
My novel I didn't want to experience

Oh? I never imagined this would happen to me. why did it have to be in my novel? reincarnate or whatever. should I do like the other characters in cliché stories? Enjoy the benefits of knowing about the future? Take the protagonist's cheat objects? Train to get strong? Observe the main characters and avoid them? Who said I need to do this...?

Sivi_Agassi · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

A Clone's Life (Encounter 1-3)

"Doesn't have the same blood as me."

Said the man reading the documents on his desk. Merkwevi who did not have the courage to return to the duchy of Hrove, sent a friend of his to send the locks of Alexander's hair to Hekie.

"Why did you do that?"

"It was just a request from a friend..."


"..." The woman was silent confirming Hekie's suspicions.

"Go away, I want to be alone."

"What do I do with it?"

"Throw it in the fireplace, hair makes cute fireworks."

The woman just tossed Alexander's locks into the fire and they both waited. They waited a long time and nothing happened.



Hekie rose from his armchair where he was reading the documents of his dukedom.

"What happened?" He asked the woman who was looking into the fire picking at the strands of hair that didn't burn.

"I don't know, the hairs don't burn."

Hekie put his hands into the fire and grabbed the hair that was in the fire scaring the woman.

"It really didn't burn and there's no mana in that black hair..."

"There is no mana! Impossible! Every human body has mana."


"What kind of person has fire-resistant hair?"

Hekie looked at the locks of hair and said, "Call someone who can do a DNA test, I guess I couldn't find out because there's no mana."

"Okay!" The woman immediately left and went to call someone she knew who was trustworthy. 15 minutes later the person arrived and introduced himself to Hekie.

"Pleased to meet Your Highness." He bowed and waited.


"Oh? Yes! My name is Dreno… just Dreno."

Dreno placed his things on the table and asked for a lock of Hekie's hair or blood. Hekie was irritated by this bold request from Dreno.

"Easy Your Highness, it's just standard procedure."

Hekie cut his hand with the blade of his sword which was the only thing that could harm his body.

"Take it."

Dreno quickly collected Hekie's blood and Alexander's lock of hair. After a while, Dreno looked at Hekie and said, "We have a problem..."


"The test is positive…"

Hekie was shaken and his chest hurt, his hopes had died a long time ago and he thought that he would have to live alone in this mansion without any blood relatives.

Hekie didn't think that other humans and other main families were the same species, Hekie was different, his family was different from ordinary humans.

The Hrove that existed was only Hekie and now he was no longer alone in this world. Hekie couldn't have children and the continuation of the Hrove would die with Hekie, however someone was still alive. A light of happiness welled up in that abyss of darkness that Hekie was.

"What is the problem?" Remembering Dreno's words, Hekie asked.

"The lock of hair and the blood are so similar genetically that it's like your own DNA. Is this really a test to see if it's your nephew?" Dreno looked questioningly at Hekie.

"What are you implying? That I'm crazy? That I used my lock of hair?"

Hekie controlled himself and stopped.

"My family's blood doesn't change, and even my great-grandfather and I have the same DNA, as if we were clones. This is our family's secret and if you want to live in this world a little longer I suggest you keep quiet."

Dreno just nodded at Hekie's words.

Calling the woman who brought Dreno, Hekie ordered her to call someone from the government that manages documents related to child custody. 15 minutes were waited and a beautiful woman appeared. She couldn't deny that she had been preparing to meet Hekie Jo Hrove.

"Your Highness, I'm Charlotte Carimaa. What do you want? Are you going to adopt a brat?"

Charlotte wasn't interested in wasting her time and said it bluntly.

"This one. I want your custody."

Hekie handed the paper to her assistant who passed it to the beautiful woman.

"This boy…"

Charlotte looked without much surprise at the photo of Alexander Adrilia.

The woman sighed, she and many other of her colleagues were contacted to take custody of Alexander Adrilia. The reason was that he had fought a swordsman and still had a gift. Many nobles wanted this boy as an heir or a knight.

"I'm sorry Your Highness, but he can't be adopted. The government itself has him as a son, if you don't have anything else to say I'm leaving."

