
Chapter two: Preparation.

 🌷 Judith🌷


"Chy nwam.

I'm Soo happy,now that you have gotten scholarship to finish your secondary school,a huge load has been taken of shoulder..

My dear, don't put me to shame.

You'll soon go to the boarding house and we will only be seeing once in a while.

Pls be careful of the friends you keep.

Avoid bad friends .

Don't drop all the training I gave you.

Make sure you read your books.

You are my first child and daughter, your younger ones will always look up to you.

And also have fun,you hear me?

You should go through school and also allow school to go through you.

And about boys,you need to be very wise while dealing with them.

Don't allow any boy to distract you from doing what you went to school to do.

Know when and where to draw the line.

Any boy that will want you to.."

My mum paused clearing her throat making me chuckle. 

..Ehmm you know what I mean, does not love you

Run away from that boy.

My daughter I know it seems like I'm talking too much about this.

You know I trust you.

But nowadays,we never can tell.

And also my dear,in all that you do put God first and remember the family you are coming from.

You are my Ada .

Ifechi and Cheta are looking up to you.

Don't forget all I have taught you" mum finally said.

"It's okay mum,I have heard and understand what you have said

I know you trust me and I won't you let you down" I replied.

"I will make you proud momma, I'll graduate to be a professional nurse.

I'll make you smile again, I'll take care of you" I said tearfully. remembering my father's death, hugging my mom .

"It's ok my dear" she replied patting my back.


I'm hungry.

Chisom refused to give me my food because I didn't wash the plates she asked me to wash" Cheta cried.

"Oh dear ,Chy?

Why did you starve your sister?

Come hear my cutie pie,I'll go get something for you.."she said dragging her feet to the kitchen.

"Spoilt brat" I muttered angrily.

"Mum,Chisom called me a spoilt brat..."

She reported, stomping her foot to meet my mum in the kitchen.

I rushed to my room to escape my mum and also prepare for leaving to school.





Chisom hurry up,your uncle will come to pick you up and drop at school.

"Yess"Ifechi,Cheta and I yelled.

Uncle Kenechi is our favorite.

Uncle Kene is the head chef at chitis republic. he is generous and kind.

And always bought us lots of ice cream.

I can die for ice cream you know. 

Lol,Just kidding..






"Uncle I'll miss you.

Bye bye,pls visit me with lots ice cream"I said while getting off my uncle's car.

"Bye angel..

Bye uncle"I replied waving at him.

As I turned,I was fascinated by the buildings.

And also the large letters engraved on the gate as Bright stars college,Enugu(BRISC)

And why are the students look at me like the just saw Jesus.

Ughh,here goes nothing..

I spoke to myself as I approached the hostel mistress ignoring the whistles and catcalls from the boys.

"Good evening ma."

I greeted as the middle aged woman with a strict face eyed me from head to toe before answering.

"Yes how may I help you?" she retorted.

"Uhm,My name is

Eze Judith chisom , I am a new student." I said nervously.

"Ohh,the scholarship student,oh my dear, you are welcome,we need more of intelligent people like you not all this spoilt rich kids" the woman switched to a smile immediately after I introduced myself. 

"Thank you ma" I returned her smile...

"Okay here are your keys.

Mary slessor's hostel.

Room 204.

"Jessie, direct her to the hostel you are her roommate "she directed.

"Okay ma"Jessie replied.

"Hello" she waved at me.

"Hello"I replied.

"Welcome to bright stars college,I'm Jessica ifeoma, but you can call me Jessie or Ify. I'm an ss2 student and I must say you are prettier than I expected. "

She complimented as I blushed.

"I'm jud.."

"I know already who does know the braniac that scored 98% in the school's scholarship test.

Girl,I give it you jare,you be the female Albert Einstein "Jessie cut me off.

"Can we be friends please.."she added.

"Sure,of course.."

I replied as we climbed the stairs leading to the hostel rooms.


Pls vote and comment,cus thats the ink to my pen.

Check out my second story 

Teens love by nazaking
