

" Who do you think you are? Daring to enter my office like that? " A soft profound voice inquired as she turned out to look at the direction in which a young man in his late thirties made his way in from the main entrance of the chamber. " I am the Devil and I don't need to ask for permission when I make an entry in my premises. " A deep voice stated as he sat on the chair in the last had vacated a while ago by the curvy lady who stood by the window sipping down her booze

RoseNdungu · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

Ariana Old Friend

Ariana turned the Google map on her car after she reached a junction given that this place was unfamiliar to her.

" What the f**k! " Ariana As the city lights faded and she drove further into the countryside, memories of her childhood flooded back. The familiar twists and turns of the road were like stepping back in time, each curve and bend bringing her closer to a place that once held happiness and love. This house, abandoned and weathered by time, was a place she hadn't visited since her parents' death. Now, it was a refuge, a place to start anew.

She pulled up to the overgrown driveway, the headlights illuminating the façade of the house. The paint was peeling, and the windows were coated with a thick layer of dust, but to Ariana, it still held the essence of home. She turned off the engine and sat there for a moment, taking a deep breath, trying to steady herself for what lay ahead. This was where she would begin to rebuild her life, away from the chaos that had consumed her in the past few days.

As she stepped out of the car, the cool night air embraced her, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. She walked up to the front door, her footsteps crunching on the gravel, and hesitated for a moment before pushing it open. The door creaked, and she was met with a musty smell, a mixture of dust and memories long forgotten.

She flicked on the flashlight she had brought with her, illuminating the hallway. The house was eerily silent, the only sound being the distant rustle of leaves outside. She moved through the familiar rooms, her flashlight casting shadows on the walls. The furniture was covered in white sheets, like ghosts of the past.

Ariana found herself in the living room, where she and her parents had spent countless evenings together. She pulled off one of the sheets, revealing the old couch, and sat down, her mind racing. The weight of the day pressed down on her, and she felt tears well up in her eyes. She thought about Albert, the betrayal, and the sudden, shocking realization that she was married to him without her consent.

Just then, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out, half expecting another message from Albert or some other piece of bad news. Instead, it was a text from her childhood friend, Claire.

**Claire**: " Hey, I heard what happened. Are you okay? "

Ariana's fingers trembled as she typed her response.

**Ariana**: " I don't know, Claire. Everything's a mess. I'm at my parents' old house."

A few moments later, her phone buzzed again.

**Claire**: " Do you need company? I can come over and we can eat pizzas and some wine, like olden days. "

Ariana hesitated before replying. She wanted to be alone, but the thought of having someone there for her, someone who understood her past, was comforting.

**Ariana**: " Yes, please. I could use a friend right now. "

Claire replied quickly.

**Claire**: " I'll be there in 30 minutes. Hang in there." Claire stated before she took her car keys and stormed out of her apartment.

Ariana put her phone down and leaned back on the couch, closing her eyes. The silence of the house was almost overwhelming, to process everything that had happened. She thought about Albert's slap, the shock and hurt that had followed, and the realization that her life had been manipulated without her consent.

The sound of a car approaching broke the silence. Ariana got up and walked to the window, peeking out to see Claire's car pulling into the driveway. Relief washed over her as she made her way to the front door to greet her friend.

Claire stepped out of the car, her expression filled with concern. She hurried up to Ariana and enveloped her in a tight hug.

" Ariana, I'm so sorry, " Claire said, her voice soft and comforting.

Ariana clung to her friend, feeling a surge of gratitude. " Thank you for coming, Claire. I didn't know who else to turn to."

Claire pulled back and looked at her. " Of course. You are not alone in this. "

They made their way back into the house, the flashlight guiding them to the living room. Claire sat down beside Ariana on the couch, her presence a balm to Ariana's troubled mind.

" Tell me everything," Claire said gently.

Ariana took a deep breath and began to recount the events of the past few days. She told Claire about the slap, the shocking discovery of the marriage certificate, and her escape to this old house. Claire listened intently, her expression growing more horrified with each detail.

When Ariana finished, Claire shook her head in disbelief. " I can't believe he did that to you. You deserve so much better, Ariana. "

Ariana nodded, tears streaming down her face.

" I feel so lost, Claire. I don't know what to do."

Claire took her hand and squeezed it. " We will figure it out together. You don't have to face this alone."

Ariana wiped her tears away, feeling a glimmer of hope. " Thank you, Claire. I don't know what I'd do without you."

They sat in silence for a while, the weight of the situation settling in. Then, Claire spoke up. " Why don't we get some fresh air? It might help clear your mind. "

Ariana nodded. They got up and walked out to the backyard, the cool night air refreshing against their skin. They sat on the old wooden swing set, the creaking sound bringing back memories of their childhood.

Claire looked at Ariana, her expression serious.

" Have you thought about what you want to do next?"

Ariana sighed, her mind racing. " I don't know. I need to annul the marriage, but I'm not sure how to go about it."

Claire nodded " We can figure that out. But first, you need to take care of yourself. Get some rest, and we will come up with a plan in the morning." Claire stated before they were cut short by the door bell from the front door.