
My Lovely Karma

Playboy Fuckable Hwang Hyunjin falling in love with a business man

Miles_Garcera · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Is It Normal?


A 23 year old Hwang Hyunjin is well-known for his good looks and the many girls he has hooked up with along the way—he's also known to be a bit of a flirtatious bastard, always getting under people's skin with just his easy charm (although no one really minds him being that way). He likes flirting and messing around in bed with women, so the fact that he hasn't found love yet doesn't bother him much. It's not like he's looking for love anyway, or anyone else, and Hyunjin has decided long ago that it's better if he stays unattached for now while focusing on school and his work (and also because he wants more sex than he ever expected in a relationship). Besides, for him he doesn't like committing to someone right away. Relationships tend to bring you nothing but pain in the end.

"What are you doing here?" Hyunjin says as soon as Minho shows up at the door to his flat that night with two pizza boxes balanced precariously on top of each other. His smile is wide and bright and Hyunjin's mouth feels dry. "And I thought you were working." The words come out harsher than intended. "Well, I'm bored so I decided to come here." Minho walks into the lounge area and dumps the food onto the coffee table before plopping down on the couch next to Hyunjin, who doesn't look too happy about it. "Don't be rude to your best friend, Hyunjin."

Hyunjin rolls his eyes. "What do you want? You didn't tell me you were coming over. You should've called or texted," he adds pointedly as he takes a slice of pizza. Minho gives him an unimpressed look before taking his own slice.

"I know I know. But I got here late and the traffic was bad so I had to run through traffic." The older boy grimaces slightly as he bites into his pizza, his cheeks bulging. He's clearly hungry. "Plus I wanted to surprise you," he says cheerfully. And then, "Are you going out with someone today?"

At this Hyunjin raises an eyebrow skeptically and takes another bite of his pizza, chewing slowly. He didn't respond, instead waiting until he swallows to give Minho a questioning look. The other boy shakes his head, completely not surprised by Hyunjin's silence. "You really need to get kick in the ass sometimes," he comments dryly, taking out his phone from his baggy sweatshirt pocket and scrolling through his contacts list. "Anyway, it's Changbin's party tonight—"

"Oh yeah, that reminds me—"

"—so I was wondering if we could go clubbing—"

"—wait what???" Hyunjin spits the rest of his bite of pizza back into his plate, his face flushed red. "I can't believe you're actually asking me to go out to a club with you—"

Minho stares at him, a small amused smirk on his face. He shrugs lightly, taking another bite of his pizza. "What's the matter?" I just thought we could go find some cute guys over there." Then he pauses, cocking his head in a teasing manner. "Unless, you don't wanna go? We could just stay home and chill?"

Hyunjin scowls. "Shut up," he mutters irritably as he grabs another piece of pizza from the cardboard box and takes a large bite, chewing furiously. A few minutes later, he finally manages to calm down enough to answer in a calmer tone. "Fine, I'll go. Only if Jimin is invited too."

Yoo Jimin is the girl Hyunjin hooked up with 3 days ago. She's nice to hang out with and he finds her funny, but it isn't something Hyunjin would call love. The girl wasn't into relationships either so it's not really a big deal. Not that he's really interested in getting involved in another relationship anyway; he's been in several relationships already and none have lasted any longer than three months. Plus, there's never anything going on between them—they would just meet each other late at night and fuck on her place after hours while drinking cheap whiskey and laughing their asses off about how terrible they both are at dating—it's not a real relationship. They're just having fun while screwing each other senseless.

That said... he doesn't mind hanging out with her. They share similar interests, for starters, she loves music almost as much as he does and she's pretty interesting to talk to when they're alone together.

But anyway, back to the story.,

Hyunjin unintentionally spaced out for several minutes when Minho asked him where to go, and eventually he snapped back into reality. "Sorry, what was that again?"

The older boy smiles. "Didn't hear that, did you?"

"No. Sorry. What were you saying?"

Minho's smile widens. He puts his hands behind his head, leaning back casually against the sofa. "You're out of this world again, Hyune. I was just telling you to change your clothes so we could go, it's almost midnight."

Hyunjin blinks owlishly. Right, it's almost midnight. That doesn't mean they're gonna just go clubbing and drink all night, right? This isn't some kind of movie, for goodness' sake. "Oh, okay."

With those words Hyunjin stands up abruptly, dropping his plate in the table and walking quickly towards his bedroom. When Minho doesn't say anything else, he assumes he's already left, so he doesn't hesitate to pull on some jeans and a T shirt and a coat. There's no time to waste. He'll figure out his outfit later, but that doesn't matter now. If they're going out to a club they'd better make it worth it, right?

Hyunjin goes back out and makes sure his wallet, keys, and phone are all in his pockets. He then heads to the living room and turns around to see Minho sitting on his couch with his legs stretched out and an expectant look on his face.

