
My Loving Imprint (A Jacob Black FANFIC)

Madilyn has always lived with her mom since her father left her at a young age and had a new family for himself. She loves her father but can't stand his new family so she never seems him. But the summer is Madilyn's favorite time of the year because she gets to go see her grandparents on the reservation in La Push, Washington . She is full Native American but from two different tribes, her mother is from the Quileute tribe and her father is from the Navajo Tribe.

Madison_Baldonado · อื่นๆ
22 Chs

Chapter 6: Cliff Jumping

"Jake oh my gosh are you ok?" I asked running into the water.

"I'm fine we are all cliff jumping short stuff come try it." He said laughing.

"Ok bet." I said walking out of the water and onto the shore.

Jake then threw me over his should and he was running back up to the cliff he had jumped off. We got there in a couple of minutes. He finally set me down and we walked to the others. It was Embry's turn to jump. He stepped back and then ran and jumped. You could hear his yelling and then splash. With the splash everyone was cheering.

"Hey guys." I said smiling at everyone.

All the guys once again looked at me with awe and with their mouths open. I laughed and said "When's my turn." They all looked at me still shocked and I knew what I had to do. I stepped back and ran for the edge at full speed I leaped of the edge and I was falling. I held my breathe before getting to bottom where I splashed into the water. I swam back up to the surface and I could here everyone yelling "You physco" and then I saw Jake leap off the edge. He landed a couple feet from me. He hadn't come up to the surface and I was getting worried.

"JAKE, JAKE." I started to yell looking for him.

I then felt harm hands wrap around my waist and a head popped up, I then wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"You almost scarred me to death Jake." I said trying to catch my breathe.

"Awe you got scarred over little oh me." He said with a smirk.

"Yes I did I thought you died or something." I said smacking him upside the head.

"Ouch what was that for?" He asked rubbing his head.

"That's for almost scarring me to death." I said trying to swim away.

But that made him hold me even tighter and closer.

"You can let me go now." I said giving him a confused look.

"I know but I wanted to hold you a little longer cause that baby got all the cuddles last night" He said with a smirk.

"Oh my gosh, are you jealous of my Little man Seth?" I said laughing.

"Well duh he got all the cuddles which was no fair in my opinion." He said with a duh tone.

"Fine if you want cuddles you have to let me go so I can get to the shore to cuddle you." I said looking at his deep brown eyes.

"Fine I'll let you go." He said finally letting me go.

I then booked it I swam so fast trying to get out before Jake could and I did I got on the shore and started running down the beach. I could hear everyone yelling from the cliff " Run Maddie run." I tried running as fast as I could. Jake was right on my heels no matter how fast I was going. I then turned around heading back and then I jumped over a fallen tree. I ran back to where my towel was. Right when I got there Jake leaped and tackled me onto the towel.

"Gotcha." He said with his bright smile and hair in his face.

"I guess so." I said giggling and blushing.

I then pushed got out from under him and sat on my towel. I told Jake to come to me and his did. I then braided his hair so it was out of his face and then laid down motioning him to lay on my chest. He then crawled onto my chest and his neck was in my neck and I could feel his breathing.

"Your a lot warmer than usual." Jake said.

"I am?" I questioned.

"Yeah, nut that might just be me." He giggled.

"I love you short stuff, your my best friend and I don't know what I would do without you." He said while snuggling my neck more trying to get closer.

"I love you to Jake, you know there is no physical way to get closer." I said giggling.

" I know but it was worth a try." He said giggling.

Then everyone came down from the cliff talking. They walked up to me and Jake. They told me he was asleep and not to move because he was grouchy if someone woke him up even though I already knew that with those words he wrapped his arms around my waist. We all stayed on the beach until sunset playing football going for swims and walking to down the beach just enjoying each others company. Jake stayed asleep the entire time which meant I didn't move at all but I was ok with that. It was finally time to go.

"Jake" I said shaking his arm a little.

"What?" He asked still not moving.

"We have to go the sun it about to set." I said smiling.

"But I don't want you to go yet." He said sitting up from my chest.

"Ok well then sleepover at my house then Grams and Gramps won't be home till later their with your dad so we can just call him from my house." I said smiling.

He agreed and I put back on my hoodie and sweats then shoes. Everyone said their goodbyes and headed home. Jake and I walked to my house talking about how he was snoring. He refused to believe he was but we all knew he was. We finally reached my house and went inside we walked to the kitchen and Jake dialed Billy. I asked to talk to my grandparents first so I could ask if Jake could stay the night they said yes of course and the Jake asked Billy and Billy said it was ok.

I took a shower and then walked out of the bathroom to find Jake laying on my bed waiting for me. I grabbed a sports bra, cotton shorts, and a zip up hoodie to sleep in. I then went back to the bathroom and changed. I came out and told Jake it was his turn he went into the bathroom. I laid on my bed waiting for him. After a couple minutes he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist his hair was wet and water was running down his abs which was hard not to look at. He asked me for a pair of sweats and boxers. I always kept spare clothes for Jake in my dresser for stuff like this. I gave him the clothes and he walked back into the bathroom he changed fairly quickly and walked out. He asked me to braid his hair and I did then I laid in bed tired from the amazing day. He crawled into the bed right next to me.

"Can I sleep on your chest again?" Jake asked me shyly.

"Sure you can I don't mind." I said with smile.

He then unzipped my hoodie I didn't really care it was only Jake which was nothing to worry about. He then laid on my chest and crept into the side of my neck wrapped his arms around my wait tightly like I was going to leave him. I rubbed his back so he could fall asleep.

"I love you Madilyn." He said quietly.

"I love you to Jake." I said quietly back.

He then finally fell asleep and I fell asleep only a couple minutes later.