
Episode 34: (Sweetie Belle Arc) Day 2: 1st Trial – Latter & 2nd Investigation

Scene 34.0: Ponyville District Court – Courtroom No. 4, 1:03 PM, Day 62 of 365


After a recess from the testimony of both Cranky & Matilda and getting lunch as well as getting a replacement for Fraulein's table and her calming down, the trial resumes where it left off.


Judge Neighsay:

The trial for Sweetie Belle will now resume. Is the Prosecution ready to call its next witness?



(Annoyed Sigh)

It seems I have no choice. The Prosecution would like to call 4 witnesses to the stand. The Cakes and Sandwiches.



(Whispering To Shadow)

Looks like we are going over what happened at Sugarcube Corner.



(Annoyed Sigh, Whispering To Luster)

I hope Pinkamena and Cheese don't go overboard.


Phase 1:

The Case Of Sugarcube Corner


As the Cakes and the Sandwiches are at the witness stand and they look saddened that they are testifying against Sweetie Belle that Shadow notices this, he needs to think on how to approach this; since Fraulein is using her father's strategies, he knows that one of them is exploiting one's emotions to do things they really don't want to do as both Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich aren't their usual spunky self and that worries Shadow.



Please state your names and occupation to the court.


Carrot Cake:

I'm Carrot Cake and this is my wife, Cupcake. We are the bakers and owners of Sugarcube Corner.



I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everycreature calls me Pinkie Pie.


Cheese Sandwich:

And I'm her husband, Cheese Sandwich. We are tenants at Sugarcube Corner where my wife works there as a Baker, Delivery Girl and Party Planner. I work as a Party Planner myself outside of Ponyville from time to time.



(Subtle Evil Smile)

Good. Would you tell us, in your own words, the accounts of what happened to you?




Straight to the testimony with no foreplay? This is not a good sign. Jonamac usually would berate the witnesses and me in a way to brag the had the upper-hand, then hard push his winning decisive evidence. But when this happens, he would try to end the trial as soon as possible with no chance of amending the testimony. If that's the case, Fraulein will try to cut me off during the cross-examination in order to stop me to from questioning the testimony. So I need to press a testimony that she can't stop me from questioning, then I can turn this around.


Witness Testimony & Cross-Examination

(Morning Details)


Carrot Cake:

Earlier that day I decided to make a few deliveries so I wasn't there all day.



I was in the kitchen cooking up a storm with my daughter, Pumpkin.

But sometimes she had to switch with Pinkie when she needed her break or go help her during rush hour.



I saw Sweetie Belle early that morning around opening hours.

She looked really down and she ordered our heaviest coffee and thickest cream filled doughnut.

She left without a smile. She must have been really hurting.


Cheese Sandwich:

Yeah, I saw her while taking Little Cheese to school. It was around 7:40 in the morning.

She look like she was headed to the castle.



Your Witness.



(Weary, Thinking)

Okay…Something is definitely wrong here. She didn't bothered berating them. Now I know she's going for a defensive play. I better be careful.

(Out Loud)

Mr. Cake. Did you see Sweetie Belle on your way making the deliveries?


Carrot Cake:

Why yes, I did. But that was the only time I saw her that day.




I shouldn't get anything more out of him, especially that he just admitted that he hasn't seen Sweetie Belle all day after that moment. But I feel she's setting me up for something, but what?

(Out Loud)

Mrs. Cake. Did you meet Sweetie Belle even once that day?



No, deary. I was working all day in the kitchen, I barely went anywhere near the cashier.




I have a bad feeling about this. I feel like I'm heading to a trap here.

(Out Loud)

Pinkamena. What else did you noticed about Sweetie Belle?



She looked so lonely as she looked like she was going for a date.



She was wearing something?



Yeah. She was wearing a crystal flower that Mistmane usually makes.



– HOLD IT!!! –

(Evil Laughter)

Thank you both, Pinkie Pie. Platinum Shadow. I needed that part of the testimony.



What do you mean!?



When the Royal Guard were getting their testimony for today, they refused to tell them everything. Especially since everycreature knows that Pinkie Pie has loose lips, but somehow she managed to keep her story simple.

(Evil Snickering)

I knew that the only way to get her to talk was you. Your honor! What the witness just said is very important! The Prosecution requests that the witness amend her testimony.


