
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
57 Chs

chapter 2: my new parents

Kousei, the soft glow of morning sunlight fills the room as I open my eyes to a room bathed in morning light, cradled in my mother Miki's arms. Issei, my companion in dreams, peacefully sleeps beside me. Dad, Gorou, wears a smile as he looks upon us, a picture of normalcy in a world entangled with the supernatural.

Gorou: Kousei, my son, welcome to our world. You and Issei, both sleeping so peacefully. These moments are what make life truly special.

Miki: Gorou, look at them, our precious boys. It feels like a dream to see them resting so peacefully.

Gorou: Miki, our family may not be rich, but our love is a force of its own. I can't wait to see these boys grow and forge their own paths.

Miki: Kousei, you've inherited your father's smile. It's heartwarming to know that in this world, our family is surrounded by warmth and normalcy.

Gorou: Speaking of which, Miki, let's plan a day out together, just the four of us. A simple day filled with laughter and joy.

Miki: That sounds lovely, Gorou. Maybe a picnic in the park, watching our boys play and explore. It's the simple moments that create the most cherished memories.

Gorou: And who knows, maybe Kousei and Issei will develop a close bond that lasts a lifetime. Friends who share not just blood but a connection beyond the ordinary.

Miki: Gorou, do you ever wonder what adventures await our boys in this world? What kind of people they'll become?

Gorou: I do, Miki. But whatever challenges they face, they'll have the strength of family behind them. Kousei, Issei, we're here for you, every step of the way.

Miki: And as they grow, we'll be there to guide them, to support their dreams and aspirations. It's a journey we'll take together, as a family.

Gorou: Kousei, Issei, welcome to a world where love knows no bounds.

I blink, disoriented, as the surroundings morph into a scene straight out of High School DxD.

No way, High School DxD? This can't be real. Did I just get reincarnated? And why here?

Looking around, the familiar setting from the anime becomes tangible, and it hits me.

Oh my God, this is nothing like I expected. Why couldn't I end up in a simpler world? And to top it off, I'm the protagonist's brother? Seriously?

The mix of disbelief and mild frustration settles in as I come to terms with the bizarre reality I find myself in.

I thought the protagonist was the one dealing with supernatural stuff. Why am I stuck being the brother dealing with it indirectly? This wasn't what I signed up for in a reincarnation scenario.

The realization sinks in that I'm now part of a plot far more complex than anything I could have imagined.

I thought I'd get a fresh start, not become part of some supernatural narrative. Being the protagonist's brother? Great.

I grapple with the unexpected turn of events, contemplating the challenges that lie ahead in a world operating by rules entirely different from the one I knew.

Well, here goes nothing. If I'm stuck in this world, might as well figure out how to survive. Maybe being the protagonist's brother comes with its own perks?

With a deep breath, I brace myself for the unforeseen adventures and mysteries awaiting me in the world of High School DxD.

I smile at the sight of Issei, a sleeping bundle of innocence. Well, look at that. Issei's quite cute, isn't he? So, I'm your brother now.

My grin widens as I continue, But no worries, I'm definitely going to mess up the main plot and turn you into an actual awesome protagonist.

As I gaze at the sleeping baby, a wave of protective warmth washes over me. You know, little Issei here might be in for quite the ride. We'll make this story legendary, mark my words.

The room is filled with a hushed tranquility, interrupted only by the occasional cooing of the baby. I can't believe I've landed in the world of High School DxD, and with a mission to shake things up. Issei, you're going to thank me for this when you're older.

I lean in closer to the baby, as if sharing a secret. We're going to rewrite the script, little buddy. No more following the predictable path. We're crafting our own narrative, one filled with surprises, twists, and a touch of chaos.

A soft chuckle escapes me as I imagine the bewildered faces of characters in this supernatural world. Imagine their reactions when they realize the brother of the protagonist is the one rewriting destiny. Classic.

The room seems to take on an air of anticipation, as if the universe itself is curious about the unfolding story.

And you, my dear Issei, will be at the center of it all. A baby destined for greatness, courtesy of his meddling older brother.

I shift my gaze back to you, a glint of mischief in my eyes. So, partner in chaos, ready to embark on this epic journey? We're about to turn High School DxD upside down.

The baby shifts in his sleep, and I can't help but marvel at the potential hidden within the small form.

Who knows what adventures await us, but one thing's for sure: it's going to be a tale worth telling. Get ready, little Issei, the Hydohou brothers are about to make history.

The doctor enters the room with a reassuring smile, holding the key to a long-awaited moment of joy for Miki and Gorou.

Doctor: Congratulations, Miki, Gorou. I'm pleased to inform you that both Kousei and Issei are healthy and normal. You've got two bundles of joy in perfect condition.

Miki's eyes light up, and a mixture of relief and joy washes over her face.

Miki:Oh, thank you, doctor! That's wonderful news.

She glances at Gorou, and they exchange a glance filled with shared happiness.

Gorou, his voice choked with emotion, manages to say

Gorou:Healthy and normal... that's all we ever wished for.

He wipes away a tear, unable to contain his overwhelming joy.

As I observed the doctor delivering the joyous news to my parents, Miki and Gorou, a secret smile tugged at the corners of my lips. The happiness radiating from them was contagious, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of genuine joy for their long-awaited moment.

In the midst of their excitement, I couldn't help but reflect on the dynamics of our family. Despite Issei's infamous antics in the anime world, our parents continued to love and support him. It was heartening to witness the unwavering bond they shared, and I silently hoped that this wouldn't turn out to be the neglected version of the story.

My thoughts wandered, contemplating the potential twists and turns of our shared journey in this High School DxD world. "They love Issei so much; I just hope I won't end up feeling like the neglected sibling," I mused internally, but a reassuring voice in my head reminded me that our parents were more than capable of sharing their love equally.

