
My lover my pet

"Why did you choose me if you were just going to moan his name...in my mouth? You clearly told me i was your choice. You said you forgave me and that it was now alright between us. Only for me to kiss you now and have another man's name escape your lips." Not man. Wolf. Not just wolf. Alpha. Not just any Alpha. Kyran. It was Kyran. The name of the man I wanted to keep moaning. The name of the man I wanted beside me right now. Kyran... He is beautiful. So freaking beautiful looking at him sometimes hurts my eyes. But also very annoying. Especially when its full moon and i have to deal with him being that hunk of a man rather than an adorable little husky, and ordering me around, doing whatever he wants with me. How does he even expect me to fall in love with him this way? Probably in the way he pins me to wall and steals my lips in his.

Ameenah_Haruna · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Family Photos

The ride was relatively quiet, only with a few chatter here and there and some jokes flying around. Most times, it was just I and Kyran doing our usual public display of affection to irritate my dad. Finally, we got to the pack's main gate.

"It's a whole different world?" My dad asked as he adjusted on his seat.

"It's like any other place. Just secluded." Kyran answered, as the gates opened.

He drove in slowly, I guess to allow my dad take in as much as he could. There was not a single wolf in sight.

"No wolves?" My dad asked.

"They mostly shift at night, but..." Kyran's voice trailed off as he showed my dad a black wolf just basking in the sun. It was like a very normal thing, as a little girl sat next to it, rubbing its belly and giggling.

"That's probably her father." Kyran said as he turned towards the house.

"Would it know I am human?"

Kyran nodded. "It can sniff you from miles away."