Judge Neighsay:

Very well. Witness. Please Amend Your Testimony.



(Thinking, Frustrated)

I Knew It!!! Pinkie left details out!? That technically perjury! If she admits that she left it out on purpose, she will be given a hefty fine and penalty.



I saw Sweetie Belle early that morning around opening hours.

– She was wearing a crystal flower that Mistmane usually makes. –

She looked really down and she ordered our heaviest coffee and thickest cream filled doughnut.

She left without a smile. She must have been really hurting.


Cheese Sandwich:

Yeah, I saw her while taking Little Cheese to school. It was around 7:40 in the morning.

She look like she was headed to the castle.



I really forgot about that. I really, really forgot that Sweetie Belle was wearing that flower. I mean it.



Just stick with the facts, my dear. I will not indict you with perjury so long as you do not leave anything out of the testimony on purpose.



Yes, I promise.




Darn it. I have to do something. Last I remember, Sweetie Belle didn't have a Crystal Flower when she came to me that day when I was working on the automaton with doc. So she went to the castle around 7:40. I could use that part of the testimony later. I need to make a note of it.

{Added Cheese Sandwich's Testimony To The Court Record}

(Out Loud)

Cheese Sandwich. Are you sure about the time?


Cheese Sandwich:

Yeah. I know because I usually take Little Cheese to school around that time.



So it is a habit to take your son to school around that time. Was she wearing the Crystal Flower when you saw her?


Cheese Sandwich:

No, she wasn't wearing it.




Could those weird glass shards I found be that? It looks Fraulein hasn't brought it up, but she wanted Pinkamena to say that Sweetie Belle was wearing the crystal flower. Something doesn't smell right. I still think she is playing 4D Chess with me and she is trying to corner me here. Might as well tread carefully from this point on.

(Out Loud)

No more questions, your honor.



(Confident Evil Smile)

I hope you got good notes from that, because we will be diving in to the Main Course. Witnesses. The court would like to hear what happened later that night.


Witness Testimony & Cross-Examination

(Late Night)



I was dreaming a very nice dream.

Then I heard a loud noise that woke me up.

It came from downstairs, so me and Cheese went to check what it was.


Cheese Sandwich:

As soon as we got there, the whole place was a mess.

Pinkie went to check on Little Cheese, while I looked around for whoever did this.

I didn't find anycreature, but whoever it was, they were really hungry.



So the entire shop was a mess. Was nothing left untouched?


Carrot Cake:

Yeah. It will be a while before we can restock. Luckily nothing was badly broken like our crystal jars.



We do have the estimate on the damages done to your shop. The Prosecution would like to present the invoice of the items destroyed at Sugarcube Corner.

{Invoice For Sugarcube Corner's Damages Added To The Court Record}



(Thinking, Looking At The Invoice)

Looking at this closely, there's not much I can go for.


Wait! Could it be…Fraulein doesn't have a strong enough evidence to get Sweetie Belle Guilty? Or maybe she's…



Your witness, Platinum Shadow.



(Out Loud, Reading Report)

Out of all the testimonies, this is one where I only need to ask 1 question – Out of all you saw there in the shop, did something stand out for you, Cheese Sandwich?


Cheese Sandwich:

There were many hoof-prints there that I thought it belong to Little Cheese, but Pinkie went to look for him in his room when I went to check on the noise, so it couldn't have been him since he was in his bed.



So you would say that the hoof-prints belonged to foals and not the accused?


Cheese Sandwich:

Actually I did see some hoof-prints belonging to a full grown pony, but I don't memorized that, I memorize my Party Planning for Other Creatures.



I see. Prosecutor Fraulein? I believe you have the forensic data on that.



At the moment, the data is incomplete because somecreature thought, I could win with just this little evidence.



Let me guess – the Royal Guard?



Looks like it's true what everycreature says – The Royal Guard are full incompetent halfwits. No matter. I will be heading the investigations today, so you better work hard. The evidence we gathered are too scarce to get a verdict as you saw from this testimony.



(Amused Scoff)

I see…you weren't lying when you said you are different from your father.



I told you. I want to prove her guilt in a very justified way. Not as cutthroat and immoral like he used to do it. I might look like this, but…the only ones I want to put in the Death Penalty are those who are found guilty, no matter the crime.



That's the one trait I wish you didn't embrace about him.


Judge Neighsay:

So are you both admitting that it is impossible to reach a verdict at this time?



