
Two friends, Two rivals

-How... how the hell does he have such power?! -

My power had responded for an instant, I thought I had mastered this force...

-Peter... PETER! -

I thought... Ha! Yes... it was too good to be true.

I collapsed as soon as the energy flow diminished, the forces in my body left me as soon as I relaxed everything. I didn't get to the point of fainting but I did drop my guard.

-Hey kid, are you okay? -


I stood up, tried to pretend that I was barely strong enough to speak.



Flash pounced on me, he was furious, his body was starting to wrap itself in its black form again. And as soon as he was within three feet of me, he stopped short.

- F...Flash? -

Flash was paralyzed, Professor Widow had stopped him in his tracks with her gift, and before he let go, she tied him up with one of her whips.

-Listen, if you want to fight, do it decently in the arena. -

Arena? There are many things I still don't know about the A.S.A.; I'm still far behind everyone else. So I must hurry.

Finally there were the results. Before leaving we all met in front of the teacher. Whoever was left last would be expelled from the course, that was the condition. I was just waiting...

-All right, these are your results. -

Professor Widow projected our results on a holographic screen. I...closed my eyes again, just as with the admission results I did not want to see my failure. At that moment it was a miracle for me that I had passed.






















This time, that miracle would no longer happen twice.

- How? how could I? -

- Peter... -

- All right, so that's the way it is...then you know what this means, don't you? -

I was in the dark, I failed Mr. Stark, I failed Aunt May, I failed Uncle Ben, but most importantly, I failed myself. Now all I had to do was wait for...

- Everyone passed! -

. . .HUH?!

-It was clear that this was a test, the teacher did this so that we would give everything and not take it as a game. -

Laura Kinney, number 3 on the list, she had really noticed from the beginning, but I didn't really care much about her now, I just felt reassured knowing that she would be fine...

-Well...that's a relief. -

- PETER! -


"The idiot stopped pretending, he must have felt relieved that he won't be expelled"

-Take him to the nurse's office, the rest of you can leave, go warm up. -

- YES! -

- Don't relax too much, tomorrow will be worse. -

That day we withdrew everything, the tests took longer than expected. The rest finished the introductory classes and I spent the rest of the day in the infirmary.

- How did Nat go? -

- They could have done better, especially that successor of yours -

-Wow... did he really do that badly? -

-He is afraid, he refuses to give all he has. -

- Have you already realized its potential? -

- You're not going to convince me with that irritating tone of yours Stark, I didn't expel him for you, I just know he didn't have a potential of 0.

- I know, it just needs a little push. -

- Although if he looks anything like you, he knows how to grab attention with his entrance. -

- Oh please... -

When I woke up it was already night, Dr. Cho was really how she was described, maybe she had a friendly tone, but she certainly knew how to teach you a lesson when you deserved it.

I returned to change, everyone had already retired to their rooms, it was night, a very cold night. Sometimes when I finished my homework late I used to leave the school or the library at this time, Uncle Ben used to wait for me with a hot coffee or we would go to eat in some restaurant. But now that he's gone... I'm alone.

- Peter! -

Oh that's what I thought.

-You scared us. -

- Dude..., next time you're going to pass out, please at least let us know first. -

Yes...he was no longer alone, now he had even more people I can fight with by his side...people I can call...

-Here, it's a hot chocolate, it's not so hot anymore but...hey... Hey, why you're crying?! -


-No...It's nothing...just, thanks for waiting for me. -

The next day I managed to wake up in time, Pietro and Wanda were waiting for me on a bench near the building where our classroom is located.

As soon as we got to our classroom, everyone was in their own world, I was a little embarrassed to have passed out in front of everyone. And to my surprise.

-Hey, Ah, are you Parker? -Is that so? -

- Hey, don't bother him so much, he must keep recovering. -

Two boys came up to talk to me.

-Oh I haven't introduced myself, Sam Alexander -

- Azari T'Challa -

- T'Challa? You... Just like The Hero Black Panther?! -

- Well... he is my father. -

I was not surprised, he was the son of one of the most recognized heroes, and also one of the main members of the avengers. I seriously CANNOT BELIEVE THAT HE IS IN FRONT OF HIS SON!

-Wao, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Pe Pe Peter. -

-Oh come on, it's not that bad. It's a pleasure. -

-Hey, and you're not going to ask me who I am? -

- Eh... Who are you? -

- Hehe, my name will be recognized beyond the whole universe , I am Sam Alexander... But soon I will be known as...! -

- Sam, right? It's a pleasure. -


We talked for a while, both were great, their powers could be very useful in various situations, only a few minutes later Professor Widow came in quickly, she had an important announcement to make.

-Today is your second day, at least for most of you, so we will start with today's activity. -

We got tense, if it was something like yesterday, it would really be a problem again.

-The activity you will do today...will be a test of combat. -


We all got excited, it really was something that happens very often, the heroes facing the villains, the epic battles, and of course?

-For this activity you should use these. -

From the wall some drawers were unfolded, there were cases with certain insignias embodied in them.

-Once you are done putting them on, go to the delta field. -

The hero costumes.

Multiple companies affiliated with the A.S.A. and other hero agencies usually make the hero costumes on request. Big Ronnie's Custom Battle Spandex One of the leading costume design companies.

It expanded in the past because of the great demand for heroes, they produced mainly sports designs, but with the emergence of inhumane powers, they changed course, and adapted many of their products for the different types of people who appeared.

As students of this course, we could send specifications according to our powers, so that the suits would fit our powers. That said, I think you'll be wondering if I sent something in too.

I actually marked that I already owned one, Mr. Stark had made a new suit for me, but overnight he retired it, so for now I will have to wear my old suit.

I had to make some slight aesthetic changes so that it wouldn't look like the one I used in the city...or it could end up badly.

