

I flick his forehead and he rubs the place I just hit.

"You are knitting your eyebrows again, are you thinking about something."

He shakes his head and looks at me his warm smile back on his lips," I made your favourite today."

I slip my arm around his and smile," Lead the way my humble butler."

He shakes his head and together we make our way to the dining table where he pulls the chair out for me.

"Where's Peta?" I ask after sensing no sign of the white wolf.


"The wolf, did you see him after our encounter in the morning?"

"The feral? Surprising enough I have not seen any sign of it since morning."

"Oh. Do you think he went back?"

"Won't that be for the best?"

I manage a small smile and slightly nod," Maybe, well then, what shall I have? They all look delicious."

He chuckles and serves a single of each on a plate and hands it to me. I stretch my hands above my head and let out a satisfied sigh. I swing the towel over my shoulders and sit by my desk. I pull out a book and read through the first page.

(What time is it?)

I rub my eyes and look at the clock.

"Midnight, I should probably get to sleeping."

I lay awake in bed staring at the ceiling. A tap on the window has me on my feet.


I slowly walk towards the window and pull the curtains aside only to be greeted by darkness and numerous stars. I shrug my shoulders and head back to bed falling asleep almost instantly.

Sly smirks and walks down the path bumping into Kahiki.

"What are you doing here Sly, isn't the human world trash in your eyes?" Kahiki asks and Sly chuckles.

"Hello to you too cousin, I came by to say hi."

"Hi? Sly, you hate the human world no? You've killed numerous humans because of your hatred you know."

"And their blood was so delicious," he replies and licks his lips.

Kahiki shakes his head and lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Where are you staying? Hotel?"

"I just got here, I haven't gotten the time to book one, mind if I stay with you?"

Without another word, he turns and walks down the path Sly behind him. They take a detour down the dark alleys and soon, they stand at the foot of Kahiki's house. Sly let's out a low whistle and swings his arm over Kahiki's shoulder.

"This place is amazing! Do you live alone or did you get yourself a girlfriend?" he asks teasingly nudging him with his elbow.

"Keep spouting nonsense and you'll be sleeping on the streets," he replies coldly and Sly pouts his lips.

"You're always so dense cousin, you never know when to joke."

Kahiki ignores him and opens the door Sly following closely behind him.

"This will be your room for the time you are here, the room has a bathroom and everything you'll need."

Sly jumps on the bed and sighs heartily," Thank you cousin, this will do."

He nods and walks out the door leaving Sly to himself. After a quick rest, he heads into the bathroom and stares at his reflection in the mirror.

"That girl fascinates me."

An overwhelming thirst settles upon his gut and his eyes glow faintly. Sinking his fangs into his lower lip, blood drips from his injured lip and he licks it clean.

"A fine breed indeed," he murmurs and precedes with his bath.

"Morning Honey, how have you been lately"

"Good, I just missed you."

"I missed you too, I heard you are about to be released, are you happy?"

"But- I will be going back to the orphanage right?"

I freeze in my tracks and look at her.

"Why didn't you tell me that am an orphan?"

"Honey- I..."

"I know, you did it for my sake," she sighs and looks at me," will it be selfish of me if I wish to get sick so that I can stay here?"

"Don't say that Honey, being sick isn't something you should be wishing for."

A tear flows down her cheek and I wipe it away with my thumb, gently caressing her.

"Don't cry princess, I promise to come visit you during the weekends."

She sniffles and looks at me with renewed hope.


"Of course, I'll even bring you gifts."

"Do you promise?"

I hold up my pinkie finger and wiggle it in front of her face," Let's swear on it."

She entwines her finger in mine and smiles," You've promised so you can't go back on your word."

A knock sounds from the door grabbing our attention.

"Sorry to disrupt you but the director needs a word with you Dr. Nine."

"I'll be there."

The nurse nods and walks away. I turn my attention to Honey who smiles.

"You can go, am going to catch up on my sleep."

"Okay then, I'll see you soon."

I plant a kiss on her forehead and tuck her in. After ensuring she is in a comfortable position, I walk out and head to the director's office bumping into Luna along the way.

"What's the rush Nine?"

"King has requested me to grace him with my presence," I reply and Luna chuckles.

"Aren't you a lucky one."

"Nothing about this is luck."

"Is that so well then good luck, tell me everything later? Today am busy with numerous patients in and out of the hospital," she says a pout on her lips.

"Luna, you can do it!"

She looks at me, nods and walks away. I make my way to the top floor and knock on the huge door.

A voice echoes from behind the thick doors," Come in!"

Turning the door knob, I walk into the room softly closing the door behind me.

"You asked for-"

My words trail off once I notice the two figures sitting with King.

"Did you really think you would escape from me, my dear pet?"