(Frustrated Sigh)




…That seems to the case, your honor.


Judge Neighsay:

Very Well. Then this concludes today's proceedings. I would like that both the defense and the prosecution to work together in this to find the truth behind this case. Court's Adjourn for the day.

(Pounds Gavel)


Scene 34.1: Ponyville District Court – Defendant Lobby No. 1, 2:42 PM


Upon breathing a sigh of relief, Shadow looks at everycreature and starts laughing which worry some and annoys others.



That was something, but it wasn't that funny, Shadow.



But you have to admit that it was crazy dealing with Cranky and Matilda.



I can't believe Matilda did that for Cranky.



Love make us do the craziest things.



But it was the right call to end the trial for today. The amount of evidence was not enough reach a verdict since Matilda forged the evidence against Sweetie Belle, which gave the Prosecution false hope in getting her verdict.



I'll admit that was a dubious part, it could have gone either way to be honest.



Yeah, that's why she was furious. Was she the one you told me about? Your first girlfriend?



Yeah, but she changed too much, I can't believe that's really her.


Apple Bloom:

Is that really our cousin?




Yeah…her real name is Ananas Reinette and she's the only daughter of Jonamac and the Lýkos, Artemis. Jonamac would always brag that Ana looked exactly like her grandmother.




So I wasn't dreamin'…she really does look like granny.


Apple Bloom:

She wasn't like I was expectin'…was our uncle really that horrible?



No…he was worst. But if you want to know all of the details on him, you need to ask Ana…I mean, Fraulein.



Why she changed her name? Does she hate her Pa that much that she ended up hating us too?



It's not up to me to tell you. But she will tell you soon whenever she's ready. Right now we need to do some investigating.


Lady Shadow:

I assume you will look for new evidence.



Yeah and I'll start questioning Sweetie Belle.


Lady Shadow:

She's at the moment in the detention center being questioned by Fraulein.



You think she's hiding something?



Not sure. But I will find out before the day is over and get her acquittal.



I believe in you, darling. I know you will get Sweetie Belle out of this.



I will, I promise. Come on, Luster. We need to ask Sweetie Belle a few questions.



Are you going to ask her about her Crystal Flower?





…That and what she really did that night.


Phase 2:

Investigation 1 – Sweetie Belle


Scene 34.2: Sweetie Belle's Home, 3:26 PM


Upon arriving at the entrance of the detention center, the Royal Guard to turn them away so Shadow and Luster decide to look for answers at her home. Upon arriving there, while Shadow is using his glowing evil eyes, they noticed that Sweetie Belle's parents aren't there and the house is locked.



Well looks like we won't be getting answers on what Sweetie Belle was doing that day.



Not necessarily. Let's climb up to her room. Careful you don't get pricked by the roses, we'll be using this climbing rose as a latter. If we try flying to her room, we'll draw too much attention if we try going up there using magic or me going into my Pegasus Form.



(Annoyed, Face-Hoof)

So we're breaking and entering? Committing a crime to solve a crime? Oi, Vey…You do know 2 wrongs don't make a right? Or that the end never justify the means?



(Starts Going Up Climbing Rose)

I know, but I feel we need to do this in order to find out the truth behind Sweetie Belle's side of her story and the only way to do that is to enter her room. Even if we do it without her consent, I won't stop until…

(Notices Strange Marks)






Luster, look at this. Are these…claw marks?



Yeah…judging by the deep indentations…this was made by a dragon.



I see…


It looks like I now know who Sweetie Belle's Boyfriend is if these really are dragon claw marks. All the signs were there, but the one thing that threw me off is what Apple Bloom & Scootaloo told me. I need to confront her about that later. I need to take a picture of this for later.

(Takes Picture Of Claw Marks)

{Added Claw Marks Picture To The Court Record}


As they enter Sweetie Belle's room, Luster and Shadow start looking around there for clues on what Sweetie Belle was doing that day. While they are looking around, Shadow finds her diary, but doesn't tell Luster as he hides it in his bag and looks around for the key to open it. He manages to find it, but decides to open it when Luster isn't looking. They also manage to find something they never thought they would find there which confirms Shadow's suspicions. With all of the evidence in hand, Shadow and Luster head to the next area: Ponyville Theater.


