

Just because of misunderstanding they separate for 6 years, and on their reunion they met again. They become the ruthless CEO of the world and they killed their enemy without mercy. But would they fine who's behind their accident and who wants their head? Follow the story for your answer. Thank you for your time I hope you don't mind my mistake and please feels free to comment on my mistake so that I can improve. This is my first novel and I hope you like it. It's my own imagination, I'm sorry if it entangled with one's personal please take it as a story. Than you

Linzzziii · สมัยใหม่
56 Chs


Careen look at Kevin with a pitiful gaze and suddenly said, "Kev I,.. I'm sorry I.... I don't mean to make you worry it's just that"!!

Kevin kiss her lips blocking her words to slipped and said " it's ok im here, I won't leave you".

Careen tears flow down endlessly , Kevin sigh and hug her in his arms.

Just then, Daniel and the others entered the room shocking to see Careen state and said " what happened, why are you bleeding!!???.

Kevin look at them and said " Treat her wound first ".

Daniel nodded and said " ok, leave it to me".

After Daniel finish his treatment he sat down and eyed them with questioning gazed.

Kevin shake his head , the others sigh and nodded.

Kevin then turned to Careen and tug her in bed, Careen didn't utter a word and sleep in Kevin hands.

After Careen heavy breathing calm down and seeing her comfortable sleep , they left the room and went to his study.

When they entered Kevin study, Anan said " did something happen , did she do things like that usually".

Kevin sigh and said " I don't know I didn't asked she look scared I didn't want to force her, I have never seen her hurt herself like this, every time she just cry or stares out without blinking".

Mark then said " she contact someone, and maybe she got some terrible news " .

Anan sigh " yes, my guard said someone contact her, it look like her assistant maybe it's work related or something against her or you" he eyed Kevin.

Daniel then said " ok, leave that behind we will when she told us, let's looks at those first. " he put the folder on the table.

Kevin look at him and said " what about you, have you done a checked up".

Mark continue " and what about your haggard clothes did you got chase by a ghost ".

Anan chuckle. 😅🙂🙂

Daniel throw a cushion on Mark and said with a grind" I'm not scared of ghost like you, who don't even entered the toilet without someone waiting outside ".he was laughing at Mark pouted face.

Anan and Kevin joined with him in teasing Mark they continue laughing at him.

Mark frown and said " that's when I'm 3 years old, who don't feel scared of ghost, you " he gritted his teeth.

After sometimes when they calm down their laughter, Daniel then continue, " Yes, I did a checked up, and I found this thing "he take one of the sheets and give to them.

Anan gaps " what !!! ??, drugs , you were drug" .

Daniel sigh and nod his head like a child while pouting for being wrong.

Mark shake his head " but unfortunately your title don't suit you anymore, it's useless to become a doctor, you don't even know there's something on your drinks ".he mocked at Daniel with a smirk.

Daniel smack his head " do you think it's easy to identify this type of drugs just by smelling , you dimwit don't act oversmart " he scoff.

Mark pouted and Kevin continue " yea, he was right, it's smell like chocolate so it's the same flavor like the hot chocolate he drank. "

Daniel smirk and winks at Mark who in return glare at him,

Daniel then continue " good sight bro, you were right and also this kinds of drugs will not take effect easily, it takes sometimes to function depends on the body growth of a person, and the one who takes it will lost his memories for a day or two then he will live as usual , so it's not that threatening but the point is he won't have any memory of the days he takes that drugs. "

Kevin sigh " did you find something "

Daniel smile and said "of course bro, here takes a look and I think it's time to show your power bro".

Kevin take the file and frown his face turned dark and pale, his lips tighten the room suddenly turned cold.

Anan gaps and thought ' he is scary, woohh I pity his enemies' . Mark look at Anan and mouthing " I'm cold he is scary"

Anan smirks and said " bro, you need help I'm here for your called".

Mark also nodded his head " I'm in bro".

Kevin smile at them and then said. . . . .