
My Magic Systems

Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren’t strong enough to defeat the monsters. At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to give special abilities to whoever posses them but, will this be enough to save earth from the destruction ahead? (P. S support me by reading this book to the end)

Anonymous_234 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Chapter thirty-eight: Defeated

Sir, we lost the battle. Our men weren't able to handle him and his teacher and due to my mistake, I am the only one left, said Ben's servant.

"Ugh," Ben groaned angrily. He had used all his strongest servants to get rid of Rick but in the end, Miss Tasha defeated them as she beat them miserably.

You can leave, said Ben to his servant. He was still worried about his clan. If the elders found out he did something like this and ended up sacrificing the youngsters put under him, he might get expelled.

Hmm, his servant nodded as he left the room. Lucky for him, his master didn't ask him how he survived else, the secret about the contract he made with the military would have been revealed.

For now, I should be safe, the servant muttered to himself as he cast aside his thoughts.


Hmm, Paula pondered over what happened after Ben narrated everything his servant had told him.

Are you sure he is not a mole? Paula suddenly asked as her golden hair shined under the sunlight.

Mole, Ben muttered in surprise. Although he was to see his servant was the only one left, he was also surprised by how he had managed to make it back alive.

Although Paula was not sure her accusations were right on point, she was able to analyze the situation they were in and this had helped her many times.

I don't know besides, he is one of my most loyal servants, said Ben. Although he also taught he was a mole at first, he decided to ignore it. The boy was one of his most loyal servants, how could he betray him and the clan?

Since you have so much faith in him, I won't press on the matter anymore but be sure to keep an eye on him, said Paula.

Even though she didn't trust any of Ben's servants, she couldn't get involved with the people in his clan else, she would be caught.

"Paula, what do we do to Rick?" Ben asked "I don't want to get into trouble. Since we couldn't kill him this time."

Ben was already scared after he was told Rick was able to survive, and he began to worry. Although Rick couldn't pose a threat to him, he could still report him to his clan elders or the authorities.

"Let's stay low-key for now," said Paula "and ensure nobody can trace this incident to us."

Hmm, Ben nodded. Although he didn't like getting ordered around, he couldn't refuse her order in this kind of situation since his reputation and position in the clan were involved.

Anyway, I'll take my leave, said Paula as she began to pack her things before taking her to leave.


Miss Tasha, were you able to extract any information from him? Rick asked Miss Tasha through his communication device.

No, all he kept saying was he was sent by Ben who was also ordered by someone else, she replied.

So Ben wasn't the one who wanted to kill me, Rick blurted out in surprise. He had originally thought that everything was Ben's doing but after learning Ben was also being ordered, he couldn't help but sigh.

I think it should be related to that woman you fought, said Miss Tasha. Though she did not have enough evidence to back her claim, she still felt it was her.

"I don't think so," said Rick "besides, the woman was also sent by someone else"

Anyway, he has agreed to help us but, he will only be providing us with information about Ben and nothing else.

"That should do," said Rick "anyway, I will be going back to school a few days from now," I said.

Hmm, Miss Tasha smiled at the other end. Rick was a lazy student who didn't love reading his books so, she was surprised that he wanted to go back to school.

Anyway, don't forget to bring Tom and May along, Miss Tasha told him as she disconnected the call.


Hmm, I learned only one new metal element skill, Rick grumbled.

He had been practicing two skills at a time but he could not master the second one no matter how hard he tried.

Although he was a little bit disappointed after failing to learn the second skill, he didn't bother so much since he still had enough time to learn.

After he had properly learned how to control his new skill, he decided to try it on his katana.

Haha, Rick laughed after the new skill worked. He now had the power to manipulate any metal property. He could change a katana to a hammer or he could make the almost indestructible very fragile.

Rick became very confident after learning this skill. Most people had always relied on their weapons and armors to fight but against someone like him, they were just mere decorations.

If Tom or May sees this, they would get jealous and I don't want such a thing to happen, Rick discouraged himself from telling the both of them.

After dumping this idea, he returned to his guidebooks as he began to try other skills he could learn.


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