Phase 3:

Investigation 2 – Octavia Melody


Scene 34.3: Ponyville Classical Arts Theater, 4:44 PM


Upon arriving at the theater, everything is just like Sugarcube Corner, but instead of cake frosting splattered all over the place, this time is childish and unreadable paint scribbles. The owners are outraged and can't believe Sweetie Belle would do this to them after all they have gone through and one of the owners is none other than Octavia Melody who is the only one who believes in Sweetie Belle's Innocence.



Lady Octavia? Is everything alright?



(Furious, Trying To Stay Calmed, Tight Grip On Cello Stick)

Of course not! How can anycreature do this!? This is inconceivable!!

(Snaps Cello Stick)





(Whispering To Shadow)

So the rumors are true. Octavia has anger issues.



(Whispering To Luster, Scared)

Ix-nay on the issue-say.



I want answers! That's why I'm testifying, not to get Sweetie Belle guilty, but to know why this happened!



(Whispering To Shadow)

I really hope she means it.



(Whispering To Luster)

She does even though she doesn't sound it. I work for her, remember? She's one of my favorite bosses.



(Worried, Out Loud)

Uh-huh…So Ms. Octavia, what can you tell us about this?



I'm sorry you two, but Prosecutor Fraulein asked me not to speak of it and even Tempest asked me not to tell you either.



I understand. Since they are no longer here, can we do our own investigation?



Sure. Like I said – I want you to find out why did this happened because I know it couldn't have been Sweetie Belle.



If there's any evidence here, I'll find it.




Are you alright? Your eyes don't seem well.



I'm fine, I'm just using these eyes to find evidence easier. But it does take a toll on me as I get weaker the more I heavily rely on it.



You shouldn't do that. After you are done for the day, come to my home. Me and Vinyl will care for you with a soothing song.




I'll take you on that offer, Lady Octavia.



(Annoyed, Whispering To Shadow)

Another mother figure, Shadow.



(Whispering To Luster)

Can you blame me? Lady Octavia reminds me of my mom.



(Annoyed, Thinking)

Every older female reminds you of your mom, Shadow. You really are Mom-Crazy, you know that, right? Not in the weird way…

(Saddened, Thinking)

…more like…you miss your real mom too much that every elderly female that treat you in a way that makes you remember her…you just can't help but to act this way.


Shadow and Luster start looking around and surprisingly enough they find a few items there that actually will help their case, such like things Sweetie Belle would never use like a badge from out of Equestria, a jewelry so expensive only a few creatures in Ponyville can afford it and a few purple flower petals around along with white, yellow, pink and red as Shadow has a pretty good idea what is happening as he also found traces of cake frosting and they also find some fruits and seeds. They also find a number of unique looking toys and outfits that aren't part of the theater. As they leave Luster confronts Shadow on his behavior towards Octavia and the other females in his life.



Shadow. You really are Mom-Crazy.



(Offended, Annoyed Stare)

I don't have Mommy Issues, Luster.



Shadow…Mommy issues refer to problems forming or maintaining healthy adult relationships, due to a person's insecure or unhealthy relationship with their mother or another female figure in their childhood. It can lead to a negative self-image, low levels of trust, and other issues. Mom-Crazy is somecreature who is completely the opposite of that. Your mom's death…it really left a mark on you, didn't it?




I'm…scared, Luster.






What I'm about to tell you…I never told anyone, not even Blaze who I tell almost everything. So I would like to ask you not to tell anyone. Understand?



(Nods Worryingly)




Ever since I came back from my village after the whole incident involving Wendy…I found out that my mom got her memory back and…that means she knew what would happen if she gave the Element of Life to me. That means that…she wanted to…I…I don't want to think or find out that she did it on purpose…Even if she had a good reason for it…I don't think I could handle it. I'm…I'm afraid that…if I were to somehow see her again and if she explains why…I might hate her just like I hate my father and…I don't want that.



(Saddened, Shocked, Thinking)

Could it be…? Shadow…is the reason you have so many mother figures is because…are you unconsciously creating a safety-net if that happens? I really hope that your fears are just that – a fear that will be cleansed away with some sunlight.



Come on. We need to get to the next destination and talk to the victim.



(Out Loud, Worried)

Isn't it a little late? It's almost dinnertime, I highly doubt he or she will talk.




It's almost 6 in the evening!?

