
My New Girlfriend is a Vampire

Yassinoss_49 · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs


Moran decided that he hated high school as he was walking down the corridor, he hated it and everyone studying in it, little devils training to become big devils, most of the time they were training on him, he felt. Well he hated everyone here except for Roseanne he though as he noticed here walking alone probably going to the toilet. She was the only person at school who actually treated him as a human being, by simply ignoring him or averting her eyes when he looked at her, that might sound pathetic he knew, but if anyone lived his situation they would feel the same. And she was hot, like super hot.

He sometimes fantasized about doing lewd things to her, though he never tried those things before, he was a virgin after all, but research material was everywhere. And he had a computer and his own room, so he made a ton of research.

"hey Moron" a tall blond kid said to him, blocking his way.

"I keep telling you, It's Moran, not Moron" He sometimes hated his parents for giving him such a memeable name, he was bullied for it for ever.

"No it's not" Michel snickered, he was one of the most popular guys in school, and he had a thing for Moran from the first time he saw him, maybe it was love, but Moran did not swing that way thank you very much. Michel had blue eyes, blonde hair, and a very well trained body. Though he hated thinking it, Moran had to say that the guy was indeed quite attractive. Compared to Moran he was very attractive, Moran was scrawny and thin, with a weak chin and a thin face, he had a pair of green eyes, which should have helped him a little, but they were ruined by the effect of his dark unruly hair.

Moran sighed, "I really feel sorry for you, I always knew that you were lacking in intelligence, but seriously, not even remembering someone's name? Now that's just downright sad" he said, and turned around, leaving a confused Michel with an uncomprehending expression on his face, Moran normally would have just went along with the bullying and moved on, but for a reason he just could not do so today.

Walking the other way in the direction of the stairs to the rooftop, he noticed Roseanne, she was looking at him, and he could almost swear that she was smiling, that was confusing, girls did not smile much at Moran.

Reaching the roof, he said down to calm himself down and think, Michel will not forget what happened, and he will want to make a statement, possibly by doing something embarrassing to Moran.

He sighed again, it seems that today he was going to do a lot of sighing, but there was nothing that he could do, Michel was stronger, more popular, and more loved by even the school staff, as he was an amazing basketball player, and was representing the school. So he decided that he will just keep his head down and go through whatever happens.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps on the stairs, and he thought that it would be Michel, coming for revenge, it would be good if he did, at least here at the rooftop there was no one.

However, it was not Michel that came, it was, in Moran's opinion, the most beautiful girl in the world, Roseanne was a brunette, with hazel eyes, long eyelashes and full lips that you can't look at without feeling the urge to try and smooch, she had a round face, and her skin was milky white, just like cream, 'I bet her skin tastes like cream as well' he thought, which he acknowledged to be the creepiest thought he ever had.

She stood and kept looking at him and clutching her hands at her skirt, as if she was nervous.

He swallowed and began to speak, "H…hi Roseanne, d-" but he could not finish, because she started coming toward him with a determinated expression almost as if she intended to slap him, by how the day is going, maybe she will even beat my ass here, at least there is no witnesses, he was certain that he wouldn't be able to hit a girl, even if she hit him first, so he just closed his eyes and steeled his heart.

But he did not feel a slap on his face, instead, he felt something extraordinarily soft touching his lips, and he opened his eyes, Roseanne's full lips were on his, and she was looking straight into his eyes.

She retreated, and he regretted ever opening his eyes, maybe then he would have kept feeling that softness on his lips more.

"I..I'm sorry for that, I couldn't help myself when you closed your eyes, I was controlling myself so long that I just couldn't any longer" she said, blushing. She became even more beautiful blushing, if that was even possible.

He slapped himself in the face.

"What are you doing!" Roseanne screamed, and came closer to catch his hands before he could hit himself more, "I'm dreaming" he kept muttering, he must be dreaming, this cannot be actually happening, he had dreamt of things like this happening long enough to know that it could not.

She grabbed his hands and forced them to his sides, and looked at him in the eyes with those hazel entrancing eyes of hers, "You are Not dreaming! Look Moran, I like you okay? For a long time now I liked you, but I could not muster the courage to confess to you, but now I did, and I want an answer!"

He must have been affected by the kiss, because he noticed that he could not move his hands even an inch while she was forcing them to his sides. "Answer" he swallowed "answer to what?" he said, his mind was very slow and he could not comprehend.

"do you want to be my boyfriend?" she asked patiently.

He almost fainted.