
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

I got stuff to explain.

Tates sitting in the forest thinking how he can use his earth magic to get him out of this situation Hes in.

"My air manipulation level is the highest level at 131 then my second highest level is earth manipulation level at 45. I will not be able to control a lot of earth so whatever I do has to be small or thin to help me walk. Crutches would work but would be extremely challenging to use in this forest there's to many obstacles and I will need two crutches to properly get the weight off my knees and ankles."

"So be it I can't think of anything else, they are already going to question the heck out of me when I get back."

Tate starts his long, slow and painful trip back to the dungeon exit. When Tate exits the dungeon its dark outside, he thinks it's around 9 or 10pm so he continues his trip home.

"I'm starving and I'm hurting bad I'm going to be bruise for 2 weeks. I'm about to reach the hut so I'm going to tell Momma Agnus that I explored farther out and climbed the cliff a little bit to get a better view and the rock I was holding came lose and I had a rough ride back to the ground and hopes she believes it."

As Tate opened the door to the hut, he immediately gets rushed by Agnus who is asking him all kinds of questions, so he tells her his fake story and surprisingly she believed it.

Marcus told me you probably exploring farther outside of your area and probably got lost and that he taught you how to get back, but didn't I tell you not to climb that cliff because it's dangerous.

"Yes, I am sorry it will not happen again I learned the hard way."

Well sit down and let me look at your legs.

Your legs are in pretty bad shape I would suggest taking it easy for a week, and 2 or 3 times a day I will help you to the creek so you can sit in the cold water, that should help with the bruising.

Agnus then went and told Marcus's that Tate returned and what happened to him.

Over that week he did what Agnus told him to do, but with all that free time Tate started thinking of how to deal with that Earth Golem.

"Fire, water and air can't do anything to that golem, and my earth is too weak. I have to hit him with a physical object that is harder than him. One of the problems I notice when slinging rocks at him is that as they hit his body, they would basically turn to dust on impact and leave little cracks on his body."

"I never thought about it, but I can probably make my own rocks, I always just picked rocks off the ground."

The next day Tate tested his idea. Tate willed the dirt to come into his hand and started compressing it together into a ball shape. Tate would compress it then add dirt, then compress it again over and over until eventually he was done. The finished product was the size of a big marble, Tate compressed the dirt so much that it turned slightly shiny like a dull copper, it really looked like he made metal.

"With my current skill I cannot compact it anymore, it was good practice though I got 2 levels in earth magic in 10 minutes making that marble don't know how, maybe because I was forcefully compacting the dirt. I will have to hide this though I don't want to answer any more questions."

Over the next few days Tate makes 29 more marbles for a total of 30 big shiny stone marbles.

A week and a half have passed since Tate return from the dungeon and he was getting antsy and was ready to return to the dungeon.

"Momma Agnus I'm tired of sitting around, so I'm going to leave in the morning and continue my search for more and better hunting land."

Are you positive.

"Yes, but I have something I want to tell you and that is that I might be gone for a day or two."

Do what your only 6 years old you can't camp out there for 2 full days.

"Momma Agnus I might be six but I'm an official hunter and I have a duty to the tribe to find more food and I would really appreciate it if you didn't fight me on this, the new land I want to look at is quite far away and I need time to search the area."

Well, when you put it that way it's hard to argue, but you have to promise me if you see anything dangerous you will immediately leave.

"I promise you I will."

Tate leaves the next morning after packing some supplies.

Back in the dungeon at the tree line looking out into the massive field with the temple in the center Tate is eyeing the small boulder thinking of a plan, he refuses to get close to the golem again, so his new plan is simple, sling a normal rock at the golem and get its attention then while it's trying to find him in the tree line Hes going to nail it with the new marble.

In the tree line Tate is spinning his sling above his head then Pow, he released the sling sending the regular rock at the golem, Crack, the golem starts to rumble as it tries to stand up and transform into the humanoid form. When the golem finishes, it looks around all confused, as Hes doing that Tate has a much bigger Suprise in store for him next.