
My Normal Life In Teyvat

Uhm... this is synposis, by webnovel's words it is supposed to "attract" readers, but y'know... I am lazy. Oh, and also don't expect much, I am on my hiatus after all (since 2022 summer)

LfiAlfana · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Where are you looking?

I was walking slowly home from kamisato estate, I looked at sky and it was starting to turn darker, "I think mom is at the shrine right now, maybe I should go give her a visit."

I wanted to start climbing up the stairs but sighed and turned away while slowly walking home, "Ayato sounds pretty mature for his age, maybe even too mature I would say."

I sighed and remembered what happened today, "maybe I shouldn't have accepted it..."

...half hour ago

Ayato was sitting near me while I was lying down on floor, "Why did you ask me about the most important thing in fights back then?"

While looking at ceiling through half transparent skill window I mumbled, "I don't know, maybe I was just trying to keep conversation going."

He looked at me and laid himself down near me and looked at ceiling where I was looking, "Is that so... oh right, I was curious, how old are you Fuji, I just turned five years old few days ago."

I looked at him a bit, "Why do you speak like you're at least ten years old then." I sighed, "At may 28th I will be six years old. For now I plan go to Akademiya after few years, but sadly you won't be able to go with me."

Ayato sweated a bit and shook his head, "Even if I would be able to, I wouldn't, I am not bookworm, I prefer being here."

We were both sitting in silence for some while and he laughed a bit, "You remind me of an old man who complains about everything but does nothing all day long."

Closing my eyes I smiled a bit, "Yeah, sounds like me."

Ayato looked at me and said, "Are you interested in combat that much? We can spar tomorrow if you want to. As a young master of Kamisato clan I should train way of sword since young age after all."

I sighed and got up ready to leave, "Sure, but go easy on me, I never held a sword before."


Walking slowly towards city I looked at the sky and smiled a bit, "The sky will never bore me, it is always beautiful..."

I were walking until I saw a group of five kids fighting a boy with white hair and red horns, 'oni?' I slowly walked closer and stood at five meter distance looking at them

I leaned down to take a small pebble and threw it at the head of one of the boys, the boy with white hair quickly threw two of them on ground with a single sweep.

One of the bullies clenched boy with white hair but he easily broke out by smashing him on ground.

Other two bullies left looked at their other three friends on ground and were ready to flee just to save themselves

But next second when the boy with white hair looked at them and were ready to attack, he saw them getting hit by an another pebble and them looking away

While looking away suddenly behind them out of thin air appeared a boy with pink hair and black kimono, "Where are you both looking?"

"Wha-", one boy wanted to scream in surprise, but before he could do so, I grinned a bit, "Surprise~" as I said, I took and smashed both of their heads together with all my strength, making both of them fall on ground.

While looking at all of them five laying on ground unconscious, I sighed leaving boy with white hair alone while walking away, 'It was a good choice to take Shunpo, I like it'

Boy with white hair was shocked that he stood there doing nothing for a few seconds, until he started running in my direction and placed hand on my shoulder, "Thanks... for helping me..."

I stopped and looked at him, "No problem..." I shook his hand off from my shoulder and continued walking

"Wait!" He shouted while he was standing behind me, "What's your name."

"Does it matter?" I smiled a bit but he was behind me so he didn't see me smiling. "I helped you only because I felt pity on you."

He didn't knew what to say so after a while I started walking away, "Fuji"

"Fuji...", as I completely walked away to city and wasn't in his vision, he remembered something and yelled, "I FORGOT TO TELL HIM MY NAME!"


As I arrived home I dropped dead down on bed and sighed, "That guy, he's strange..." I sighed and lifted hand barely, "I feel as if I ran few kilometers after using Shunpo." I opened skill window

[Name: Shunpo]

[Mastery: 0.1%(begginer)]

"That will be a long path mastering it...", I closed window and opened empty skill window for new skill and saw a new thing, "huh? this wasn't here earlier."

[1 out of 3 skills]

[reach total mastery of 100% to unlock 4th skill slot]

"Isn't 100% too much? that's even more troublesome, I will have to practice everyday at this point", I closed eyes and slowly fell asleep while thinking what happened today.

After some while Yae came home and entered my room, "Fuji, I'm home...?", all she could see was her son sleeping on bed, "Gosh..."

As she wanted to leave the room, she could hear him mumbling something in his sleep, "Aunt Ei, don't steal my dangos...", she laguhed a bit and slowly closed the door, "What is he even dreaming about"

When Yae came to her room, she took out her pink hair clips which made her big fox ears reveal themselves, "He still doesn't knows that I'm not human, I don't want him to be scared or disgusted so I will have to keep putting this act for some time."

She looked sadly at herself in mirror with regret in her eyes, "Just for a bit longer."