Charlotte got up and was opening the door when Hekie said, "He's my missing nephew."

The woman stopped and looked at Hekie who had a mischievous smile on her face.

"How? You can say it again, I guess I imagined."

"Of course, he's my nephew and I want custody of him until tomorrow."

Charlotte bit her lip, but it didn't hurt her lips. The higher echelon ordered everyone to deny the nobles' requests regarding Alexander.

"I will report to my superior and we will do a DNA test to confirm your claims. "

The woman left as quickly as possible. Hekie looked at the sunset in silence.

"Tell the head butler to kick out all the servants I've said I don't like and leave only those who are the most obedient. I don't want my nephew to be in a place where the walls have ears and eyes."

"Yes, Your Highness. And the room?"


"For your nephew."

"Tell some trusted servants to clean up and prepare the connected gate for me to go to the White Academy."

"Are you going today?"

"Yes, I won't waste any time. I've waited too long alone."


Hekie got up and happily went to meet his nephew.


Everyone always ends up abandoning me in those moments.

What do I do?

Should I go and forget everything that is happening and happened to me in Recta?


"Haaaa! I'm alone and I'm going to start delirious... but... I'm on vacation from my job until next month."

"There's a special guest that Mr. Li is hosting there and I can't go because I'm an unpleasant sight. Mr. Li said those mean words to me and kicked me out…"

My head was on the table and my body was doing sit-ups? What's with that night workout? It's bad for the body to train at night, you can have a bad night's sleep.

"Stop this!"

Was I crazy arguing with my body? No, I was split and I only have control of the head and my body was possessed by a reincarnation of me. I don't know him and he seems like someone who likes to do workouts all the time.

Space opened like a door that turned white. A woman in white appeared with a small box of yarn and a sewing needle.

She watched the scene of a headless body doing a vigorous workout session without rest.

"Am I interrupting?"

"No. But why did you come?"

"You called me to fix your head."

"I called?"

"Don't you remember?"

"Arg, I'm having trouble remembering the events.…" Did I put my hand on my head? I had no hands at the moment and it was impossible to do this. Something external had done this shuffling in my memory and I didn't know what caused it.

Forgetting that memory problem, I didn't know where Nartor was and the 7 sister was sewing my head to my neck.

"Now it's perfect. It will take 3 months until it's fully healed. I suggest not using any form of power or the Cenz could interfere."

Cenz was the name the 7 sister referred to the white power that interfered and that was Alexander. He was Cenz, but Cenz was uncontrollable and his interference in the world was catastrophic.

It wasn't possible to control something that spread across everything in instants. Alexander was now doing two jobs at once, having a conscience and controlling Cenz from spreading.

Without Alexander's mind, it was easier to control Cenz from spreading, but it was still difficult to stop or stop its spread from something that was tainted.

Like the sword used in the duel between Leon, that sword that emanated white fire was either Cenz without conscience or Alexander without conscience.

In short, Alexander multiplied without or with conscience. The multiplication is with objects, existing, non-existent and everything could be contaminated by Cenz and the only weakness of Cenz is that there is a time limit until the object or being becomes Cenz, making a continuous cycle of contamination. There wasn't anything that couldn't resist Cenz who tried to consume everything for no reason.

What was Cenz or Alexander who came from where? Who is this being that was holding back so as not to consume everything?


The 7 sister who was looking at the room said, "Where is your war corps? It would be the best choice to contain your soul that was cut off."

"Stayed on earth." Alexander looked at his neck in the mirror's reflection at the seam lines.

"Shall I get him for you? As I recall, that body is a better vessel for you than a body of flesh and blood."

"No. It won't come out of the earth if I don't go get it. You'll just turn that stone machine into attack mode."

"Understood. You found out who put you here?"

"I don't know. But it doesn't matter, I'm leaving in 5 years from here."

"…" The 7 sister opened the white door and left without saying anything else.

-knock! -knock!


Alexander quickly opened the door happily, but the only person Alexander saw was a six foot tall man who had eagle eyes and opened his arms trying to hug Alexander.

However, Alexander quickly walked away from that unknown person.

