
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Playing with water

Tate summons a workbench made of stone on the front porch, so he has an area to work. Tate starts laying all of the cloths out so he can see what material the cloths are made of. Tate doesn't know that much about fabrics, but he wants something thin and light weight, and something that will remain that way even if it's wet.

In the leather travel bag that Tate found on the dead woman, he noticed in the bag she had a silky material that was a forest green, Tates favorite color is green, so this was the perfect color for him to see on Stacy. Tate summoned a pair of sharp stone scissors and started cutting the silky material into the shape that he thought would work well for a swimsuit top and bottoms for Stacy. Tate found some kind of cord material in one of the dead guy's bags and sewing string and needle in another.

Tate folded the fabric around the cord and sewed it in place. When all was said and done, the swimsuit was very similar to modern looking swim wear, Tate was quite proud of his work. The top was one long piece of fabric, a thin piece of fabric went across the back that turned into two arm holes that then wrapped around the front and covered the breast and was tied in the middle of the chest. The bottoms were shaped like a capital I and would be tied on each hip.

Tate didn't have enough silky material for him so he just chose another basic fabric and made some shorts that had a string on the inside so he could tighten the shorts if needed.

Stacy watched from the side, she was by herself for three days and was very bord and she was curious what Tate was making that could help them swim, she had no clue what the first thang was that he made but she could tell that one of the other items were shorts.

Out of know where Tate looked at Stacy and asked.

"Stacy what did you wear when you were learning to swimming?"

Since I was alone, I just took my clothes off.

Tate stared at her for a few seconds and just blinked.

"Did I waste all of that time getting cloths and we could have swimed naked, she wouldn't have swimed naked if I was here unless I commanded her, whatever what's done is done."

"Stacy this one is yours it's not as good as being naked but it's thin and light and will keep your female parts covered, I made me some shorts."

How do I wear it, Master.

"The top is the long piece of fabric, it goes across your back, put your arms in the holes and it ties in the front, for the bottoms the two pieces of string you see on each side well you tie those together on each side of your hip."

"Go take your clothes off and put these on if you need help figuring something out call me, I will be at the pool.

About 15 minutes later Stacy shows up with the swimsuit on, Tate was mesmerized by her curves in the swimsuit, her reddish-brown hair really looked good with the silky green swimsuit, the way her hips, legs and stomach moved with each step and the bounce of her chest.

"How does it fit."

It fits good but it shows a lot of skin.

"It does show a lot of skin but it's perfect for swimming in, so what was it that you wanted to show me."

We have to get in the water, Master.

Tate dives into the water and she does a pencil into the water.

"Let's see it you got me curious."

Stacy starts swimming and then commands the water around her to push her up, with in the next second Stacy is skimming on top of the water super-fast; she goes to the end of the pool and then comes back to Tate and stops in front of him.

"Dang that was fast but that reminds me of something I thought of when I first entered this grassland. I tried to fight one of those golems and didn't realize how hard a level one Earth Golem was, it kicked a lot of stone and dirt at me and really injured my legs, I could barely walk. Anyways my idea was to use water and make a bed that I could float on top of, that would take me to the exit, but I didn't have water then and the forest is too thick. I have also learned several thangs about my earth magic that I can probably use with other elements, so watch and learn."

Tate wills the water around him to lift him out of the water, so he is standing on its surface, that alone impressed Stacy. Then he moved his arm in a way that looked like he threw a ball forward, Tate was really just commanding the water forward with his finger, the water then started surging forward. Tates water magic was still less than level 100, but he could control the water enough to surf across its surface at a stupid speed.

Tate screws around for a few minutes before he comes back.

"That was fun."

It looked fun Master.

"With some practice I'm sure you can do it to, your water magic isn't too much lower than mine since you filled most of this pool up, and knowing mana manipulation you could control the elements all day if you wanted, so leveling stuff up is a lot quicker than if you only use the little mana, you naturally have."

I'm going to practice that now Master.

Throughout the rest of the day Stacy practiced water surfing and Tate enjoyed the view.

"I will have to try the surfing thang on the land with earth magic later, or just ride on top of a floating object, it's just going to hurt a lot more hitting the ground than water."