
My Mom's Sex Pleasure

Saki... struggling between his studies and his strick mom's pressure towards him. To increase his academic grade and make his strick mom, Sherlyn, proud, he asked his classmate, Kaeda, a topper and his friend to coach him through his studies at his home. Kaeda arrival has a great impact towards his studies and his mom, Sherlyn.

WroteDStory · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

What? 2 days straight!!

Soon both of them went their separate ways, Sherlyn went to her home, it was already late. Saki was already asleep, Sherlyn made her may to her room, she was horny as she just watched a live porn and it was someone she knew. Sherlyn heart was beating fast as she wants to ride a dick. In her heart she was relieved that there are many people who are like her. Sherlyn guided her hands slowly to her cunt. She slowly rubbes it with her fingers "Ahhng," she was letting cute moanings. 

Sherlyn get undressed, her panties were soaked. It was all sticky with her bodily fluids. Sherlyn open her panties and started licking it. "Ahh, Ahng," she slowly layed on the bed and started fingering herself. It was as expected, sliding in easily, this time Sherlyn even slides three fingers at once. She could feel her cunt spreading as it makes her moan even more "Ahh, Ahng, ahh, Kaeda," she subconsciously started moaning to Kaeda's name as it has become something usual for her to say when she's fingering herself.

"I-im Cumming," she squirted all over her bed again. She wasn't satisfied with that, she couldn't shake off the image of 3 men fucking her work mate out of her mind, she was thinking if she was there, and all the people would have seen her getting fucked. "Ahh, I am so horny to even think about that," Sherlyn closed her eyes as she couldn't shake off the image and slept naked. 

She went to her work place as usual and saw Lina there, she was also showing no signs. It was only morning and seeing Lina made her cunt wet. "Her cunt was raided by three dicks and she's back as usual to work," Sherlyn was mounting glancing at Lina. Everytime she looks at Lina, she can only remember how much she moaned last night. She was literally moaning like a bitch, getting fucked like a dog. As everything was going, Lina made her way to Sherlyn. "You thought about it?" She asks to Sherlyn and Sherlyn shook her head and says "I don't think, I can do it," Lina smiles and let's out a sigh. She then mounted "Well yeah, I can understand, I was like that too at first, guilty of cheating and stuff," Sherlyn was looking at Lina, she was wet down there. 

"That's right Sherlyn, how about we play together?" Lina asked and Sherlyn was confused as she don't what does playing together means. "You know, Lets sleep together, if you're guilty of sleeping with a men then why don't sleep with a fellow woman?" Sherlyn did not fully understand as she has never slept with a woman before. "How can a girl fuck a girl?" She asks and Lina laughed and hold Sherlyn's face and she mounted "If you agree I will show you whenever you want, don't worry, this thing won't be guilty as it only gives pleasure," Sherlyn was thinking about Lina's words. "Sleeping with a woman will be good?" she was mounting to herself unable to concentrate her work.

After she came back from work, Saki and Kaeda came home as the tuition starts. Sherlyn was soaked in sweat and when she saw Kaeda glaring at her body, she couldn't help but get horny. When both of them went upstairs, Sherlyn went to her bath. As she was about to soak herself in the bath. "Knock, knock" someone knocked her bathroom door. She covered her boobs with her hands and mounted "W-who's that?" Eventhough she might know who is it, she still aks. "Ahh, debt collector, now open up," It was Kaeda, Sherlyn's heart was racing as she went through alot past two days and she might get fucked today. She slowly opened her bathroom door and let Kaeda in. He saw her naked and hiding her boobs.

"Why are hiding your boobs for, I have already seen everything you have," Kaeda slowly went to her ear and whispered "Even your dirty asshole," Sherlyn was embrassed when she heard that. She took a step back and was not able to look at his eyes "Y-You should leave, Saki might be looking for you," Kaeda grabbed her hands and mounted "he won't, i'm sure of it," 

In the room before...

"Here Saki, I am pretty sure you want to masturbate for this video, sorry I couldn't send it to you as it's personal, okay," Kaeda asks Saki to Masturbate to his fucking video and came downstairs to play with Sherlyn. 

In the bathroom...

