
"I can still save another person!"

-That's right, brats... This is your ceremony! Here they begin their journey to be heroes... so... welcome... to My Marvel Academy! -

An obstacle on the first day of school, one that would make the difference between those who have the potential and those who don't.

-The tests that many of you are registered with are illogical. Many have not even exploited their full potential, use your gifts as much as you can to prove that you are capable. Otherwise...you can go back to the hole you came from. -

Its coldness increased every second. And even though those words were supposed to end with us...

- Come on, if we don't overcome this little obstacle we can't call ourselves heroes! To face the villains... That will be a challenge! -

...It just lit a fire in our hearts.

- That's how easy you think it is? All right...come on, you little brats; Avengers United. -

~ YES! ~


The first test looked simple, but what was complicated was not getting "Normal" results.

-Well, it looks like it's my turn first... -

Pietro would start the first test, he looked pretty confident, and how could he not be if his gift was perfect for the situation. Next to him a girl with a squirrel's tail was also preparing for the race.

BANG! A shot was heard along with the robot.

Pietro Maximoff: 0.2 seconds


Pietro Django Maximoff

Power: Super speed (Short name)

It is a mutant capable of moving and thinking at superhuman speeds, is able to run at supersonic speeds up to Mach 10 and resist the effects of friction, oxygen reduction, and kinetic impact when moving at super speeds. It can perform feats such as creating cyclones with intense winds, running along walls, and crossing bodies of water. However, his abrasive and impatient personality is that it seems to him that the rest of the world is moving in slow motion and he is constantly waiting to catch up.

- Very good partner! You're really fast. -

- Thank you! -

The next race would be between Wanda and a blonde boy.

- Oh! It's my turn! I'm going to try my best, Peter! -

- Huh? Ah yes, cheer up! -

For a girl this pretty to talk to you like that... It's amazing!

-Dude, if you ever see my sister like that again... I'll dump you somewhere in China. -


Wanda positioned herself right next to a blond boy, he looked quite serene, his eyes remained closed, only until the initial shot sounded was when he reacted.

Wanda started flying and in an instant both of them reached the goal almost at the same time.

Wanda Maximoff: 4.8 seconds

- Phew! I think I did it right. -

Wanda Maximoff

Power: Spells

He has the ability to manipulate probability through his "spells", often manifesting them through deep red "evil rays". These spells are variable in scope, and his line of sight is limitless. Casting a spell requires a gesture and concentration on her part, although gestures are largely a focus for her concentration, and despite this precision, spells are not necessarily guaranteed to work, especially if Wanda is tired or uses her powers excessively. If overextended, Wanda's spells can be counterproductive, causing the probability to work against her will or undo previous spells.

-It's lucky it didn't explode or worse. -

- Huh? Why do you say that, Pietro? -

- No special reason... -

That was a little uncomfortable...and a little worrying. The "It's lucky I didn't explode" didn't go over well.

In the next race there was a blonde girl with pink tones, and next to her was the guy I ran into at the beginning of the entrance exam.

The shot rang out, the boy began to glow and flew quickly to the goal, but the blonde girl jumped to the side of the track and... Disappeared?

BOO! I'm over here, spider...

But what? GWEN!

That's cute, are you really going to get mad about this?

Stop meddling in my narrative! You're supposed to be in the middle of the first test right now.

I do! But you know that I can get there long before Pietro, besides I just wanted to say hello to the readers. By the way, hello!

Readers? What do you mean? What's more, I told you, let's get back to the story at once!

Come'on Peter! This is the first time in a long time that I appear again in a story related to the Marvel superheroes. Even if it's in a cheap Fanfic like this one, and there are many in wattpad!

GWEN! I'm not interested in another one of your delusions about fictional universes! Just get back to the scene!

GOOD! Mr. Shitty Successor, just because this story is about you doesn't mean you can be rude.

Just... come back... to history!

I'M COMING, I'M COMING! But you know I hate being next to Sam.



One after the other, each one of them had incredible skills, but at least I would have liked to have had some luck...

-If you get in my way... I'm going to kill you, you fucking nerd. -

...and avoid at all costs running into the devil.