"Alright," Hyunjin announces and starts making his way towards the front door. "Let's go. Let's get wasted, let's dance, let's party and get drunk!" With that last declaration, Hyunjin turns around and rushes outside, leaving Minho to laugh quietly to himself in amusement.


When they both arrived at the club, Changbin is the first one to welcome them inside. The club is packed, filled to the brim with people dancing to loud pop and techno music. Most of them seem to be wearing tight leather jackets or black tank tops, but even if they weren't wearing such revealing clothing they'd still look very hot. Even Hyunjin can admit that.

Changbin hugs Hyunjin tightly before stepping back. The older boy gives him a bright smile while patting the taller boy on his shoulder and telling him how happy he was to see him there. "It's been a while since I last saw you."

Hyunjin nods, returning Changbin's smile briefly. "Yeah, I know. We haven't talked in ages." They continue to talk for a little while before they decide to order some drinks to keep themselves busy for the time being. After ordering their drinks, Minho leads them toward a corner of the club where most of the dancing seems to be happening. Hyunjin doesn't know exactly what he expects to happen there, but he knows it will be fun. He's looking forward to it. Maybe he'll even enjoy himself. Who knows, maybe he'll end up making out with someone afterwards.

After they sit down on a couple of uncomfortable chairs situated by the bar counter, Hyunjin immediately gets distracted by the guy who happens to sit on the same chair as them. "Hey," he says to the stranger in a friendly tone as he sits beside him, "what's your name?"

The boy looks at him with curiosity written all over his features. "Lee Yongbok, just call me by the name Felix," he introduces himself in response.

Hyunjin smiles widely. "Well Felix, my name is Hyunjin. Do you want anything to drink?"

Felix looks taken aback. He tilts his head as if considering whether the offer will be acceptable, but eventually shakes his head. "I'm good. Thank you though."

Hyunjin frowns as Felix picks at his nails absentmindedly. He knows that Felix is trying to appear casual, but the way he keeps glancing at the bar counter every now and then only shows otherwise, giving away his nerves. Hyunjin leans closer toward the blond boy. "Everything okay?" He asks concerned.

Felix looks at him, eyes wide in surprise. His lips quiver and he tries to hide his embarrassment as best as he can. "Uh, yeah everything is fine, I'm sorry..."

"No," Hyunjin interrupts, putting a comforting hand on Felix's knee, "it's not okay to act like that around me, especially at a club like this. You don't have to pretend, we're friends."

Felix looks at Hyunjin hesitantly, seemingly unsure of what to do. He stays silent for a moment before looking back down onto his lap and mumbling, "Okay."

Hyunjin lets out a sigh of relief. He knew that Felix was just shy, he wasn't doing it purposely and Hyunjin doesn't think he's judging him for it. Still, Felix looked really nervous, like he couldn't quite breathe, like he was afraid of someone seeing him. It was almost scary to Hyunjin seeing someone looking so vulnerable.

"So," Hyunjin speaks up suddenly, breaking the silence that has settled upon them. "um, are you waiting for someone?" He didn't really know why he asked, honestly. There's nothing stopping them from talking to each other if Felix wants to. But he's feeling a bit awkward just standing here, not knowing what to say next.

Felix shakes his head slowly. "Ah... no." He hesitates for a moment before continuing, "I'm alone," he explains sheepishly.

Hyunjin furrows his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly in question. "Oh really?"

Felix nods quietly. He looks like he'd rather say something, but he keeps quiet. Hyunjin decides not to press further. There's something odd going on there, but he decided he shouldn't probe any further.

Hyunjin hums thoughtfully. He knows that there probably aren't a lot of attractive guys at a nightclub like this, especially one located at the far end of town. So, he decides he'll try to strike up conversation with Felix again. "So, uh, do you have a girlfriend or something?"

A blush starts rising on Felix's cheeks. He laughs nervously and shakes his head, "No, uh..I'm gay."

"Oh..." Hyunjin says, somewhat awkwardly as he takes a sip of his drink, feeling like he's overstepped somehow. "...oh..I see." He's about to leave it at that, but then another thing comes to mind. "Come on," He offered his hand, "let's go somewhere and have some fun."

At first Felix stares at the proffered hand, but after Hyunjin realizes how weird it is he drops his hand quickly, embarrassed by the lack of enthusiasm the younger showed and feeling like he'd done something wrong. He tries not to show it.

"Oh.." Hyunjin repeats softly as he lowers his head, feeling a bit dejected.

Then suddenly, Felix's voice sounds clear and distinct, startling the ravenette from his thoughts. "Where were you taking me?" he asks.

Hyunjin looks back up, smiling brightly, trying to put everything behind him. "Well, I was hoping that you might wanna come with me..." He starts, taking the chance to ask the question he wanted to ask the blond earlier.