"W-what did you do to him?" Sherlyn was resisting but she finally gave in. Her body was sweaty and Keada started licking her neck. "Ahng," his tounge was watery as she could feel her whole body tingling. "Your sweat taste good," he teased her. Kaeda then went to her armpits where it will be mostly sweaty. "Raise your armpits," he demanded and Sherlyn mounted "I-its d-dirty," Keade pinched her nipple and mounted "I don't care, raise now," Sherlyn was in pain of getting her nipples pinched. "Ahng, ahh," she raised her armpits and Kaeda licks it. It was tingling and as expected her armpits were sweatier than ger body. "Your armpits tastes good, Miss Douma," Sherlyn was shocked as he started using her last name to call her. But it was turning her on. "D-Dont say my name in times like this," she cries. 

Kaeda is handsome as any woman who makes out with him will fall for him, it's not only for his dick but his face too. "Let's kiss," Kaeda mounted looking at her. She tried to resist but when she looked at the boy who was so handsome, she couldn't resist anymore. "He's handsome and he's fucking an old woman like me, am I really good for him?" She was confused. Both of their lips touched and they were exchanging tounge. Sherlyn closed her eyes and give in to Keade lips. She could feel his tounge inside her mouth. Both of them were exchanging saliva. Kaeda was spreading her ass cheeks as he was kissing. Sherlyn could feel his dick touching her cunt. Soft moans were escaping through their lips. They were kissing for a few minutes and when Keeda released his lips, Sherlyn's mouth was wet with their saliva. She was panting as he kneels down on her bathroom. Kaeda rubbed pets her head with a smirk, it was as if he was peting his pet.

Kaeda hold her face up and mounted "I will be going now, don't forget you are mine," as he was taking his leave she suddenly shouted "Wait," he turned and she asked "Why...why are you doing this?" She asked unable to lift her head up. Keada continued his walking as he mounted "I like your body and I would like to make it mine," she clenched her teeths until she heard another line faintly "it's because I like you too," as faint as it was, Sherlyn heard it clearly, she looked up to him, she was blushing as she saw his back. "He like...me?" She mounted.

When Kaeda went to his room, Saki was already doing his work. "Took you long enough," Saki mounted looking at Kaeda. Kaeda laughed mounted "I don't want to disturb your precious pleasure time, you see," and they continued studying again. 

"This Math question is so tricky,"

"Ha? Tricky? Show me, I will show it who's the boss,"


Meanwhile Sherlyn who was bathing, was blushing and thinking the words over and over again. She remembered all his touch as as she slowly caressed them. She looked her face on the mirror as she mounted "Is what i'm doing, right?" Her body was hot as she soaked it in cold water. She closed her eyes and let's out a huge sigh. She stretch her arms and legs, she was somehow feeling relaxful and happy. it was af if the burden is slowly decreasing. She then remembered Lina's words of having sex is open way to reduce stress. She puts her mouth into tub, blowing bubbles. 

Since Sherlyn's fee is for Saki's grades, during the exam period Kaeda fully focused on tutoring Saki. He won't go out of the room, but if Sherlyn comes to their room to give them snacks, he will touch her ass. "Here, have some snacks," Sherlyn came into their room, she was wearing short skirt which was revealing her white flower pattern panties. She sat in middle to Saki and Kaeda observing them. Kaeda took his chance to touch her thigh. Sherlyn noticed it but she didn't do anything. Kaeda eventually went to cunt. As he expected, it's was wet. He leaned to her ears and mounted "You are already horny?" Sherlyn blushes when she heard that, she got up and leaves as Kaeda watches her ass bouching. He was hard, but he controled himself.

