
My little Saviour

Generally, boy saves girl but here is the story of Edmond and Harlow where Harlow saves Edmond without even knowing. That's the magic of mates in the world of werewolves. Once upon a time there is a boy. Chubby cheeks, cute face captivating beauty. When someone passes by this kid, they will just forget all their tensions, work just by looking at him. He was known as the son of moon goddess, cause his beauty, kindness everything is simply amazing. But now is not once. He became completely opposite of what he used to be. He didn’t change but the way that society is looking at him changed. He is known as the most ruthless rouge now. Once people used to forget their worries just by looking at him but now getting in the eyes of him is their biggest worry. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A girl who values trust more than anything. She is lonely. She knows the value of relationships, so she never develops feelings easily. Everyone she has been close to has disappeared or died. Society frames her as a bad luck. Still, she goes on with a smile. She will give her for someone she loves. So, what happens when SHE finds that HE is responsible for her friends’ suicide. SHE is hell bent on punishing him. But in his side of story, HE doesn’t even know HER friend. Let’s know which side of the story is right and which is not.

vyshu_mettela · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 10

Edmond's pov:

I was sitting in my office after my conversation with Zayn. How could it happen? My mate is also human. Both of our mates are found in the same place and at almost the same time. Zayn went to take next step with his mate. I am so down. I want my mate very bad. But I'm in a confused state . I will definitely need her. But I am just taking some time. First I need to sort things out then I will be thinking about her.

I started planning out strategies to bring down the alpha of dark wood pack. The person who robbed my position. If Zayn works as a guard there first I will need him to find my sister Eliana. She is the reason I want my pack back. Then if she knows that I'm trying to find her she will definitely help me. I miss my sister so much. I shouldn't have left her there. When I was planning things that Zayn should do I smelt her again . my mate. What is she doing in my territory? As far as I know humans don't enter here. I ran downstairs as I go down I feel her scent getting closer. I finally reached Zayn's car. He was bringing out an unconscious girl from his back seat. She smells like my mate but it's not her. Then I looked in the backseat to find another girl .

"MATE" my wolf growled out loud. Making Zayn shocked.

She is beautiful like words can't describe her beauty. Her hair is long and she is a red head. Her skin is pale. She is just amazing. I don't know how much time I kept admiring her.

"Alpha is she your mate?" asked Zayn.

"yes" I replied and kept watching her like a creep.

"Alpha she is my mate's friend I assume. She is very strong that she almost took me down alpha. I thought she might be suspicious of my super strength so I kidnapped her along with my mate sorry alpha"

Zayn's words shocked me. He is one of our strongest warriors. My mate must be very strong if she fought him. I love her already. But I can't claim her now. I need time. She must have been well trained to beat some one so strong like Zayn. Zayn is going to be so shocked by my next words.

"Zayn drop her off in her house . you can proceed with your mate"

Zayn's mouth was left hanging open. Normally, werewolves find their mate they will grow very protective of them .But my life is far from normal.

"But alpha she is our Luna"

"Do what I say Zayn ill explain everything later" I said and took last look at my mate and walked inside. Tears are brimming inside my eyes. My heart is bearing a lot of pain. Walking away from my mate felt like walking towards my misery. I can't bear the emotional pain I am facing now. All I want to do is run into her arms. I finally reached my office and sat on the couch. I heard Zayn's car starting it means he is going to drop her.

Soon very soon we will meet again love.

Harlow's pov:

I woke up with a banging headache. I feel like my head is going to explode. I sit up from my bed. I don't remember falling asleep on my bed at all. I get up and walked into the living room everything is normal. I then walked into another bedroom to find Layla asleep. Then it all came rushing back to me. PHOEBE . She is freaking kidnapped. Oh my god what should I tell Layla. I so freaked out. That man was so well built. I don't know what to do. Then I call the person who could help me now Mrs. Jones .

"Hello Mrs. Jones I need your help please. Phoebe she was taken by a guy. I-I-I tried a lot to fight him. but he is so strong."

"Harlow take a deep breath calm down. I am coming please wait in your house. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

Mrs. jones showed up in 5 minutes. I told her everything. I even told her about the creep that hugged Phoebe in the store. She told me that we need to check the cctv footage to see if that creep and the person who kidnapped her are same. I can't leave Layla alone. So, I woke her up and took her with Mrs. Jones. Good thing she didn't ask me any questions about her mom. I am close to Layla I am the only person who she will favor ither than her mom. Me and Layla rode in our car to the store whereas Mrs. Jones rode in her car.

We went to the super market Layla was holding my hand. With Mrs. Jones beside us we made our way into the grocery store. We made our way into the security cameras room. Mrs. jones asked them to show the footage. Its pretty dark now. I think I have been drugged for like 6 hrs. good thin Layla didn't wake up in that time. I held her hand and started looking at the footage . Then I see him the same man. The same person who hugged phoebe . He was the one who kidnapped her. I think now that we have photo of the person we could find him easily. I looked at Mrs. Jones to see that she was shocked.

"We can catch him right?" I asked her.

"y-y-yes" she said stuttering.

Somethings wrong with her. She is one of the strongest persons I've ever met but she seems terrified now.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked her.

" n-n-no everything is right. We will find her don't worry. Go home and take rest its late we will meet tomorrow" she said.

I nodded my head and took Layla and went home. Good thing is that Layla didn't ask anything after I told her that her mother has gone for work.