
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs


Tate waited for a while until he had enough mana to raise an earth wall so the kids were not fighting the whole time, and everyone could have a break. They ate and even had a little nap in the dungeon, several hours had passed and the kids were getting restless, and they didn't like sharing the same space with Tate since Hes a slave, even though he just soloed one and a half floors by himself, and they were now the baggage people. Actually, that's the exact reason they got annoyed after they rested up, being out done by a poor ole slave must have really hurt their ego.

Slave Patrick yelled how much longer do we have to wait in this stupid room waiting on you to regain your mana.

"I recover one point of mana every five minutes and my current mana is 326 it will take a little over seven hours to fully recharge, I currently am only halfway recharged."

Only halfway I'm Not staying in here with you any longer and I'm determined to beat this place today.

"Everyone I know your growing impatient but if I run out of mana in the middle of the dungeon floor level and we get surrounded we are finished."

It's not your place to give suggestions so shut up and follow orders and get ready we are going to finish this floor and start the 27th floor.

Tate was not feeling so good about this he wasn't sure if they could hold out till, they got close to the 28-floor entrance.

Everyone ready?


Drop the wall slave and let's enter the 27 floor and get ready to run straight to the 28th floors entrance.

"Yes Master."

Tate dropped the wall, and the kids killed the few enemies around them and preceded down the stairs to the next level. This floor had a lot of skeleton mages and paladins. Tate was tearing through the paladins without too many problems but the constant barrage of spells flying their way was starting to take a toll as explosions rang out on the 27th floor. Tate had his earth saws spinning and even had to form an earth shield in front of him to stop all the attacks from the mages, the kids were running behind him to protect his back and themselves.

I'm Running low on mana to many attacks Tate yells out we have to do something now. Tate gets rid of the saws and focuses purely on defense. Tate builds a dome around him and the kids that starts to get bombarded by attacks from all sides. The dome is slowly crumbling, then an unexpected hole opens up and an attack flies in and barely misses hitting Stacy and she panics.

We got to leave; it is getting too dangerous Stacy cries out.

Fine we will leave Marcus said he then looks at Tate, I order you keep them off us as we escape.

"Yes Master."

Tate drops the broken and battered dome and sets up all kind of different walls to slow the skeletons down and to break line of sight, they were in a tunnel, but it wasn't big or small tunnel.

As they fled Tate held his ground, Tate had to smaller earth shields, and he was attacking and defending with them. Tate was dishing out shield bashes for dinner, but his magic couldn't keep up one shield shattered, and he was left to defend with his last shield. An unexpected attack came in as Tate is trying to hold off what seems like an army of skeleton.

Tate suddenly felt a painful jarring sensation in his neck that sent him crashing and rolling on the floor. Tate was dazed and confused and struggled to regain control of his limbs then.

CRACK, Tate heard and felt another powerful pain in his ribs as a paladin sent him a powerful kick to the ribs as he stumbled about on the ground. The kick picked him up and sent him flying towards the exit of that floor.

Tate suddenly had a very strange feeling and couldn't really place it, but he felt like he could do whatever he wanted and had control of himself. Tate turned and looked at the army that was quickly approaching him and he ran back to the exit up the stairs and back onto the 26th floor.

Tate looked around and didn't see the kids, so he went back to where he was previously with them and waited quietly till, he had enough mana to rebuild a wall and wait till his mana was fully recharged.

It's been an hours and Tate has rebuilt a wall to hide till his mana returns, Hes sitting there contemplating about what happened earlier and placed a hand on his neck and felt a crack in his slave collar.

"That must have happened when I got hit in the neck earlier it kind of broke the slave collar and I regained my control this is FANTASTIC, WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE IM GOING TO MURDER THAT WHOLE F*CKING FAMILY.

With his newfound freedom the suppressed emotions Tate had SURGED back to life, and Fire was burning bright in his soul at this very minute and if someone looked closely enough, they would have seen one in his eyes to.

"I need my mana to recharge faster I don't want to have to wait in here for seven hours to get my vengeance.

With this new fire Tate had burning in his soul he said I'm a F*CKING MANIPULATOR if I can control the elements shouldn't I be able to control my mana to I just need to find it or feel it first.