

I don't remember much when I was little. My mother was taken from me when I was about 4. I have vivid memories but nothing I was able to keenly remember about that night. I was moved into a home where I was told I would be protected. It was a normal home. I didn't know what that meant. Wasn't my last home normal? My new sister and I got very close. We were almost inseparable. when I was 16, I had a boyfriend whose name was Dean. he was amazing silly, and the funniest person I knew. my sister introduced us when her boyfriend was just a sad puppy. He left when I turned 18, and my body felt like it was going through changes. Even doctors couldn't figure it out. My mom always said it was because I was an extraordinary kid. Then one day, someone started talking to me in my head. I went to therapists and all of them said I had a mental problem. I started taking medication to ignore it. If I was crazy, then I wouldn't give it the satisfaction of acknowledgment. I am 24 years old, and I have now moved across the country with my sister Olivia. Six years ago, I went through an awfully bad breakup and so did Olivia. After losing someone I thought I could never live without, liv was there for me. After a few months of moping, we both saved up and moved from Missouri to California and it was the best thing that ever happened to us. Ever since we moved, we vowed we would focus on ourselves and our happiness. We've left dating out of the conversation. Lately, liv has thought about it again. Staying single is fine for me. after Dean left, I couldn't see myself with anyone else. Liv, on the other hand, is starting to struggle with the thought of it. Although it has been great living together and single out on the town, she has always wanted to settle down. If anyone can do it, it is going to be her. After having our weekly movie night, we fell asleep early. Liv had planned a big night out for tomorrow, so we needed our beauty sleep. However, tonight we were both off so it was our night to be as wild as we could be. I wouldn't say I like going out much but Liv and I both needed a break from our boring office lives. When she wanted to go out tonight, I agreed on one condition. Do not set me up with anyone. I loved that she cared so much about me, but I did not want to settle down any time soon. While Liv was arranging the plans for the party she had heard of, I decided to shower and get ready. I picked out a basic but very elegant tight see-through black shirt with a beautiful corset underneath, long black leather pants that were skintight with holes and chains, and a pair of knee-length boots. I wore a lot of black or at least dark-colored clothing. Olivia was the complete opposite. She loved color. We arrived at the house party Liv had told me about. It was an extraordinarily rich kind of party. The lights were very bright and beating to the loud music playing. It was like a nightclub but in a very homey state. we both went to get a drink first. The display of drinks was amazing with more lights outlining every kind of expensive brand of alcohol you could imagine. Olivia drank hers and went dancing. I was not much of a dancer, so I stayed sitting in the corner when two men sat next to me. Both men were both muscled and looked extravagant. I wish I had the desire to settle down like Olivia, but I just did not have the same wants she did. I was not ready to part with being single, I was happy with the way my life was at that moment. Maybe I just was not ready to move on with my life. Whatever the case, I just couldn't see myself falling in love with anyone right now. Looking at these two men sitting next to me, my heart started to beat faster. Suddenly, I was thinking of what it would be like to settle down. I was so confused. What was my brain doing? The youngest looked at me and smiled. "Well hello cutie why are you sitting here all alone." I was blushing for the first time in so long. I couldn't believe what my face was doing. "I'm sitting here relaxing while I watch my best friend enjoy herself for once. What about you handsome." Did I call him handsome? I turned my face in shock. I couldn't believe what I had just said. When he giggled, I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Same as me then. I'm here with my brother hoping maybe he gets laid and relaxes for once and relax a little bit himself." I looked at his brother and it felt like the world started shaking. he looked at me with confusion and lust in his eyes. it was like our souls connected. He was beautiful and strong. Suddenly it was like my body changed. Something inside of me started screaming that's our mate. it was that voice again. it wasn't my voice so who was it? where did it come from? how was it in my head? I was terrified because I had conversations with myself all the time. I just thought I was crazy. That's what every doctor and therapist told me. So why could my crazy brain be screaming mate? What did that mean? Olivia would joke all the time about it. Maybe I'm a vampire or even a werewolf, but it was all just a joke, right? I couldn't be a werewolf. They don't exist, right? I started to feel woozy. Everything was muffled. I could barely hear the music anymore. All I felt was air. Olivia and the guys were standing next to me. I heard them tell her we needed to go with them before I hit the ground, and everything went black. When I came to, Olivia was nowhere to be seen. two men were standing over me. My heart rate started to pick up. A third man, who was dressed as a doctor, started talking to me. Everything was still muffled. I couldn't understand a word. Suddenly he looked up at the other two and motioned for one to stand next to me. I had no idea what was going on. I didn't know who any of these men were. Then he touched me. I started to jerk him away until I felt a sense of calm. The whole world stopped spinning like I wanted to sing and dance but I was still loopy. I heard the doctor say she's not ready to wake up yet. They injected something into a needle, and I started to fall asleep. I wanted to object but I was out before I could even speak. When I came to again, I felt a little better. I was able to get up and move for the first time in however long I was out. I sat up when the doctor approached me. His voice sounds so calm now. I breathed heavily. "Where's Olivia? Who are you? what are you doing to me?" I was looking around the room for a way out. Olivia was not here I could tell. the man in the coat approached me and tried to calm me. he motioned for someone. As he did Olivia walked through the door and ran to me. "Meghan your okay I`m here. you can trust them okay? just listen to the pack doctor. he will explain everything I promise." it all made sense now. Olivia was never joking when she would talk about mythical creatures. no, I`m just crazy, that's all. I kept going back and forth with this thought in my head until this doctor started talking to me. "Meghan you were taken from your mother when you were young correct? That's because the pack was wiped out all but you. A stranger found you screaming in a shed not far from your camp. his name was Jonathon Morgan. he belonged to the blood moon pack and he took you in. No one knew you were a werewolf until you were 16 when John said you showed signs of shifting but because you were never taught how to, your wolf never came out. it I need you to breathe. your about to shift for the first time if you don't breathe. I know you are terrified. if you want to shift we will teach you. your first time is going to be painful which is why now is not a good time to shift." that was so much to take in. I started taking big breaths and trying to relax my mind. listening to my favorite song in my head. then that voice started talking to me this time. "hi my name is Magna. I would have explained all of this to you but I didn't want to freak you out. I can feel all of your emotions." now that I think about this, this is so cool. After I started to relax the man from before approached me and I felt a sense of calm. "I know that was a lot to take in but I promise that I will be next to you through everything beautiful." I forgot that my wolf called him mate. if I remember anything from the books I've read, they`re a person's goddess-given person for every wolf, right? why do I want to touch him so bad? I don't understand what is happening to my body. then I heard him again in my head. It's okay beautiful I'm here with you. you can touch me, my love. it will calm you down. do you trust me?