That earns a confused look from the blond. "Why? Why would you want to take me out when you clearly just met me?"

"Because you're pretty," he replies with a cheeky smile. "I think I'd have fun hanging out with you."

Felix raises one eyebrow, clearly unamused with Hyunjin's straightforward answer. "Are you sure you're not flirting with me? Because it seems like you are. You must be. You have the whole 'I need to get laid' vibe going on."

"You really don't get it, do you?" Hyunjin chuckles. "Just come with me. Don't worry, I promise I won't lead you on."

He watches carefully as Felix contemplates whether or not to go along with the idea. In the end, the other boy nodded. Hyunjin smiles brightly and offers Felix his arm once more, "Alright, follow me, beautiful."

Felix chuckles and follows Hyunjin closely as he walks through the crowd. When they finally manage to reach one of the quieter corners of the room, Hyunjin pulls the blond into his arms. "This is better." He says. "Now hold on tight," he orders and pushes Felix against the wall, kissing him roughly.

Felix makes a surprised noise, but soon relaxes in Hyunjin's arms as he kisses him back. Their tongues dance together hungrily until they're both breathless and desperate for air. Hyunjin rests his forehead on Felix's, catching his breath as well.

"Wow..." He whispers, "that was great..."

Felix giggles. "Me too." He leans in for another kiss which Hyunjin happily accepts. Soon they find themselves pressed against the wall, both wrapped in each other's arms.

They stay like that for awhile, lost in each other as they try to catch their breaths. Hyunjin doesn't realize it until he felt someone tap on his shoulder which caused him to pull away from Felix's lips. He turns his head around to look for whoever tapped on his shoulder only to see Minho smirking at him mischievously.

"You got another chic?" the older asks sarcastically.

Hyunjin rolls his eyes playfully, still blushing furiously. "Fuck off, hyung," he laughs.

Minho shrugs and turns around, walking back toward their table where everyone else is gathered, leaving Felix and Hyunjin alone.

"Sorry for ruining the mood," Hyunjin apologizes. He looks down at Felix and sees that the blond boy is already looking back up at him. Hyunjin smiles and presses a quick kiss to his lips. "What do you say we get out of here?" he suggests. "I'll buy you a drink."

Felix smiles and nods his head. They walk out of the corner of the room together, hands intertwined. They walk past all the other people in the club, not sparing anyone even a second glance. Neither of them says a single word throughout the entire short journey to the exit, simply basking in the comfort of being held in each others arms. They arrive outside the building and step out into the cool night air. The two boys sit down on one of the benches outside the club and stare into each other's eyes.

Hyunjin breaks the silence, "Can I get your number?" he asks, a playful smirk appearing on his face.

Felix grins as he reaches into his pocket and produces his phone. "Sure," he replies handing the phone over to Hyunjin who quickly types his own name and number into it, passing the device back to Felix who puts it in his pocket.

"Here," Hyunjin continues. "Let's hang out sometime."

Felix nods his head enthusiastically. "Yeah! Let me write my number into yours too."

The ravenet smiles as he holds his phone out to Felix, who does exactly that without hesitation. Once the other's number is added into Hyunjin's contact list, the ravenet puts his phone back in his jacket pocket and holds his hand out for Felix's. "Let's go to my car and maybe continue our unfinished business there," he says teasingly.

Felix smiles slyly, grabbing Hyunjin's hand and intertwining their fingers together. "Sounds good to me, loverboy."


"Where's Hyunjin?" Changbin asked Minho who's busy scrolling through Tumblr while sitting beside Seungmin. They're currently drinking their third bottle of beer.

Minho shrugged and replied with: "Maybe whoring around? I saw he's with a cute guy earlier."

"Ooh," Seungmin comments from the side of his mouth. "Looks like he had a lucky encounter tonight~!" He wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, causing Changbin to choke on his beer. "Woah dude, calm down, alright?" The redhead quickly grabs a napkin to wipe his friend's mouth.

Changbin takes deep breaths to regain his composure after choking on his drink. "Thanks. Anyway," he says. "We should check if those two have fucked yet. Or at least tried their luck."

Minho rolls his eyes at Changbin. "Just let the guy be, it's his thing."

Changbin huffs dramatically. "Okay fine, whatever you say.."

Seungmin pats his friend on the back to reassure him. "Hey, don't be too harsh on Hyunjin." He reassures Changbin with an assuring smile. "Let's just go dance, shall we? It's your birthday!"

Changbin lets out an exaggerated sigh but nods nevertheless and stands up to grab his drink. "You're right, sorry." He apologises.

Seungmin and Minho laugh before following Changbin. "C'mon let's go dance." Seungmin says, holding his hand out towards Minho and leading him over to the center of the crowded floor.

