
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · สมัยใหม่
44 Chs

A way forward.

Is that so jack said while being frustrated, [ yes you are in deed in another world I can't review the full details yet, due to some restrictions put on the system, master whould need to unlock most of the answer when he is in higher level] 

Is that so then can you at least provide me with a very little bit of information, "jack said while being hopeful at least he needed a clue to clear some doubt while planning on what next to do.

[ I can't provide master with any information for now am turely sorry, "wish I chould help but if there is any other thing that I can help with don't esitate to inform me] on hearing this jack knew the situation he was in was not simple.

"Too much information chould put me inside a lotof trouble I just need to find out the exact place I am ,as I started walking in circles thinking on what next to do after a while I finally decided on the next step to take.

"System how many Hp and op do I still have left ? I asked since there was no other options than surving in this forest for a while till I see sign of humans.[ Master has non left in which master is still owning the system a very huge amount of HP and op, which master have to pay back before due time runs out] 

Is that so, "i said feeling frustrated is there still another way I chould gain Hp and op with out having sex I asked while hoping for a reasonable answer, [ master can simply gain Hp and op by simply killing beast

 while completing some system quest]. 

"My case isn't fully hopeless I said while shifting my glaze toward the ground. While looking at the sharp stick I used to kill the disgusting creature earlier as I bend down to pick it up since my only priority right now I's to survive.

"After I picked up the stick I looked up to the sky seeing how darkened it has become, "meaning that the night is becoming more dangerous as the cold breeze blew upon my body sending fear down my vein, as the continuous howl's and cries of some animals was heard.

"One thing was sure this place is more dangerous at night since it's was radiating a aura of danger, "spotting a high tree not far from my current location I decided to take cover ontop of the tree. Since it looks more safer than staying in the ground.

"On reaching the top of the tree which took me quiet some times to climb since I wasn't used to life like this, I started arching some plan on how to gain Hp and op before the day brakes while putting some of my power at use.

"After waiting for a while as I enjoyed the pleasure the cold night air brought to me, as I spotted a group of beast which I couldn't really identify which was coming

 toward my direction. "As a wicked smile curved up on my face finally am going to put my hallucinations into a good use.

"My only worries was that they shouldn't be on a much higher level that I was, if that was the case my hallucinations was going to work bit if the difference between them and I isn't that much. I chould at least keep them under my control for some couple of instinct.

"Feeling the pure and evil vibes they where giving I assumed that the gap shouldn't be that much, system active hallucinations I said while smiling.[ Warning hallucinations effects has taken place but opponent much stronger than master won't be under his control for much long. While those weaker than master, master can control them the way he pleases]

"Is that so then that should be enough as I jumped down from the tree I was and stabbed the closet beast by my side, "which they where all pretty close to me. "Not waisting much time i inserted the stick deeper into its skill on till I heard a crack sound, and with a swift movement I ran forward as I used force to stab the one I thought should be the leader of the park.

"Twisting my stick while pushing it deeper into it's skull, as I felt the killing intent directed to me I immediately shifted to the side avoiding the attack, throwed by one of the beast barely avoid it, any second late and I whould have been serious injured .

"Shit this dam beasthow could they have broken from my hallucinations effects so fast, "then they leave me no choice and with a swift movement I pulled my stick form the beast I just killed not long before I was attacked, "charging directly toward the one who attacked me ignoring the other.

"As continuous fire ball was thrown at me which I bearly dough getting close enough to the one who attacked me, "I tough I had it ontill I was hit by a massive fire ball from the side. "which throwed me off balance with force which I used my back to hit a massive tree, which immerse pain rushed through ever veins.

"Both from the fire ball which hit me and the pain of hitting my back against a tree really hard, dam animals even if I was to die I whould take you all with me I said as I once again charged toward them not caring of the danger I might face a saying says no risk no rewards.

"Moving at a high speed toward the one closest to me determined to take it down no matter the cost.

 "Evading all sort of attack which could claim my life as I finally got close to it enough, and with a swift and calculated motion I went to the side avoiding the incoming claw directed at me. While ignoring the attack that keept on coming.

"Stabbing the beast straight to the eyes while using my digging my other hand straight into it's second eyes taking his vision completely. rendering it to a useless puppy, "seeing this feast was accomplished I removed the stick from its eyes while using it as shield to block the other attack thrown at me, while it kept on shouting and wailing in in pain and agony.

"Seeing they where distracted I moved form the beat I was using as shield as I hide in a nearby tree, "planning my next attack making up my mind, I ran toward the beast which was closes to me not giving it any chance to react, as I stabbed my stick straight into it's skull as it fell lifelessly on the ground.

"Not giving the others any time to react I repeated the same process with different tactic successfully taking down two more while the rest flied, " looking at the others which where running due to fear I breathed out a sign of relief, "as I fell on the ground am pretty sure by now the sound and noice made while fighting battle have drawn a lot of attention.

"Which I have to leave as soon as possible, "system use my recovering pill on me I said remembering I had one which I haven't used. "yes [ Pill being used in progress] as I felt all my energies and stamina coming back in two fold even feeling stronger than before.

"Standing up on my feet I looked at the dead cropes before me, "as a Wilde smile slowly curved it's self on my face, as I used fore to pull out two legs of one of the beast closer to me as I immediately left the place.