
Chapter Seven

Loren sat upon the edge of her four-poster bed, a copy of the newest novel, , held in her delicate hands. Despite the book only being published a month or two ago, the woman had read it multiple times, and each time she found something new that she loved about it. She adored the relationship between Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy, and she yearned for a love similar to theirs. Of course, she'd rather not go through with the whole 'enemies to lovers' trope, but it would add some spice to her story. She was so engrossed in her reading, that she did not realize that someone was knocking upon her door. 

It wasn't until the door was slowly pushed open, did she realize someone was calling on her. Anthony stood in the door frame, dressed in dark trousers and a thin white button up shirt. His thick chestnut hair was messy, most likely stemming from running his hand through it repeatedly. "Do you mind if I come in?" He asked. Loren nodded as she closed her book, not bothering to mark her page. Anthony quietly shut the door behind him as he entered the room. He then approached the bed, "Can I sit?" Loren nodded again, scooting over slightly so Anthony could sit. The mattress dipped slightly beneath the added weight but neither of them cared. They both knew that this talk needed to happen and both were desperate to get rid of the awkward tension between them.

Anthony spoke first, clearing his throat as he averted eye contact, "Well, I'd first like to apologize for my behavior tonight." He paused, gathering his thoughts, "I was being rude, and it was not fair to you. You were just being a good friend and looking out for me, and instead of appreciating your concern, I took offense to it. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, therefore I am apologizing for it." A soft smile spread across Loren's lips, "Anthony, look at me, please." 

And he did. He locked eye contact with the woman, guilt and sadness clouding his dark eyes. The sight shattered Loren's heart, for she had never seen the man look so vulnerable and broken.

"Anthony, I forgive you. Something was obviously bothering you tonight, and you just reacted in the wrong way. And even though you are the man of the house, I am always going to look out for you, no matter how much you sometimes get on my nerves." Loren said, trying to reassure him that everything between them was now alright. The man nodded, but Loren knew that he hadn't fully forgiven himself for his behavior. It wasn't even that big of a deal overall, he was just having an off day. But Anthony had snapped at Loren, and that is why he was guilty. He had let Sienna's words affect him, and now he was contemplating all that he had ever known. 

"Loren, might I ask you something?" Anthony asked softly. "Of course, ask me anything." The woman replied. Anthony cleared his throat again, "Why is it-why is it that you never made your debut into society?" He questioned, his thoughts wandering to the conversation he'd had with Sienna and the ideas of the future that stemmed from it. 

Loren arched an eyebrow, "What an interesting question." She said with a dry chuckle. Anthony waited patiently for a response, it was only then did she realize that Anthony was genuinely curious. "Wait, are you serious?" She asked, to which Anthony nodded.

The woman thought for a moment before responding, understanding that this was a touchy subject, "I never found a reason too. When it was my time to enter society, well, Edmund had just pasted," She noticed that Anthony had flinched slightly, but nodded for her to continue, "Violet was in mourning, and needed to be cared for. And so I took it upon myself to help. After all, your mother and father had taken me in, it was the least I could do."

"And then time pasted and things began to seem better. I remember Violet asking me if I wanted to make my debut, and I did consider it. But then I had a dream. It was short-lived, but it has stuck with me ever since that day." She said.

"What occurred in the dream?" Anthony asked. 

"Well, I was here. At the Bridgerton household, perhaps ten or fifteen years in the future. I don't know exactly, but the home was full of life. It seemed as though all of the Bridgerton's were off and married, including yourself. I remember entering the family room, and seeing all of the married couples and their children seated around an older Violet. And right then, in that moment, I felt at home. I knew then that I would grow old with Violet and watch the people I love most fall in love with their soulmates, for it makes me happy to see you all happy." 

Anthony was silent once she finished. He wanted to ask more, but decided not too, for he had questioned the woman far too much tonight. His gaze fell on the book that was seated beside her. He grabbed the novel, thumbing through it as he read the cover, "Pride and Prejudice? Haven't you read this multiple times already?" He questioned, changing the subject. The woman shrugged, "It's too good to read just once." Anthony smiled, "You'll have to let me read it at some point."

"Why not start it now?" She questioned, smiling softly at Anthony's confused expression, "Read to me?" Anthony's grin grew wider, if that was even possible as he nodded. The couple climbed onto the bed, Loren slipped under the comforter, whereas Anthony stayed above the sheets. Anthony was scimming through the introduction as the woman snuggled against his side, getting comfortable. Anthony glanced down at the woman, a loving look in his eyes, "Are you ready?" 

"Indeed I am." Loren replied. In this moment, she felt as though they were children again. For it was a normal occurrence that Anthony would read to her, and since growing up, the two never really had time for their old routines. But tonight was different. There was not a care in the world, the only thing that mattered to them was the Jane Austen book held in the man's hand.

Anthony fixed his gaze onto the first page, cleared his throat, and began reading,


That night, Loren was dreaming of the future again. But instead of awaking in her own room, she found herself in a study. The Viscount's study. The room looked exactly the same as it did in reality, but something was different about it. Loren couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, but something had indeed changed. 

Loren arose from the velvet cushioned chair, smoothing out her simple frock. She heard commotion coming from downstairs, most likely the family room and made her way to the living area. She entered the room to reveal the older Bridgerton siblings, standing around the couch, where Violet was seated, surrounded by children. Benedict stood beside a blonde beauty, both watching the interaction with adoring expression on their face. Colin was gazing upon a red-headed woman, who Loren recognized to be an older version of Penelope Featherington. She also noticed in the corner of the room, Eloise was conversing with a brunette man, who held a large smile on his face. For some reason though, Loren found that Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth were missing. 

But most importantly, Anthony was missing. As Loren approached the second eldest Bridgerton, she felt a muscular pair of arms snake around her waist,  a squeal of shock emitting from her lips as the figure behind her whispered in her ear,

 "Hello, my love." 

The voice belonged to Anthony Bridgerton. She felt the man pressed a tender kiss upon her collarbone before resting his head against her shoulder. Affection seeped off of the man as he gently swayed Loren, "Did you sleep well?" The woman subconsciously nodded as she leaned into him, feeling at home in his arms. 

It was then that she realized.

She utterly in love with the eldest Bridgerton.

She dreamed of her life with him. She wanted to be his wife. She wanted to live life and grow old with Anthony. 

Her Anthony. 

And now, she wouldn't wish to see her future be any other way.