If a stranger did that to someone, you'd expect Alexander's reaction, to run away and call the police, but, Alexander doesn't need to call the police or someone to protect him.

Something was wrong.

"Why did that person have the same genetic combination as me?" The poor young man wondered.

He remembered Arthur that he was still alive, but another appeared that had similar genetic characteristics.

"So Arthur and I aren't brothers?" Alexander said in an audible tone to the suspicious man, but he didn't realize or didn't want to know the meaning of Alexander's words. The man was preoccupied with clearing up another matter for Alexander.

"Alexander Adrilia or shall I call you Riestea Jo Hrove?"

Riestea Jo Hrove?

The man again approached Alexander to hug him like a father who hasn't seen his son for decades. Alexander was getting further and further away from the man who was irritating with his nephew's behavior.

"Don't be shy, I'm your uncle! Hekie Jo Hrove is your uncle!"

"No you're not! Why are you bragging about being Hekie Jo Hrove? Weird!"




The man showed Alexander a paper and it was the DNA test.

Alexander's expressionless face was pale. Crumpling the paper Alexander said his words firmly, "So what? You're my uncle and that doesn't change anything! G-go away!"

Hekie noticed something in Alexander, he was afraid of Hekie, no, maybe it's the shock of receiving the news without warning. But it was the first option, Alexander was really afraid of Hekie and it was because Alexander's family relationships in the past were troubled.

Alexander did not remember the memories of his past reincarnations, but a small part remained in Alexander's soul.

Alexander's magnetic attraction was that, he was once reincarnated as a star and black hole. For that reason he always liked to stay in the gravity room on level 0, as it was comforting for Alexander who was once a star in space. He could glow in the dark if he stayed in the dark for more than 3 days in the dark and emit heat on the tenth day, in a month he would be a star with human aspects.

It's funny, however, this can never happen. Alexander was a star, but he was a star bigger than galaxies. Wouldn't it be funny Alexander emitting high temperatures and magnetic field that Recta's sun was inferior to. Recta's sun was the size of a golf ball and a unique spell user made this artificial sun. The ancient sun was dying and would swallow Recta and Recta's solar system, but a unique spell user remade Recta's solar system to last for eternity.

"Are you okay? You're sweating a lot."

"I-I'm fine…Just a little dizzy-"

Alexander was panting and looked weakened. He's eyes that were silver changed to dark and he fell to the ground, but Hekie caught his nephew in his arms before he passed out.

"Alexander you're fine!" Hekie held tightly to his nephew.

"Me? Who's Alexander?"

He was in doubt of who he was. Hekie put Alexander on the couch and went to get his nephew some water.

"Do you feel better?" Hekie was a little worried that his nephew had fallen ill.

Was the shock so great for him to pass out?

"I guess..."

"I don't know how to say this… but I'm your uncle and I want to take you to my house. Do you want to come with me?"

Crouched next to Alexander, Hekie smile awkwardly.

'How do I get him to the Hrove duchy? I don't want to kidnap my nephew...' Those were Heike's thoughts.


"I searched so long for you and now I finally found you and…"

Alexander's black eyes looked to the window and he said, "Where's Jin?"

"Jin?" Hekie repeated Alexander's words, but he didn't know who Alexander was referring to.

"Jin, I have to call him… is that Jin? Er, Nart? Nar? where is…"

Alexander had a strange expression on his face of someone who was terrified. Memories of him were fading one by one and nothing was remaining. Hekie placed his hand on Alexander's head and made him sleep.

"What's going on with my nephew? I have to get him to a healer quickly."

Hekie took Alexander to the Hrove duchy without permission from the White Academy or the government.


Videos of Alexander and Merkwevi's combat were all over the media.

Alexander holding his head and saying that he had a gift of immortality quickly spread to the 5 main families, the Royal Family, the government and to other continents.

The birth of a gift of immortality was an event never seen before. Alexander forgot one small thing in his novel that he wrote. Gifts didn't have a large capacity and were just a specialization in one area.

Like Sophia's gift she could create anything, however, the knowledge to do so prevented her 100% use of the gift. The gifts had one big flaw and it was known by everyone.