Flash's leg was wrapped in a black mass, not only his skin, but also on his sports suit. He took off with a great explosive force, a cloud of dust was the only thing he left, before he would not even have stepped on his heels.


-That nerd is sure to take forever to...-


But now, I can handle it.

-But what the hell... that damn nerd... How the hell did he get that time? -

-** ** ******* *** ***, **** ******* ** ***** ***** ********. -

- Then I'm going to kill him. -

Eugene "Flash" Thompson

Power: Unknown

The apparent power of Flash is a black matter that enhances it. Flash is an experienced hand-to-hand fighter and a born shooter. However, there is little data on his full capabilities. Follow the story for future data updates.

Flash was looking at me with hate, as soon as we crossed eyes he turned her away, but I just wanted him to know that I didn't plan to lose again.

- Let's go Peter! We must continue with the next test. -

- I'm coming! -

Wanda called me to continue. I went right away, a little confused since it was the first time in a long time that I had been able to relate to someone like that.

Different tests were presented to us:

Grip test.

"Dude, 1587.33 pounds! You've got to be kidding me."

Another personal reminder...

-Hey Peter, are you done? Wanda and I will keep on with, what, 92 pounds?! -


I was distracted for a moment by the result a boy got in front of me, and I applied the same force as in my previous tests...

And so, we went through test after test.

Obstacles, side jumps, climbing, long-distance jumping, this last one was not a problem for me, I managed to get a good distance to the other side.

Professor Widow may have said that the suits would fail, and they did, but when you do your best, when you let go of your ties and concentrate on completing your goal...

- Come on, you brats! This will be the last test. -

The truth is that there is nothing to stop you...

- Quickly! They will end with the ball throwing. -

The last exercise was the first one Flash started with. Most of us had gifts that increased our strength, but I only prayed that my strength...would not turn against me.

A girl with giant hands started with the first shot. She put out her hands and, like a professional baseball player, threw the ball with all her might.

-1.4 kilometers... not bad, girl. -

- Thank you! -

Each of them had an exceptional gift. Even a boy who seemed to be younger than all of us managed to throw her a great distance with the help of a great beast.

-Everyone really is amazing...-

- Hey Peter! Hey Peter, will you finish with that great strength you have? -

- Strength? Eh...well...me. -

- What's going on, Peter? Are you all right? -

I know it was the first time I had met Wanda, and yet she encouraged me as if we were friends. Can I really call someone I just met... friend?

-I... -AUCH! -

Pietro arrived from behind, gave me a good blow on the head, looked me in the eyes?

-I told you before, didn't I, if you have any respect for who we are and who we want to be...then...don't you dare hold back. -

My eyes opened in an instant, they were two shining suns...those two people...

- Come on Peter! GIVE IT YOUR BEST! -

They would become one of my greatest treasures.

- PARKER! It's your turn. -

- YES! -

Finally it was my turn to pass...they all lined up and paid attention. That only made me more nervous, I was the New York City vigilante, and the rumor spread quickly after the exam. Everywhere I went, I heard only whispers of things about me

"Is it really him? He's smaller than I thought.

"It can't be. And he alone defeated the sentry..."

I could hear everyone's whispers. With the help of my new senses I could focus on a better one if I wanted to. So I decided to focus them on what was current in deciding whether to stand out or fall behind.

- Hey! Ponytail. -

- And hit it with that! I told you my name is Pietro! -

-I don't care, just tell me what the hell all those extras are whispering about. -

- Oh? As if I would tell you anything with that attitude, go and ask them yourself! -

- HOW?! -

Flash and Pietro had begun to argue, I was positioning myself to throw, trying not to lose focus.

- You're Peter's friend Flash! Right? Your pitch earlier was amazing! -


- Oh, really? Peter said you were childhood friends. -

- You...little...! -

Flash was planning to attack Wanda, but before he could even do anything Pietro stood in her way.

-If you ever touch her... you're going to regret it...

- Damn ponytail... PARKER! ONE-TIME LAUNCH! -

What was I supposed to do, I felt like my body was shaking inside, my decision had to overcome my fear of getting hurt, what the hell is wrong with me, I know, but I don't think the rest of it is understood.