The exam period finishes, with once again Saki getting good grades. Sherlyn hold a small party for both of them. She cook both of their favourite foods. "Now eat up, it's your favourite food I cooked," she mounted to them as they started eating. "There are a lot of vegetables," Saki mounted and Sherlyn mounted "it gives energy," glances at Kaeda. He was smirking looking at Sherlyn. She sat on the opposite chair. Suddenly she could feel Kaeda legs touching her thighs. She looked at him and he was eating the food as if it's not him. His legs were asking for the way to her cunt. Sherlyn slowly spread her legs giving his legs path to wisdom. She could feel his toe rubbing her cunt. She was wearing a panties but Kaeda searched his way through to her cunt. "Ahng," she lets out a obvious moan which made both of them look at her. "Mom?" She mounted "Nothing, just eat,"

She was letting out cute maoning sounds faintly as his toes played her cunt. "Ahng, ahh, ahh, Ahng," her body was getting wet and Kaeda could feel his toes easily penetrating her cunt. Suddenly, "Woah, Keada, where's leg going," Saki mounted as he looked Kaeda's legs stretche. Both Sherlyn and Kaeda were petrified. Sherlyn quickly closed her legs and Kaeda slowly retreated hig legs saying "Oh me, I was streching, they are quite painful," As Saki watches his toes, he could see his toes were wet, "Oh I see," Saki mounted before continuing eating. Both Sherlyn and Keada let's a huge sigh and continue eating. Kaeda didn't dare to stretch his leg again as he might get caught this time.

The next day at school...

"Students, we're doing a homestay program for two days where you live with your friends family while your friend live with your family for two days,"

"Great, Saki, why do we exchange families for two days," Keada mounted.

"Ehh? R-Really?," Saki asked.

"Yeahh, It would be a great idea,"

Both of them agreed and decided to inform their parents on their opinion..."Exchanging parents, and you are going to Kaeda's house and Kaeda's going to be here with me? Yeah sure, don't give their family trouble," Sherlyn mounted cleaning the dishes. Usually, Sherlyn won't allow for these kinds of things, she will lock him up in his house and force him to study. When she gave permission for Saki to leave, he was abit shocked. The next days both Kaeda and Saki meets up. "My parents agreed too," Kaeda mounted looking at Saki. Kaeda pust his hands on Saki's shoulders and mounted, this is going to fun, he was smirking.

Kaeda was in the town buying something he needed "There's alot I need now," he mounted smirking Infront of the Erotic Shops where they sells sex accessories. The Program will be held by the coming Saturday and Sunday. There is still 5 days for Kaeda. "Yes sir, what would like to buy," Keada smirked and mounted "Ohh, Alot you see...alot," thus his shopping in the Erotic Shop begins. There is alot of things he need to buy again since Sherlyn body size is different. "What kind of you woman are pleasuring with," the shopkeeper asks. Kaeda's a regular there. "it's a milf this time, milf with a fantastic body, I would show you the video, pick the correct sizes and he show the video of him banging Sherlyn on their first date. 

"Hmm, very well, we do have sizes for her," and puts all the things Kaeda need in the correct sizes. Kaeda's rich, his father worked in a big company and now that he have retired, he's getting pension from his job, it's so much that it could run their lives until Kaeda grows. Kaeda's mother and father has age gap of 20 years, while his father is 60, his mother is 40 years old. She still looks young despite having two children and one baby. "How many rubbers do you need sir," he asked to Kaeda. He smirked and mounted "let's see, give me worth for two days," the shop keeper looked at Kaeda and mounted "Very well sir, I would love you give you this pill as a present," Keada looks at the pill and mounted "What's this?" And the shop keeper smiles and mounted "A pill that will make you hard, use it when you feel like you can't continue anymore, I'm sure it will be helpful," Kaeda smirked thinking on how much he's going to pound Sherlyn for two days. 

Kaeda left the shop after buying everything he needs. The shopkeeper took his cigarette and lights it. He lets a big blow and mounted "There's alot of youngters fucking these days, what has the world become, women's aren't safe in this corrupt world after all," he took another last puff of his cigarette and extinguished it mounting "Well, it's only because of them, we erotic shops, can make a living," 

"I am going out for a while, Saki," Sherlyn decided to go out to buy some clothes. She drove her car to the town and went into one of the lingerie shops. "I am buying lingerie for myself not because Keade coming," the shop keeper ask her on what she's looking for and Sherlyn mounted "Gi-Give me your erotic lingerie that will make a man...or a boy get attracted to me," she didn't realise what she said but the shop keeper's were laughing when she said that. "How can I say something like that," she mounted to herself embarrassed. The shop keeper brought her to shelf of lingerie. She was mesmerized as she has never seen lingerie like this. She usually wears a thong, but whe she saw Lina wearing some sexy Lingerie, Sherlyn wanted to try it too. "W-Will he like it? Oh my, I am not buying for him but me," she was embarrassed whenever she talks about Kaeda. Even the shop keeper were watching her abnormally.