However, the gift that Alexander explained to the headmaster of the White Academy was something far beyond that and there were no flaws in his gift.

The system made this gift specifically for Alexander to go on a monster-slaying adventure.

At this time, high-ranking members of the government were meeting to discuss the transfer of Alexander Adrilia to the main headquarters to receive training under a qualified government captain and then be sent to Govuar. It was like Alice had wanted to do in the past with Alexander. His extraordinary gift would make Alexander the best first ever.

"Then it's all right. We'll send Alexander Adrilia and the Alpha team to help eliminate the Krost from that planet."

"Six months is the allotted time for me to teach that kid how to be a real killing machine." Said the captain of the Alpha team.

"I hope for great results."

Krost were the inhabitants of that planet who were being killed and were not being enslaved because there was a law made by a unique spell user that slavery was prohibited. Losho was the only place that slavery was allowed, as there was a unique spell user that made Losho resistant to this law.

The only way they found was to eliminate that strange species that looked like a cat. Yep, the krost were cute little kittens that were being culled without mercy. The inhabitants of Recta did not have or did not know how to adore the divine beauty of fluffy kittens.


"Huff… Huff." A woman breathlessly entered the room without permission, but this was a high-ranking member of the government who had gone to visit a Duke and hurried back.

"What happened-"

"Hekie... Alexander Adrilia is Hekie Jo Hrove's nephew..."

Everyone in that office was looking at the woman who threw a document on the table.

DNA test.

The white eyes and furrowed brows of everyone was the only sight Charlotte Carimaa saw. Everyone was imagining the chick walking without even the hen having hatched the egg.

"What can we do to make Hekie Jo Hrove unable to adopt Alexander?"

"Just changing his DNA, but that's impossible. Do we have to hide Alexander from Hekie and say he disappeared into a fissure?"

"No, that's too risky. Let's just use the debt Alexander Adrilia owes the government. How much is his debt?"

"5 million Tel."

"Increases to 13 billion Tel." Said the man who was silent the whole time and he was the only one who was calm at that moment.

"Why 13 billion Tel?"

"That's a price Duke Hekie Jo Hrove can't pay..."

"What if he turns to another major family? or the royal family?"

The man smiled and spoke his plan, "If whoever pays this debt of Alexander can have his custody, but we will not do that. Hekie Jo Hrove would not humiliate himself and ask the other 4 main families for money. It is easier for him to use force to take Alexander and we will have a reason to have custody of Alexander and say that Hekie Jo Hrove is someone violent and not suitable for raising someone."


Another person entered the room, but this was just an ordinary employee who was shaking with fear for interrupting his superiors.

"Er-er.. H-hékie j-Joó Hrovê!"

"Calm down first before you speak…"

The person spent about 5 minutes trying to calm down and finally said clearly, "Hekie Jo Hrove picked up Alexander from White Academy today at 5:03 PM."

Charlotte looked at the watch on her wrist and said, "But that's about thirty minutes ago! Why didn't you say it quickly!"


Again all members of the government had to solve another problem involving the house of the 5 main families.

The government had more power than the emperor himself, but because of the magic that Altalauis made in the past, the royal family and the 5 main families existed steadily for centuries. The government only had military and economic power, but the emperor had the shackles that held them all by the neck.

Everyone was lucky, as the current emperor didn't get involved with the government and just did a few things. However, he had the power to rule everyone in Altalauis like puppets. In 500 years the next Emperor would be chosen and the members of the government didn't know what could happen in that time interval.

I made this chapter with a little indisposition.

but it's ok, I can run out of energy, but I still write when I'm ordered to write.

After [Encounter 1-3 and 3-3], Maybe the Losho arc is next and then the [Is this a training?] arc of Jin and end of volume 1. There may be changes with the [extras] that may have that are about the secondary characters. Zeki, Alice, Leon, Liu Yu, Hector, Anuf Eal, Clone of jin, Clone of Abeth, that butler, yes, that butler... I'm not responsible for chapter delays.

Sivi_Agassicreators' thoughts