
MY LUST SYSTEM: War Against The Heavens

Is it worth it? What is the use? Why even bother? These questions have plagued Leo all his life. From losing his parents at a young age and grandparents later on, teaching him the futility of life. He lived a boring and uneventful life until fate caught up to him. Ding! [Congratulations! You have been chosen the inheritance of Lust] [Rejoice, you have been chosen by the demon Lord to lead the war against the heavens] The introduction of the system into his life soon turned it into something adventurous. Tasked with sleeping with virgins, seducing the righteous, and spreading immorality to the entire realm, Leo is exposed to a world he never knew existed. The war against the heavens will not be easy and as one of the seven deadly sins chosen by the demon lord, Leo has become a target of the supreme deity and the hosts of heaven leaving him no choice but to sleep with women and share the joy of lust to the world in exchange for power! "A difficult task but it is one I am willing to fulfill!" [New mission acquired] [Task: Seduce and Sleep with….] [Extra information: As the wielder of the Lust inheritance. Host gains strength through sexual intercourse and engaging in immoral activities.] [Reward: Unknown] [Penalty; Unknown]

3_Sins_Studios · แฟนตาซี
310 Chs

The System

"No wine, just juice. That will be nice." Maria said with her face lowered while Leo revealed a mischievous smile.

Right now, Leo felt like a predator lurking around his prey, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

If there was one thing Leo knew, it was that something about him had changed. After the vision and the pain he felt for a brief moment, Leo couldn't understand why, but he felt lighter, stronger, and more perceptive. While the improvement wasn't too glaring, he could feel it.

After seeing the way Maria reacted to his advances, Leo knew his looks must have gotten tweaked one way or another. He wanted to check this out, but Leo needed to be sure that she would leave.

"Sure. Some juice, snacks, and then a little chitchat. Let's get to know each other better. Wouldn't that be nice?" Leo said with extremely calm eyes which made Maria shiver deep within her soul.

She didn't know why but this bold and confident nature of her neighbor had become an attractive trait all of a sudden. Maria could see his intentions in his calm eyes, her mind screaming at her to get away from the room now, or she may never get the chance again. But when have women ever been logical?

"Okay." Maria said with dreamy eyes.

Who would have thought a simple good deed would land her a hot, rich guy who has always been her neighbor all this while?

"You can go ahead and prepare the snacks." Leo said while pointing in the direction of the kitchen.

"I will go up and get clean. I hope that's okay with you?" Leo leaned forward as he said the last part, and she instinctively nodded in agreement.

Leo gave her a charming smile before walking up the staircase leading to the second floor.


Leo stepped into his room and locked the door before exhaling calmly. His confidence when conversing with Maria was purely because she showed weakness from the very beginning. Understanding that she was the one inferior right now gave him the courage to push his agenda.

Without hesitation, Leo walked over to the mirror on the wall and was stunned by what he saw. What Leo was seeing as his reflection was definitely him but at the same time not him. If not for his better eyesight and perception, he wouldn't have noticed the difference.

Leo's features were sharper than usual. His eyes were darker, his eyebrows slightly longer. His face was brighter than usual and his skin looked as smooth as a child's. At the center of his black pupils was a thin and almost unnoticeable red light which clearly went unnoticed by others since Maria didn't speak about it.

It was hard to believe it, but the dream and pain somehow made him a better version of himself.

"Wow. What the hell is this? What the hell am I?" Leo couldn't help but ask.


[The Lust system carries the inheritance of the defeated demon Lord. It was prepared with the purpose of guiding the seven sins until full maturity]

[Name: Leo Wright]

[Race: Human]

[Sin: Lust]


[Strength: 1]

[Speed: 1]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Charisma: 1]


The system responded to his questions, leaving him stunned. But what was more shocking was the revelation from the little information given to him.

If he had the inheritance of the demon lord, then doesn't that make Leo the target of whatever defeated him?

Does this have anything to do with the vision he had earlier today?

Was the black knight the demon lord?

Countless questions raced through Leo's mind, but he pushed them aside, and suddenly he didn't feel like keeping the system.

"Can I choose to withdraw from all of this drama and return to my boring life?" Leo asked with a raised eyebrow and his finger crossed.

[Negative! You do not choose whether you want the inheritance of the demon lord, the inheritance chooses you. Once received your fate is tied with that of the demon lord. The system advises the user to accomplish tasks for quick growth. Time is not on your side.]

Just wow.

Leo gazed at the message while picturing the image of a red-skinned demon speaking these words. At this point, he couldn't help but wonder what the system is or how it was created.

Of course, these thoughts were unnecessary since this was something he couldn't change. Getting the system already meant that Leo had a target on his back. He can only work hard and accomplish the tasks if he wishes to survive.

"This is crazy." Leo said lazily while frowning deeply.

Whoever the demon lord was, must have been a real bastard to drag innocent bystanders like him into this war without consent.

[When does a demon lord need to ask for permission?]

Another text appeared before his eyes, reaffirming his suspicions.

Pushing that aside, when Leo gazed at the personal information brought up to him by the system. He was confused by the race section where he was called human.

Does that mean there are other races in this world? And not based on color?

Do things like that really exist?

The more Leo thought about it, the more he realized he knew too little to even bother now. What was most important was that he carries out this experiment and determine the authenticity of the system.

Leo was also curious to know what would happen if he should level up and the effects it will have on him in this world.


Maria was stunned by the multitude of snacks and drinks stocked up in the refrigerator. She didn't know what to pick from at first but soon settled for a cake and some cookies with two glasses of orange juice. She had only returned and put down the tray on the center table when a man covered up in a black robe arrived.

"Cake and cookies. Not the best of combinations, but we can work with that" Leo joked and Maria chuckled cutely as she picked up a glass of orange juice and passed it over to him.

"You must have a sweet tooth to stack up so many snacks." Maria said with a beautiful smile spreading across her charming face.

While preparing the snacks Maria was second-guessing her decision to stay, but now as she was standing right before this man again, all her doubts were gone. The feeling she got from him was magical. It was something she could not explain.

"Brain functions such as thinking, memory, and learning are closely linked to glucose levels and how efficiently the brain uses this fuel source. Or you can say, more sweets, more brain power." Leo added the last part with a smile.

"I guess you think a lot then? So tell me what's going through your mind right now?" Maria asked with expectant eyes peeping deep into Leo's soul as if in search of his thoughts.

"I was just wondering how long before I can show you my bedroom?" Leo said as his eyes let out a red flash.