(Normal Eyes, Exhausted)

Crud…you are right. I can't rely on these eyes past 6 without suffering heavy side-effects…Looks like we can't go there today. Let's get back to the detention center and ask Sweetie Belle what she did that day.



With all the things we found, I hope she doesn't lie to us when we start asking her some questions.



Remember what I told you, Luster – Everybody Lies. Luckily the evidence we found will force her to stop the shenanigans.


If not, me faking that I read her diary will force her to spill the beans. I can't let Luster know I found Sweetie Belle's diary until that moment. Luckily I managed to open the diary with the key I found, but I haven't read a word since a Diary is sacred to girls and I don't want to do something sacrilegious towards Sweetie Belle. But if she force me, I'll have to bluff my way to get the truth out of her without resorting to actually reading her diary and I have an idea on how to do just that. Everybody Lies…Even Me.


Phase 4:

DC Interview 1 – Sweetie Belle


Scene 34.4: Detention Center, 6:17 PM


Upon arriving at the entrance of the detention center, the Royal Guard try to turn them away, but Shadow and Luster waited outside as Shadow is determined to find out what she did that day. They arrived there at 6 PM, but were waiting there for almost 20 minutes just to talk to Sweetie Belle and once they were over, Fraulein leaves the room with an angry look on her face as she walks away without saying a word with Fenrir walking beside her as Fen nods to Shadow; meaning that they have permission to ask her anything even though visiting hours have been over for a while now. Shadow nods at his friend and enters the visitor's room where he sees Sweetie Belle with her mascara running and deep red eyes as it seems she was crying during her whole interrogation.



Are you alright, Sweetie Belle?


Sweetie Belle:

I'm fine…I can't believe the flower S…I mean, my boyfriend gave me fell there at Sugarcube Corner.



I'm sorry for me demanding this from you but…tell me the truth, Sweetie Belle – What did you do that day? I want to know what you did when you started your morning and ended that day.


Sweetie Belle:

I already told everycreature that asked me that and you all don't believe me.



That's because your story is too vague. You didn't elaborate the details which makes everyone question what you were doing. If you want me to completely defend you, you need to trust me and Luster with everything. If you don't…you will be found guilty tomorrow and since Fraulein has adopted her father's dark viewpoints, she will champion that you get the death penalty. So…are you going to talk or do you want me to force it out of you with some evidence?


Sweetie Belle:

(Defiant Attitude)

Go ahead! I dare you! I doubt you found anything!



(Evil Eyes, Annoyed)

I am sick and tired of this crap. Time to end this. I will tell you what happened with what I found in your room…this is what happened…


I will be bluffing my way through most of it and need to make this quick since I used my eyes nonstop these days, I will collapse out of exhaustion for overusing this dark power. Since I am not evil, my body can't handle the strain the negative side-effects these eyes produce.

(Out Loud)

– You woke up that day in a bad mood because you had a beautiful dream that you gained something you always longed for. Annoyed by reality, you decided to forget about it and go about your day you thought was going to be a great one. One of the details was meeting up with your boyfriend as he told you he was coming to Ponyville because he finally got sometime off his work, so you wore the crystal flower he gave you to show to him that you appreciate him even though you act very Tsundere around him. I think you are the Himedere Class of Tsundere as you will insult your boyfriend, acting like you're not interested when you actually care about him. The difference between the Other Tsundere Classes and the Himedere Class is how Himedere Types have a princess/superiority complex, sometimes acting like a diva or a queen bee and being very demanding of other people. On the other hand, the Average Tsunderes are more prone to being easily triggered over trivial opinions or harmless jokes of others, and they will lash out against them for revenge for no apparent reason and a good number of them would do so in a physical manner. But I digress. Unfortunately your day didn't turn out the way you were hoping for as you met up with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo bragging that they are entering the Sisterhooves Social this year, but as Big Sisters now because of Rose and Wendy respectably. You got depressed because you haven't been in the Social in years since Rarity left Ponyville and only visits for a small amount of time and you don't have a little sister yourself. Being that down in the dumps, eating a carton of Vanilla Oat Swirl Ice Cream wasn't going to cut it, so you went to Sugarcube Corner for something sugar and caffeine heavy to drown out your sorrows and perk you up before meeting up with your boyfriend, but as you took that, your Crystal Flower fell off without you or anyone noticing. After that you went to the castle to meet him, hoping he'd be there only for the Royal Guards to tell you that he's not going to be there today, so you decided to look for me to lift your spirits. We know what happened there so let's skip it. You decided to check if Rarity came back to Ponyville since she's now coming back to town more and more than before, but Yona and Sandbar told you that she was coming back that night which got you even more sad that you decided to spend the rest of the day locked in your room wishing for the day to be over. But something happened that night that filled you great joy that you wanted to experience all that day – Your Boyfriend Showed Up. You were so moved that you broke out of character and go Full Deredere on him as he climbed up your window using the climbing rose like a Casanova. He could have flown up, but since he is a very high profile celebrity, he needed to be a little subtle especially that you two are trying to keep your relationship a secret. That's why you act like a Himedere Class Tsundere around him in public together. Everyone thinks you downright despise him for being player, but the truth is…you have been in love with him for far longer than him of you! And we know who he is. –


