
my new life of magic (COMPLETED)

In the majestic kingdom of Equestria, a mysterious event leads to a new life for a young human with no ties to his past. Magically transported and reborn as a newborn unicorn, Starbright is found and adopted by the noble Nightingale family in the capital city of Canterlot. Gifted with extraordinary intelligence and magical abilities, Starbright quickly becomes a prodigy in magic. In his new life, Starbright forms a deep friendship with Twilight Sparkle, a young and talented unicorn dedicated to her magical studies. Together, they explore the secrets of magic, face challenges, and inspire each other to reach new heights. Under the mentorship of great sages of Equestria, such as the legendary Starswirl the Bearded, their bond strengthens and their abilities grow. As they grow, Starbright and Twilight share dreams and adventures, learning valuable lessons about responsibility, wisdom, and the importance of friendship. As destiny guides them towards great achievements, their friendship becomes the foundation of their strength and determination. *Reborn Magic* is an epic tale of self-discovery, growth, and the unbreakable magic of friendship, set in the charming and wondrous world of *My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic*.

Camilo_S · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
35 Chs

Chapter 21: The Princess's Invitation

 After receiving the letter from the princess, the excitement in the library was palpable. Applejack, especially, seemed to be over the moon. "The Grand Galloping Gala!" she exclaimed. "It would be so beneficial for my family if I could attend and sell apples. Imagine how many we could sell at such an event!"

Twilight nodded, understanding Applejack's enthusiasm. "Yes, it would be a great opportunity, Applejack."

"So, Twilight, can I go with you using your extra ticket?" Applejack asked, hopeful.

Twilight turned to Starbright, wanting to make sure he didn't feel left out. "Starbright, would you mind if Applejack used the extra ticket?"

Thinking about what he knew was going to happen and his decision not to intervene radically, Starbright smiled at Twilight. "I don't mind, Twilight. You can go with whoever you decide."

Before Twilight could accept Applejack's proposal, Rainbow Dash flew into the library at high speed. "Wait a minute, Applejack!" she said, landing in front of them. "I want to go to the gala too. It's my chance to be seen by the Wonderbolts!"

"But Rainbow, I need to sell apples to help my family!" protested Applejack, crossing her hooves.

"And I need to impress the Wonderbolts to fulfill my dream," Rainbow Dash replied determinedly.

Twilight felt caught in the middle of the argument. "Girls, calm down. I haven't decided who I'm going with yet. I need to think about it."

Throughout the day, all of Twilight's friends found out about the invitation to the gala, and each of them had different and personal reasons for wanting to attend. Rarity dreamed of meeting her charming prince, Fluttershy wanted to see the royal gardens and meet the exotic animals, and Pinkie Pie just wanted to enjoy the biggest and most fun party of all.

They tried to explain their

reasons to Twilight, but she felt overwhelmed. She didn't want to disappoint any of her friends, and each of them had a valid reason for wanting to go. Not to mention that, after the gift Starbright had given her, she herself wanted to attend with him, though she didn't dare say it for fear of disappointing the others.

"Twilight, you should take me to the gala," Rarity said, her eyes dreamy. "It's the social event of the year, and I have the perfect dress for the occasion."

"But Twilight, I've never seen the royal gardens and the exotic animals that live there," Fluttershy said timidly. "It would be a dream come true."

"And I want to go to the biggest and most fun party of all!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, bouncing with excitement.

Twilight looked at her friends with a mix of confusion and sadness. She didn't want to hurt any of them, but she only had one extra ticket and didn't know how to decide. Each of them was important to her, and they all had valid reasons for wanting to attend.

Finally, as night fell, Twilight found herself alone with Starbright in the library. She felt more confused than ever.

"What should I do, Starbright?" she asked, dejected. "I don't want to disappoint any of my friends, but I only have one extra ticket."

Starbright looked at her with understanding. "I know it's a tough decision, Twilight. But I also know that your friends will understand whatever decision you make. The most important thing is that you follow your heart."

Twilight sighed, grateful for Starbright's advice. "Thank you, Starbright. I just want everyone to be happy."

"And they will be, Twilight. Because you're their friend, and that's what really matters," Starbright said, offering her a comforting smile.

Twilight nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. She knew she had to think carefully about her decision, but she also knew that no matter what she decided, her friends would support her.

With a sigh, Twilight retired to her room, letting Starbright's words resonate in her mind. Meanwhile, Starbright stayed in the library, determined to continue supporting Twilight in any way he could, knowing she would do the right thing.