
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · สมัยใหม่
44 Chs


"As jack waked along the corridor looking for the door with his number of his room, "after a while he finally found found his room as he entered and shot the door," while he was inside the room he found out that the room was well furnished, and we'll decorated his room was located at the top of the hotel. which was quite the view he could see a lot of things while being there, like the busy street he could also hear some series of gun shut and also some cries for help.

as he looked at the king size bed even slightly bigger than a king size bed, system can you help me to the detect any adenoma function in this room, like maybe some camera or maybe any shadow assassin's, jack said while being careful. "a saying goes like this where there is life there is hope but where there isn't life there isn't hope", as jack awaited a reply. [ why don't host just buy the skill I can't keep looking after the host, am ain't some crazy nanny so just fucking, buy the skill and stop bordering me with little things like this]

After the system said this jack was quiet for a while, like am almost broke I haven't even paid all the money for renting this room, and am also owing you money my life is almost finished, jack lamented after a while jack finally calmed down so how much does this skill cost, and don't even try to reap me off this time ain't going to work, [ approximately this skill would cost you 1000 op points]. fucking system why do you derive pleasure from seeing me suffering, I tough all systems in this word where kind to their master.

Why are you the opposite jack asked with bitter expression on his face, [ host got it all wrong, all this am doing is for your own good in this case I can be considered a caring system.] on hearing this jack almost coughed out blood never mind am buying the skill jack said, [ master you are so rich just give me a min] isn't there any stop to your act of shamelessness, after a while jack heard a notification,[ skill successfully does host want to learn skill, Name of skill:danger detector does host wants to learn skill].

Dam it you are still asking dam yes I want to learn skill. "immediately jack said this white light covered him after a while the light finally subside, as jack heard a notification from the system. [skill acquired] as jack eyes immediately glowed pitch black, as he began to scan the room but to his surprise he didn't find anything on usual, after a while of scanning every detail Inside the room jack finally had a sight of relive, as his eyes immediately went back to the normal colour.

As jack sat in the bed, system do you know the reason she didn't monitor me in any way jack asked. [ the only reason she didn't monitor you is because she knew that even if you ran away, she can just summon you to the exact place you where before so give up any plan of escaping ] W.T.F is that even a skill how would she be able to summon me back to the exact spot I was, when I left is she some kind of witch or something, and why is she so fixed on having sex with me.

Come to think of it that woman senior all my ancestors, but she still looks like a woman In her thirties. [isn't it obvious I don't really know why she is so fixed on having sex with you am not some kind of god, all what you need to do is enjoy having sex with her like ever normal woman you had sex with, and leave the rest to me.] "after jack heard this he was quite assured as he walked up to the glass window to look at the beautiful view below".

The part of a martial arts warriors or a cultivator even anything that Include magic isn't easy, power matter most without power there is no wealth, I would protect those things I love woman's money strength and so on, by the way system is it every body that have a system or just few jack said expecting a reply. [ not really it isn't ever one that has a system only few, many are called but few are chosen you know what am saying right. haven't it border you that out of many people that died on that same time.]

[And At that particular day why where you choose to take possession of this body, and be born into this new word, I know you are still adapting to your surroundings. but you also have to make the best use of it]. "while the system was still giving jack tips jack went to lay on the bed", [it isn't the surrounding that make a predictor dangerous, it is the way they think they act, their strength and their power, without those they are nothing.]

[So do you understand why am telling you this, you have to grow up jack I won't be by your side forever, you have to do something without relying on me. there is some part in life that some people can take it could lead them to achievement, success, power, wealth and many more, while there is some part that could lead people to pain, regret, death suffering, torture and many more, so do you understand?] after a while the system got no respond from jack.

"But to find out that jack have drifted into a long deep sleep", [shit I was just wasting all my energies to lecture this inhuman idiot, and looks where that have gotten me to, he is fast asleep while am here waisting my time, I also need sleep.] "after a while silent returned to the room, only what one could hear was the sound of silent and nothing more.