

They pulled off the road, finally approaching a house that looked like a smaller version of Graeme's childhood home. "This is Greta and Sam's," Graeme answered the question in August's eyes. "The kids should be around back."

When they rounded the house to the backyard, August saw a small wild garden that gave way to the woods. Young voices could be heard coming from beyond the trees, and when they moved further into the woods, they caught Jack walking around two kids paired up. He was instructing them as they moved toward and around each other, trying to anticipate the others' moves. Jack saw them and flashed a smile.

"Teams!" Jack roared into the woods, and the two kids who were by him quickly ran further in beyond view. Jack approached August and Graeme with a nod. "This is their last exercise before we're done. Sam's further in on the other side of the group," he explained.