
My Lover in the Alternate Dimension - YiZhan

Without a warning, Xiao Zhan gets transported to an alternate dimension in the weirdest way possible. He just became an intern at Wang Corporations and that’s also where he meets his young boss, Wang YiBo. Instantly he makes an impression on Wang YiBo. How will Xiao Zhan's journey of life, friendship and love unfold in the new world he is unfamiliar with? (on pause)

onf_official · LGBT+
14 Chs

Chapter 6 - Undeniable Attraction

3rd POV:

"Okay Xiao Zhan, Luhan, Kai Feng and Sehun. You have been assigned to the biggest department, the Business and Marketing Department."

"It is just outside Mr. Wang's office so keep your manners and behavior in check at all times. I will be there too so just try and help around the department. Also if you guys have any doubts, I will be more than happy to help you."

Haikuan told the 4 men assigning them to their department walking into the office for Business and Marketing.

"Oh don't worry Mr. Liu, I will definitely send Xiao Zhan to you if he runs into any trouble." Luhan said winking at Xiao Zhan, who returned this action with a scary scowl.

Kai and Sehun watched the drama with amusement.

"Just call me Haikuan-ge. We are now in the same department so we can speak a little more informally, also it ain't fair to be called Mister by people who are around my age, I ain't that old." Haikuan assured Luhan and the others.

Xiao Zhan nodded, "Okay Haikuan-ge." and broke out in a toothy grin tilting his head to the side.

Haikuan felt like he was shot in the heart with Xiao Zhan's cuteness as he called out his name in a sweet voice.

Luhan, Kai Feng and Sehun just watched the scene unfold in silence.

Luhan scoffed slightly not understanding how Haikuan could get so shy and mushy to the extent that his ears were reddening, only by Xiao Zhan calling his name.

"Ge, your ears are red. Are you sick?" Xiao Zhan reached out his hand towards Haikuan, brushing his hands over his ears.

Luhan tried to protest because it was obvious in what a weak and unstable state Haikuan was in, and he was afraid Haikuan may lose control of his desire for Xiao Zhan.

But it was too late. Haikuan's eyes darkened and he grabbed Xiao Zhan's hand that was at his ear.

Haikuan's body was yearning for Xiao Zhan's touch and he took a step forward.

Xiao Zhan, being oblivious to his surroundings yet again, thought Haikuan was playing a staring contest with him and stared intensely into Haikuan's eyes.

This however just caused Haikuan's desire to grow even more.

Luhan, Kai and Sehun watched every single second from about 3 meters away gaping at each action.

Everyone in the Business and Marketing Department had gone for lunch and the 3 men watching Haikuan and Xiao Zhan were truly glad for that.

"Lou Hai Kuan!" a shout ripped through the department breaking the eye contact between Haikuan and Xiao Zhan.

Haikuan whirled around trying his best to cover up his flustered state and spotted Wang Yi Bo.

"We have a meeting in 20 minutes! Please get ready." Wang Yi Bo told Haikuan sternly.

Haikuan nodded towards Wang Yi Bo, said his goodbyes the the 4 men and turned to leave getting ready for the meeting.

The 4 men turned to Wang Yi Bo who was fuming in anger.

For the first time, Xiao Zhan took his time to look at and analyse Wang Yi Bo's features.

He stood tall, around the same height as Xiao Zhan, had a very well-built body that was even seen through his suit and he had a very handsome face.

The strong charisma oozing out of him and the wonderful aura surrounding him really showed that he was different from other people.

Kai and Sehun had run off to their work stations the second they saw Wang Yi Bo, but Luhan stayed, staring Xiao Zhan down as Xiao Zhan held a firm graze on Wang Yi Bo.

Luhan chuckled, "I knew Haikuan did not give off enough male-lead vibes. Poor guy."

Xiao Zhan was far too mesmerized by Wang Yi Bo to pay attention to Luhan's words.

When Xiao Zhan's eyes ran over Wang Yi Bo's face he noticed that Wang Yi Bo had been searching for his eyes.

Their eyes connected.

Xiao Zhan felt his stomach tickle and Wang Yi Bo's heart started beating faster like never before, both drowning in each others eyes.

Luhan looked between Xiao Zhan and Wang Yi Bo with a weirded out facial expression, "Oh hell nah, I am out of here! You guys are making single people like me feel lonely."

With that, Luhan turned away from the source of his annoyance, looking for his desk and started to sort his stuff out getting ready for work.

Xiao Zhan broke his graze with Wang Yi Bo and quickly proceeded to follow Luhan shaking off his feelings that slowly started to grow for Wang Yi Bo.

*At the end of work in the office lobby*

"Umm, Luhan here. I got you a Starbucks coffee." Xiao Zhan politely handed, actually forcefully pressed, the coffee into Luhan's hand with a soft smile on his face.

Luhan's face curled up in a playful, disgusted expression, "Okay, spit it out. What do you want from me?"

Xiao Zhan let out a loud gasp as if he had been accused of an amoral deed and flailed his arms around in denial.

"How could you even think of that. I just wanted to shower my only friend with some love."

"Tell me now or I'm leaving." Luhan stated already turning his back to Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan desperately grabbed onto Luhan's arm, "Okay fine, I'll tell you."

"...I need a place to sleep..." Xiao Zhan whispered.

Luhan turned back to Xiao Zhan for the first time with a serious expression on his face.

"What happened? Did you run away from home?"

Xiao Zhan avoided Luhan's graze and spoke up again, "Let's just say that happened...it's a little more complicated than that."

Knowing that the topic was a difficult one for Xiao Zhan to talk about, Luhan used his hand to gently move a lock of hair that was covering Xiao Zhan's eyes out of his face by tucking it behind his ear.

Xiao Zhan looked into Luhan's eyes and Luhan just smiled at him.

"It's no biggie, stay as long as you want. I live alone now...my roommate moved out last month and have now an extra room." Luhan stated.

Xiao Zhan's eyes sparkled with extreme joy and happiness, and he flung himself at Luhan's body.

"Thank you so much LuLu! I love you!" Xiao Zhan exclaimed hugging Luhan who now was practically carrying the other man.

Luhan chuckled and began to walk, with Xiao Zhan clinging to him, out of the office.

Thanks for reading, I will be updating a chapter every week, depending on how busy I am. Thank you for reading, I really love sharing my work and stories with others.