneasily. I didn't know what to call my relationship with Luke. Friends? No, but we used to be. We used to be best friends. Luke was probably the greatest friend I ever had‒ no offense to Hailee. Luke was always kind and funny. I remembered when I was upset in the fifth grade he made me a hilarious drawing to cheer me up, except that I had to remember that Luke wasn't nice. He pretended to be nice, making me feel like he was greatest person I had ever met, but I wish I had known from the start what he actually thought of me. If I had, I wouldn't have had to go through so much pain and suffering. The reason behind it all sounds really stupid, but it hurt me deeply. Maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much if I had thought of him differently, but I thought he was different from everyone else. I wanted nothing to do with a person who thought of me that way.

Since everyone wants more updates, I will now be updating on Tuesday and Friday. Random fact of the story: Miss Kitty is based on my actual cat who died 1/30/19 from an incurable illness when she was sixteen. I loved her dearly and decided to add in the story as Chloe's cat to honor her. Thank you for taking your time to read! I hope I begin to get more reviews and comments as the story progresses!

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