
My Many Mistakes

Alex once lived in the outskirts of Korea with the love of his life. They were a happy couple until his love turned his back on him and decided to get Alex executed without remorse or guilt. Alex was reborn in the Summer of 1998. He was a sophomore in college and didn’t remember anything that happened before, he then ran into the same guy from long ago. He quickly realized who It was. After that encounter his life went downhill rapidly.

empiezaru · สมจริง
1 Chs

Love: Mistake 1

You may say you have many mistakes. Your mistakes might be having children,adopting a dog, recontacting someone, or not confessing when you had the chance.

Well my mistake was falling in love and trusting someone who I thought would stay by my side for infinity, or for the time we had left to spend together.

The Past (Before Death and Reincarnation)

"Shawn!". The brunette called out the blackened haired boys name while he was laying in bed with his back facing the brunette.

"Please Alex... 5 more minutes. I want more sleep". The boy said sounding sluggish and tired. Alex looked down, and turned his head to the side facing the left, he then talked in a shy voice, "Do you not know what today is? If you don't you can't get your 5 extra minutes of sleep".

Shawn quickly turned around facing Alex while his eyes widened. "You can't take away the sleep! You really know how to torture people don't you"? "Obviously, that's my specialty". They both giggled, Shawn threw the covers of himself and grabbed Alex's hand.

When he grabbed his hand he swung Alex around in-front of him in the center of his body. Alex's eyes widened by the sudden surprise.

"Shawn"? Said Alex, it was quite quiet before Shawn hugged Alex, he then placed his head on Alex's stomach and pulled him into his lap. "I just want a kiss from my Lord". Alex then blushed and looked down then back up at Shawn realizing that he was waiting for his kiss.

"Awe, you little baby~". Alex said while giggling and baby talking him. Alex then swooped in and kissed Shawn on his soft pink lips. The blackened haired boy grabbed the brunette's waist and wrapped his hand around his lower body. "Thank you my Lord... But speaking of which, since you asked what day it is. It's our anniversary".

Flustered Alex started talking again, "Yes it is but what about calling me "Lord", you know very well that I am just a lowborn, you are the real Lord here". Shawn then smirked and grabbed Alex's chin, "Well your my Lord right here and right now, get it straight". Alex blushed and quickly got up. "Okay... Well, we should get ready now and head out. Let's also set out for hunting". Stated Alex, Shawn and Alex then headed out and talked about their plans for that day and what they we're going to do for the next few days.

Execution Day

"Wait Hey! C'mon guys you know me, I'm friendly I've never done anything to the Lord. Shawn! Tell them please"! A tear ran down Alex's face as he pleaded with the guard's and servants about his innocence.

He was a crime suspect, and the sentence was life in prison or execution. Shawn turned his back on Alex believing everything the judge and policemen had to say about this crime and him being a suspect. The evidence showed no traces of Alex's presence or him even having anything to do with the crime, but he still wasn't innocent.

"I-I-I don't know what to believe Alex... you l-lied to me, you played me, was everything just a game"? Asked Shawn, Shawn's face shown anger and sadness, during this time Alex had nothing to say....

All he could do was except His fate.


"Get on with the Execution". "Yes sir"! the guards said that as they tied his body on a long wooden cross with rope leading down to the ground, the only thing left to do was to set it on fire.

"SHAWN! STOP I'M INNOCENT! WHY DO YOU NOT BELIEVE ME"?! Alex cried and cried, Shawn looked down upon Alex and said his last and final words to the brunette on the wooden cross.

"You are a criminal Alex.... Guards end his life already. I'm tired of hearing lies, and unnecessary screaming". The blackened haired boy walked away from the scene, from a mile away he could hear his name being called and being screamed. After a while the screams stop signaling.... Alex is dead.