- Peter! Come on! -

We are all heading to the Delta Camp. The school had multiple booths as a kind of mini-meter, which ran through the entire academy. I heard about it right then and there.

Something made me curious, one of the girls only had one suit with several marks, it was strange, it seemed to be like the suit that Mr. Stark wore when he put on the MARK III armor, but I guess everyone has his own style.

As soon as we arrived, we expected Professor Widow to be with us, but there was no sign of her.

- I see you're all here! -

A voice coming from a megaphone was heard from above, and that's when we saw it, in the sky a red figure peeking out until it fell in front of us.

A mythical pose in itself, with a bent knee and a fist on the ground. The invincible iron hero.

"Iron Man! That's really him!"

Mr. Stark was standing in front of us, but why, he was wearing his MARK 50 armor, a black metallic tone armor and a rather "thick" but slender complexion.

Mr. Stark stood up and disabled his helmet, in the blink of an eye leaving his head exposed. He walked a bit and positioned his hands on his hip.

-I'm glad to see you made it this far, Natasha wasn't going to make things easy for you. -

He spoke with incredible naturalness, just a moment was enough to make us feel comfortable with him. Worthy of the most popular hero.

-Well, your outfits look great, just vast with seeing them that each of you wants to highlight -

Mr. Stark took one look at all of us, but coincidentally as soon as he looked at me he let out a small laugh that he hid by looking away and covering his mouth. I wonder why that is...

"Sorry kid...I forgot...to give you back the suit..."

-Anyway, let's go to what interests us. -

We enter the Delta field. It was a whole area full of buildings, as if it were a city. In the middle of the main street where we entered there was a small table.

-Very well, as you know today you will have a little combat exercise. -

Mr. Stark displayed a holographic image from his armor.

-It's no secret that at some point you will have to fight your own battle, we heroes have to set our limits, and it's something that villains don't usually respect. -

The screen showed us images of heroes in multiple battles, and also certain parts where they do not always win.

-A hero must be able to turn the situation around in a second, even if the odds aren't in his favor. And that's what they'll prove here! -

The image was changed to a board where it divided the class into two sections.

-Heroes and villains, your activity will be the following. -

Each of you has been assigned a random pair, and also a random group, whether you are Heroes or Villains these will be your conditions.

Everyone will have a time limit of 10 minutes, in that time they must investigate in an area that will be assigned to them, the villains have positioned a bomb that will destroy the entire city, their mission will be to recover that bomb, do everything in their power, the heroes will have the option to capture the villains, they win if they recover the bomb or immobilize the villains, however even if they capture them if they do not take the bomb they have the opportunity to free themselves and fight again if there is still time, the villains also win if time runs out.

-Well, you can fight all you want, Dr. Cho will be aware of some situation so...DON'T hold back. -

Mr. Stark ended with that last sentence. He closed his mask and addressed us again.

-Ah and one more thing, even if they are going to fight, if I see them overdoing it against their rival, I will stop them, so watch out for that. Good! It's time to start! -

-First A-team of heroes and villains move to the designated area. -

Miss Friday announced that the first team should pass. And to my surprise it was none other than my team...and Flash's.

-This is going to get interesting. Friday, do me a favor and play something from my battle list. -

-Understood, sir.

(Well I chose this one for the occasion. And I really like ACDC's songs, so why not...)

-Reproducing: ACDC's Thunderstruck (Mr. Stark's private battle album) -

The team of heroes was made up of me and Wanda, and the team of villains was made up of Flash and a guy named Luke Cage.

Both groups went to the building they told us about. They had gone through another entrance so that we did not know where they would place the bomb.

Once Wanda and I were in front of the building we had 2 minutes to get organized. I was a little nervous, I don't know if my current strength without relying on full spider power would be enough to fight the Flash.

-Peter... are you all right? -

-I'm just analyzing the situation, since our rivals have strong statistics. -

- It is true. You've been with Flash before, haven't you? What do you know about him? -

- Mmm, Flash has many advantages that make him dangerous, his skill in combat, his father was an ex-military, so he received some training, in addition to his gift, as far as I know his strength increases the more black matter is in his body. And as for Luke, he seems to possess similar strength and indestructible skin, so damaging him will be difficult -

- Oh...I see. In any case, we must know what powers we have in our favor. -

- You're right, I have increased strength, I can climb walls and shoot a kind of spider web-like thread. -

- Wow! That means you do everything a spider can do. -

- In simple terms it is. -

- Well, I can manipulate luck or probability, shoot energy or just float, I can also conjure up some kind of spell with my hands for myself or my allies, only if I use it wrong it will all come back to us. -

- Ah, so that's what Pietro meant when he said he didn't grow up. -

- Ahh, WHAT DID THAT IDIOT TELL YOU?! - Wanda blushed at that, maybe she had to deal with her gift too, handling probability and luck already tells you that it is a power that has many options.

- Nothing in particular, he preferred not to say anything else. -

- It's okay...

The heroes, if they are already prepared and even if they are not! TO THEIR POSITIONS! -

Mr. Stark spoke to us through a megaphone that echoed throughout the place, plus there were small drones flying over the place, it must have been the cameras to observe us.

-Hey man, where are you going, you're supposed to help me with the bomb. -

- You are indestructible, aren't you, so you will protect the bomb. -

- And what will you do? -

- I will stop those two and we will win this easily. I'm counting on you to be my linebacker. -

(A linebacker, in American football is in short the defense of the defense, and the support of the quarterbacks).

- Dude...-

-That stupid Nerd must not pass. -

We all know what Flash is like, but if there is one thing I must admit, it is that he knows how to work as a team, after all he knows how to take advantage of his colleagues...


- let's go Wanda! -

- YES! -

"Make an effort kid, this is your chance to make things right"