Soon Sherlyn also went after buying all she wants. After she left, the shop keeper mounted "She's definitely cheating on her husband," and another one mounted "How you know that?" She lets a sigh out and mounted "I am working here for years, I have seen many customers, she's new to cheating," the other shop keeper was impressed. "Now days, cheating has become a regular thing, I don't understand why they do it, hurting the one they love, don't love if you want to cheat...then again, who am I to say, never judge a book by its cover," the shop keeper mounted before continuing her work. The other shop keeper who heard that mounted "That's some deep shit right there," and continued walking along with her.

Keada's room...

"Ahh, ahh, fuck, ahh," Kaeda was masturbating, he brought Sherlyn's wet panties which she put to the laundry after masturbating. It still has a fresh smell. Sherlyn knew he took it as when she searched for it she couldn't found. "Fuck, Sherlyn, I am cumming in your ass," and cummed all over his belly. He was getting hard all over as he couldn't shake off the feeling that he's going to fuck Sherlyn for two days straight. It's not something easy to pull off even for Kaeda unless Sherlyn became his bitch. 

"Let's take a video and send her," he took a video of him masturbating using Sherlyn panties "Fuck, Your panties smell so good, it's so dirty and has a thick smell," he mounted. He send the video to Sherlyn as he got her number. "Let's see, where is it...ahh "Cum Dumpster" there we go," and he send Sherlyn the video he took. It wasn't long as the video was seen by Sherlyn. She just left it seen. "That bicth, she must be horny right now, hahaha." Kaeda got up as his mother called him down. He quickly hides the panties under his pillow. His sister might come to his room searching for things, as if she found the panties, it will troublesome. Sherlyn's panties are plain, thus, if his sister saw it, she might think it's their mother's or hers and it will be a big trouble to handle. Those panties are women sizes, if he told it was his girlfriend, they definitely won't believe and if he tell it's Sherlyn's. He will be dead.

Sherlyn was watching TV when she got the video. Her heart was racing when she got the video, when she see it, she automatically gets horny. And the moans he was making was visible in the video. Sherlyn was sitting on the couch, she was wearing a short skirt. The video was only 1 minute long, but Sherlyn replayed it over and over until she started fingering herself looking at the dick in the video. When she saw her panties being used like that, she got more horny. "Ahh, Ahng, Ka-Kaeda...Ahng," she was stroking her fingers into her pussy so fast as her fluids started making sound. She could feel her fluids dripping down from her cunt. She spread her legs to get a look. "Ahng, ahh, m-my pussy, ahh," looking at her wet pussy was even more aroussing for her. As she was stroking her pussy suddenly "Mom, mom," Saki called her. 

Sherkyn was surprised, she forgets she was in hall and not in her room. She could hear footsteps coming from the stairs. "S-Saki's here, i-i should stop now, Ahng, ahh," Saki got down and went towards Sherkyn who was sitting on the couch. "Mom?" He went Infront her. "Y-Yes, what you want?" She told covering her pussy with her skirt. There were fluid all over the couch and Saki obviously saw it, but he didn't make a fuss as it might be water. He also noticed her phone opened but he couldn't see what's the video. "Oh I just came to watch the TV with you," and he sat beside her. Sherlyn heart was racing as if she got up now, Saki will definitely find out she was masturbating as her fluids were all over her ass. 

She was also near to Cumming. Sherlyn sat there and watch the TV like nothing happened, she was uncomfortable of the wetness but couldn't help but stick her ass on the couch until her sons goes. After an hour, Saki went upstairs. Sherlyn quickly got you, the couch was stained with her fluid. She quickly brought a towel and wipe the spot clean. She even smelled to see if there any smell. "That was really close, how much longer am I going to get away with this?" She thought to her self unable to think for a moment.

Demm, the Chapter's watery all over

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