Sweetie Belle:

(Shocked, Hiding Shock Behind Defiant Queen-Like Demeanor & Glare)

Cute Story, but you haven't proved anything. Where is the evidence that all of that happened? And who is my boyfriend? I doubt your claims!



– TAKE THAT!!! –

(Present Strange Glass Shards)

Recognize This?


Sweetie Belle:


That's my…



That's right. These are the remains of your crystal flower we found at Sugarcube Corner and after looking at it very closely, this is one of Mistmane's most detailed work only given to a select few which means your boyfriend is close to her and commissioned it for you as a gift.

– TAKE THAT!!! –

(Present Claw Marks Picture)

I took this picture when we were looking around the house and saw this. I used my eyes to determine who these claw marks belong to. And…as I mentioned before…you are a Tsundere to your boyfriend and you always say that he would always speak highly of me. Last but not least…Apple Bloom and Scootaloo confided with me that when a certain dragon broke up with them, you started behaving very dominating like an Oujodere. Put all of these clues together and we can tell that your boyfriend is none other than…Spike.






Sweetie Belle:

(Evil Laughter)

Me and that Jerk!? Yeah, right!! You think I'd hook up with him after leading every girl on!? Get real!! All of this evidence is not that conclusive!! That's why your defense sucked this morning!!



(Annoyed Glare)

I really didn't want to do this, but you insulted my defense attorney skills, so I'm going to dish out the same type of insult to you.

– TAKE THAT!!! –

(Present Sweetie Belle's Diary, Evil Sneer)

Look what I found and its unlocked. I managed to read on how you are madly in love with Spike. Actually…you have been in love with him since you were a filly.

(Clears Throat, Fake Ready Diary)

"Dear Diary – I'm so glad Spike came today and told me everything on how—"


Sweetie Belle:

(Shocked, Furious)




I DARE BECAUSE I CAN!!! You refuse to talk, so I have to resort to underhanded means just to get to the bottom of it! I'm doing this to save you from what Fraulein will do to you if you get the guilty verdict! Let me tell you one thing I learned from Lady Shadow – The Truth Will Always Come Out No Matter What We All Do, Even If It's Too Late To Do Anything About It. So you will tell us the truth…all of it or I will use this diary as evidence in the trial.


Sweetie Belle:

(Glares At Shadow Followed By Sad Sighs, Depressed)

What I am about to tell you…will you tell everycreature in court?



No. The only thing that you need to say if you are called as a witness is on what happened that day and that day alone. So I won't tell anyone and we know Luster won't say anything either.



(Sad Look)

Sweetie Belle…how did you and Spike became a thing? I have been around him when I started living in the Castle of Canterlot when I became the princess' pupil and not even once he talked about you or him being in a relationship.


Sweetie Belle:

A successful relationship you mean. Well since you read my diary, looks like I have no choice but to tell you in a better context.



(Normal Eyes)

Oh, I didn't read you diary. I just bluffed my way to get you to talk.







I never did. I know that it's sacrilege to read a girl's diary, but she insulted me and that deserves a penalty for it.



Even if it was a bluff, that was way beyond the pale even for you, Shadow!



Sue me.


Sweetie Belle:

Can I start my story?


Shadow, Luster:


Go ahead.


Sweetie Belle:

It all happened over 10 years ago…right after my sister, Twilight and the others saved and reformed Luna…you could say…that's when it all started…


To Be Continued…

In Episode 35:

(Sweetie Belle Arc)

Reminiscence: The Lady & The Dragon

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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