As the doctor continued to share details about our health and well-being, I couldn't help but overhear snippets of my parents' conversation with the medical professional.

Miki, with a beaming smile, expressed her gratitude, "You have no idea what this means to us, doctor. We've been through so much before, and now having two healthy sons, it's a dream come true."

Gorou, wiping away a tear, added, "Life has its ups and downs, but moments like these make it all worthwhile. We're truly blessed."

Their words resonated with me, and the concern about being the overlooked sibling started to fade. I knew deep down that our parents, having experienced loss before, cherished every moment with us.

I reassured myself

This won't be the neglected version. Our family is strong, and the love they've shown Issei is just a glimpse of what's to come for both of us.

As the doctor concluded their visit, my parents continued to express their gratitude, promising to shower us with love and create a nurturing environment for our growth.

Miki, with a tender smile, turned to me

Miki:my children, my sweet boy, we love you both You're both our miracles, and we'll support you every step of the way.

Gorou, echoing her sentiments, added,

Gorou:You're not alone in this journey, my boys. Our family is bound by love, and that includes you.

As I absorbed their words, any lingering doubts about my place in the family dissipated. The High School DxD world might bring its share of challenges, but with parents like mine, I knew that our story would be one of love, support, and shared adventures.

Doctor: I understand this is a special moment for both of you. It's heartening to see such genuine happiness. Your sons are in great health, and I'm sure they'll bring immense joy to your lives.

Miki: You have no idea, doctor. This means the world to us. We've been through quite a journey.

Gorou nods in agreement, his gratitude evident.

Gorou:It's been a challenging road. Before Kousei and Issei, Miki and I experienced stillbirths. This news is a blessing beyond words.

Doctor: I can only imagine the emotions you must be feeling. It's a testament to your resilience and love. Parenthood is a remarkable journey, and I'm glad I could deliver such positive news.

Miki's eyes glisten with tears of joy, and she looks at Gorou with a tender smile.

Miki:Our little miracles, healthy and normal. I never thought I'd hear those words.

Gorou: It's a stark contrast from the challenges we faced before. Now, we're blessed with not one but two healthy sons. Life has a way of turning things around.

Doctor: Indeed, it does. Cherish these moments, and I wish you all the happiness on this new chapter of your journey as a family.

The room is filled with a profound sense of gratitude and the promise of a brighter future. Miki and Gorou, now parents to two healthy sons, share a moment of profound joy as they reflect on the challenges they've overcome to reach this point.

Miki: Thank you, doctor. You've made our dreams come true.

Gorou: Our family is complete, and it's more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.

Issei's cries filled the room, a mixture of baby fussiness and perhaps a hint of the overwhelming atmosphere. Sensing his distress, I decided to join in, allowing my own tears to flow. I didn't want my parents to sense anything wrong with me, so I embraced the opportunity to blend in with Issei's apparent discontent.

Miki, immediately attentive to Issei's cries, rushed to comfort him. "Oh, sweetheart, what's the matter?" She cradled Issei in her arms, offering soothing words and gentle rocking.

Gorou, concern etched on his face, joined her.

Gorou:issei, it's okay, little buddy. We're here for you.

His comforting words mixed with Miki's tender reassurances.

As Issei's cries persisted, I subtly joined in, mirroring his distress. I let out soft sobs, ensuring they weren't too conspicuous but enough to divert attention from any potential issues they might sense in me.

Miki, now juggling both Issei and me in her arms, tried to comfort us both.

Miki:There, there, my loves. Mommy's here. What's got you so upset?

Gorou, ever the concerned father, tried to decipher the source of our apparent distress.

Gorou:Issei, Kousei, don't cry. We're here for you both. Maybe it's just a bit overwhelming for them.

I continued my feigned cries, hiding any hint of unease beneath the facade of a fussy baby. The room filled with a symphony of comforting words and gentle attempts to pacify both Issei and me.

Miki, with a touch of humor, tried to lighten the mood.

Miki:Looks like we've got a pair of drama kings on our hands, Gorou.

You're the drama queen

Gorou chuckled, despite the concern HIIT tched on his face.

Gorou:Seems like it. But hey, we signed up for the full parenting experience, didn't we?

Their attempts to comfort us continued, and in the midst of it, I couldn't help but marvel at the genuine love and care they showered upon us. It became clear that even in moments of distress, our parents were ready to embrace the challenges of parenthood with open hearts.

Miki, now adeptly managing both Issei and me, addressed us with a soft smile

Miki:You two are the lights of our lives, and we'll always be here to wipe away those tears and turn them into smiles.

Gorou, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on Issei's forehead, added,

Gorou:Our little miracles, even in the midst of tears. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Miki took off a part of her shirt revealing her breasts

Oh no.....what the heck

I suckled on the right breasts with issei on the left one yup this feels so right

With Issei and me now calmed in our mother's arms, a newfound determination ignited within me. I couldn't help but gaze at our parents, Miki and Gorou, with a sense of gratitude and purpose. As they continued to soothe us, a quiet resolve took root in my heart.

We've got a unique chance here, Issei. A chance to rewrite our story, to make our mark in this supernatural world. I won't let anything harm our family.

This is going to be an awesome life, and I'm going to make sure I protect this family. Watch out, DxD world. The Hydohou brothers are here to shake things up.

The room, still resonating with the echoes of our earlier cries, now felt charged with the promise of adventures and challenges. I glanced at Issei, who seemed oblivious to the grand plans forming in my mind.

As the room settled into a rhythm of comforting gestures and reassuring words, I couldn't help but appreciate the warmth of our family and the unspoken bond that connected us all in this new and unexpected adventure in the world of High School DxD.x