"Damn, this place has been packed lately," Minho commented.

Seungmin hummed in agreement. "Yep, it's always a blast here. We can go dance now though if you'd like."

"Sounds good to me." Minho said as they started moving to the beat of the music.

Meanwhile Changbin, having gotten distracted and watching the dancers from afar, ended up bumping into a woman standing next to him. "Shit! Sorry!" he exclaimed apologizing profusely, not expecting her reaction since she was a complete stranger.

However, to Changbin's surprise, the woman merely chuckled and shook her head. "No worries, man. Happens all the time." She responded kindly.

Changbin was about to say something, but then the woman smiled widely and waved at Changbin. "Bye!" She chirped. And Changbin couldn't help but smile back in return.

After waving goodbye at the woman, Changbin slowly made his way back over to the others.

"Who was that?" Minho asked when he noticed Changbin coming back toward them.

"Oh...uhm.." He started awkwardly. "She said that we always bump into strangers here, but she never minded, so I figured why not try and make some friends?"

"Ohh," Minho mused. "That's kinda cool, I guess."

"I didn't know you were into girls, babe," Seungmin teased.

"Shut it, nerd."


A few hours later...

The sound of whimpers and moans were eventually heard inside the car as Hyunjin continuously fucked Felix in a frenzy. The blond kept whimpering in pleasure as he felt Hyunjin grinding against him. His body trembled as he arched himself to meet the thrust of Hyunjin's pelvis.

"Faster," he moaned, his voice hoarse from how hard he was trying to keep quiet, but the effect seemed to have disappeared as Hyunjin groaned at the loud noise making him moan louder and buck his hips upwards.

Hyunjin pulled away slightly, letting Felix take control of what would happen between them. The younger boy gripped at the older's shoulders roughly, forcing Hyunjin to bend forward and kiss Felix passionately. When they broke apart, Felix continued to grind against him desperately while his hands roamed over Hyunjin's back and stomach.

"Fuck, Felix," he growled. "You're driving me crazy." He moaned again and began pulling Felix's hair aggressively causing him to grunt loudly.

Finally, Felix reached his climax and spilled all over Hyunjin's chest. Hyunjin released a deep breath as he stared into Felix's beautiful face; lips swollen and flushed pink, cheeks slightly reddened with passion, messy blonde locks sticking up everywhere. Hyunjin gently ran his thumbs along Felix's cheekbones before lowering his head down and connecting their lips once more. As soon as Hyunjin pulled away he could feel Felix's warm breath fanning across his face. He smiled and pressed his forehead against the blond's. Felix gave a soft gasp as he opened his eyes and locked gazes with Hyunjin as the other began moving once again, his thrusts becoming sloppier and slower.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh..." Felix moaned.

Hyunjin could feel Felix shaking beneath him, his hot skin glistening under the lights. Hyunjin leaned down and whispered in Felix's ear, "Fuck...you're fucking gorgeous, baby. How can someone as pretty as you want me?" Felix bit his lip lightly at Hyunjin's words and turned his head to press a small kiss onto the other's shoulder. Hyunjin grinned triumphantly and pushed his hips forward, hitting his prostate every time. A soft moan escaped Felix's throat which caused Hyunjin to smirk even wider. Several moments later, Hyunjin finally came inside of Felix; both bodies shuddering violently as their orgasms consumed them. Afterwards, the pair collapsed back into the leather seats and stared blankly out the window.

"That was amazing," Hyunjin whispered.

Felix looked over to him, smiling softly.

They sat in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes until Felix decided to speak. "We should do that again next time," he remarked.

"Hm, sure," Hyunjin responded with a grin plastered on his face.

"It'll definitely be better next time," Felix added.

Hyunjin laughed. "Of course, baby," he answered.

Suddenly the door burst open causing both of them to jump slightly.


"Jesus christ, can't you knock?!" Hyunjin exclaimed in response, annoyed at the interruption.

Changbin appeared behind Minho, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "What's going on?"

"This wild ferret fucked around in his car again, Binnie." Minho answered bluntly.

Changbin glared at Hyunjin while giving him a death glare. "Seriously?! Why am I even surprised anymore?" He muttered, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Felix giggled, earning a glare from Changbin. "What are you laughing at?" He asked.

"Nothing, sorry." He replied innocently, hiding his face in Hyunjin's neck.

Changbin rolled his eyes. "You guys are fucking weird," Changbin remarked before entering the club.

"Goodnight," Changbin shouted over his shoulder as he walked away.

Meanwhile Minho stood there unfazed by Changbin's bluntness. "Well, looks like you're gonna be seeing quite a lot of each other these days," He teased.

"I think I'll see him more than ever these days," Felix retorted.

First chapter? How was it everyone?

Miles_Garceracreators' thoughts