
My love from the sky

Reb_Bud · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Phone call with Mother

At home in the living room. A call from mom.

Isabelle: Hello

Mother:Why you... Must you humiliate me like that? Why must I hear that my daughter moved from her old place?

Isabelle: You said never to call again. You said I'm NO LONGER YOUR CHILD.

Mother: You brat. I was... Since when do you listen to me?

Isabelle: I always listened to you, when you asked for money to open a ridiculous Indian restaurant, and asked for money to open a shop to sell imported clothing.

Mother: That was ancient history.

Isabelle: Want something recent? How about the money you blew on the diet center? Or on the cake shop.

Mother: Like that added up to that much money. Look in the mirror. Your face and body. Who gave you that? If you didn't have a mom like me, you wouldn't be that pretty without getting plastic surgery and wasting money on it. To be truthful, at first you are bad at acting. You make money filming dramas and commercials because you are a natural beauty. You need to remember that.

Isabelle: I look like dad.

Mother: Are you kidding me? You don't look like your dad. Everyone knows your dad isn't that good looking.

Isabelle: That's right. You married him for his money, not his looks. That's why you divorced him when he bankrupt.

Mother: Hey! What do you know?

Isabelle: I take after dad, so I can't stand you being like that. So don't you dare talk about dad.

Mother: I need money. Send me five million pounds. I told you to set up direct deposit. And call David. He hasn't been home for two days.

That little punk. He ran away from home again? I should give him a call then. Let's see... Why is he not answering. Oh well.... I don't care. Let's listen to some music.