
Chapter Four

Anthony had found himself at the Opera House. 

He was quite ashamed, for he did wish to spend time with Loren, and yet he felt so drawn to Miss Rosso. Despite being with her this morning, he yearned for more. He couldn't explain his relationship with Sienna. It was sexual, and yet, a spark of infatuation did glimmer from time to time. 

He had been spending his nights with the gorgeous woman for a few months now, but it was never meant to go this far. But for some reason, he couldn't stop it. He her. He wanted her, and all of her. 

He now sat in a red velvet chaise lounge chair, the gorgeous woman laying atop of him. They were both exhausted from their activities. Anthony wanted to sleep, but as he checked his pocket watch, he knew it was almost time to leave. "One day, I shall seize that watch and break it apart bit by bit." Sienna whispered teasingly. Anthony glanced from the watch face to the girl before him, "That belonged to my father. Should it disappear, I would miss it dearly." 

"Then you shall know how I feel, every time you disappear." Sienna said, annoyance present in her voice as she pleaded, "Stay with me today." Anthony shook his head, "I'm afraid I cannot." He stated before motioning for Sienna to rise, for he needed to gather his belongings. "I must chaperone my sister at the Danbury ball this evening." 


Anthony nodded as he buttoned his ruffled white shirt, another thought crossing his mind, "And I must keep Loren company. She hates social events, and yet always makes an appearance. I have promised that I will be there so she is not lonely." Sienna watched as Anthony tucked in his shirt, "You talk about this Loren quite a bit. What is so special about her?" 

Anthony glanced at her, "Whatever do you mean?" Sienna gave Anthony a knowing look, "I know you, my Lord, you do not just promise things to anyone. It is obvious that she means something to you." Anthony processed Sienna's words, carefully preparing his response. "We grew up together. We are the closest in age, so I've always been there for her." 

Sienna seemed skeptical. "So there has never been any attraction between the two of you?" "Not that I know of. She is an admirable young woman, and will make a fine wife to someone one day. And that man shall be very lucky." He stated, his tone wavering slightly as he came to the realization that one day, Loren will not need him, for she will have a man to watch over and care for her. It was scary to think about. Someday, in the future, Loren would have a family of her own. She would move out of the Bridgerton household, and live somewhere else, preferably in the countryside. There would be too much to take care of that he would surely be forgotten by her.

"My Lord," The man was drawn out of his thoughts, glancing up at Sienna, who now stood before him, a satin robe wrapped around her naked body, "I think you are afraid to admit that you like her." 

Anthony scoffed, "Of course I like her. Who wouldn't like Loren? She's perfect. Kind, caring, beautiful-"

"This is exactly what I mean." Sienna said. Anthony was puzzled, "Sienna, I'm afraid I do not understand what you are trying to say." Sienna sighed, "I think you love her. But you are afraid to admit it. For you do not want to love anyone." 

Anthony stared at Sienna, his expression hardening, "I shall be going now." He stated sternly as he rose from where he was seated, shrugging on his waistcoat. "Wait, my Lord, I apologize. That was very insensitive of me to assume such things-" "It does not matter. I must be going or else I will be late. Have a good day, Miss Rosso."

And with that, Anthony departed, and Sienna watched him go, wondering if he would ever realize how he felt about the girl whom he cared about so dearly.