
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Suprise on the return home

As Tate is returning to the village in style and comfort, someone is still trying to find him.

James's pursuit of Tate got stopped because of the fire that Tate started early that dreadful morning, somehow in all the chaos that morning James escaped the smoke and was able to flee. The fire followed him and a few others for a day before there was a brake in the fire that James could slip through and continue his pursuit.

No one else wanted to follow James after what some little slave boy caused. James didn't care that the last few people abandoned him, he was seeking revenge for what Tate did to his sons and the fact that Tate captured his daughter he didn't plan on stopping his pursuit.

James traveled back through the smoldering ash land and continued to travel north. James no longer had assassins or slavers to stalker Tates trail, so he got off course and went more northeast. At this time James has reached the great wall but he is in the hilly cave area that has bigger and stronger creatures. James realized that Hes in a dangerous area by himself after he spots a few of these creatures and starts fleeing southwest back the way he came.

After running around for days James is exhausted and slightly injured for escaping Tates fire, James is laying on a log taking a breather when he starts to hear footsteps rapidly approaching and it was a lot of them. James hides behind his log and watches the direction of the noise, he then sees skeletons jogging in a formation, a few in the very front had weapons, then a there were a lot that didn't have anything then he notice a few had leather bags on their backs and then the last 16 skeletons were holding a chair on their shoulders, and someone was in it.

James looked closely and noticed that it was Tate, the rest of the world went dark when he found his target, he had tunnel vision and locked onto his prey.

SLAVE!!!!!!! James roared and started charging at Tate, you will pay for what you did to my sons.

Tate looked over his right shoulder and seen James's charging toward him like a mad bull. Tate raised a finger upwards, and a small piece of stone suddenly appeared in front of James foot. James obviously didn't notice in his blind rage and tripped over the rock, slamming face first into the forest floor, stunning James for a moment.

"Do you still want to attack me old man."

Of course, James said as he rolled on to his back and leaned up into a sitting position with his back to Tate.

"Are you the last of your army, I had a blast on my way home killing all of you."

I'm sure you did monster, James replied as he stood up and turned to look at Tate.

"Monster, well you made me, so I don't mind the name but let's remember who the real monster is. You tortured me, a six-year-old child with your magical table, potions, magical items and any other way you could thing of trying to analyze and pry all of my abilities out of me. Then after you was done, I had to endure your children.

With Tate mentioning children James realized someone was missing, where is my daughter James yelled. Shes at my house did you not read my sign where I said I was going to use her to keep my bed warm. Tate sensed that James was about to charge again and wrapped earth around his feet and up his legs hardening it so he couldn't move.

"You know originally I just wanted to kill you then I realized I could control your kids minds so I decided why not kill a few more, they really deserved it and knowing I was going to be making a show out of it was so fun, does the whole city know how and who killed your sons yet."

James was struggling like crazy trying to break free from his earth shackles.

"Hey old man I might as well start calling you father in-law, how any grandkids do you want, I was thinking three."

James was roaring and thrashing about, and Tate was having a good time as he continued to sit on his throne and talk sh*t to James knowing that everything he was saying was a lie just to get under James's skin.

"See you around old man, Stacy is waiting at home, and I don't want to keep her waiting, don't bother following me you will never be able to find me where I am, I will return one day to your Forsaken Citadel and make it my own or destroy it, so return home and enjoy your remaining time with your wife and dead sons."

"The bindings will wear off after I get far away so you won't be trapped forever."

Tate got his bone squad moving again toward the dungeon, back at the dungeon.

"Man, that was a fast trip with the skeletons jogging at a constant speed the whole time, hopefully they can inter the dungeon with me."

Tate selects rejoin group mode, he was then sucked down the dungeon and so was all of the other skeletons to.

"Well, I'm glad that worked."

Tate continued his journey home and gets the skeletons to stop in the woods for now, so they didn't scare Stacy, Tate takes a few of the leather bags he got from the dead slavers off the skeletons and continues home. Once Tate exits the forest, he sees Stacy sitting on the edge of the pool with her legs dangling in the water.

"Stacy I'm back, I hope you weren't to bord by yourself."

I finished filling up the pool, and then I practiced swimming in the shallow part, I eventually figured out how to swim and I learned a few things I want to show you later Stacy said.

"Ok I got what I need to help us swim so after I get the stuff made you can show me what you learned."