One would think that his problems were over as soon as he received these powers. Not so, it is not only force that you expel, your spirit must be brought into order.

The pressure of a new world, the burden of being named a successor, no longer being the beaten kid...the death of a loved one.

All those changes were now happening to me. Processing this...

"I told you before, didn't I, if you have any respect for who we are and who we want to be...then...you're not going to hold back."

"Peter. no matter how long it takes, no matter how many masks you wear...I want you to always be Peter Parker... Okay?"

"You can be a hero too"

-I must do it... In short, I MUST DO IT!

- I knew it.

Before I could shoot, my body froze for a second before I threw the ball. I couldn't breathe, this... this could only be the work of...

-Tony, aren't you thinking of going to see the child? -

-I don't think so, I'm going to leave everything to Natasha. -

- Can you really relax that way in your chair? -

- I'm just saving my strength to patrol later. -

-You really think the kid will be okay, Stark? -

-Calm down Fury, I know what I saw. The boy... will do well..." I hope so" -

-I knew it... -You don't have what it takes. -

From one moment to the next I managed to move again, but my paralysis was not only due to the power of the teacher, her presence, her look... The cold that emanated and that threatening vibration... were enough to paralyze anyone just by standing next to her.

- Do you think this is a game? If so, Stark was deluded into entrusting such a big responsibility to a child who thinks he is special and is just plain wrong. -

Why do you say that? I was going to give it my all, right?

-I witnessed what you are capable of, but in all your face there is fear evident, if you still think it was a mistake to be here, that it was just luck and someone else deserved it...then you should give up. -

Was it really? Why was it me? All of this would have been avoided if I didn't have my powers. My uncle's death, my aunt's worry... all my problems... Was it really all a mistake? Why...

-Listen to me child, natural disasters, accidents and unseemly villains, with each of these situations hundreds of heroes die every day, their dreams, their struggle, everything is extinguished in the blink of an eye. That's why we prepare them to give everything they have, so they can decide...so you can decide if you want to be a burden after saving one person...or save everyone with a smile. -

- My intention was not to...

- No matter what your intention is, if you're not willing to give it your all...then you don't have what it takes to be a hero. You are just someone with zero potential. -

- Sorry. -

- Well, never mind, just hurry up with your attempt once and for all. -

What do I do? What should I choose? I still don't know the full extent of this new power, Mr. Stark warned me, I just wanted...

~Peter tell me something, when you saved that kitten from those kids, did you think before that you would get beaten up by them? ~

~ No...I just didn't want the kitten to get hit. ~

~ That's exactly what happens with heroes, most of them even though they act calmly, when they started they would jump in to help before even thinking about it, with practice they learn how to improve, but everyone learns from their mistakes, if you acted first before thinking I think...you are on a good path. ~

Uncle Ben... I think it's time, don't you? Stop crying about these things. Hell if these powers aren't mine, I've got them now...and I'll make the best use of them. If I don't think I deserve them...I must make up for it...I must...


-This doesn't look good for Peter. -

- What is happening to him? -

- What is not clear? The stupid nerd won't move forward because he doesn't have a gift to back it up. -

- Doesn't he have a gift?! Don't you know what he did on the entrance exam? -

- What the hell are you talking about? Clearly there was a mistake in letting him in here. -

~If it's my only option...please...at least flow this time...~

-No matter how hard he tries, he only has two options...quit or...-

I know I'm not ready yet, I know control won't come overnight, but for the first time...this power...this energy...everything was at my command! The power enveloped me in that blue electric energy, my hair was starting to bristle, I felt chills running through every part of me. Even for a second...even for a moment...


At the launch I could feel it, my muscles, all the tension was centered in the hand...all that was left was to RELEASE IT!

The launch caused a bigger explosion than the Flash...enough...

Peter Parker: 2.8 kilometers.

To get a better score than him!

-Teacher... I can still save another person! -

-This damn kid... -

"But what... BUT WHAT?! He really was..."

- Not bad boy! ...Not bad -

-That bastard Stark...he's really going to pay... Hahaha! -