
Episode 2: (Discord Arc) Like Father, Like Daughters

Scene 2.0: Chaosville, 5:15 AM, Day 92 of 365


Almost a day has passed since Melodious & "Eris" made themselves known to all of Equestria and everycreature are now talking about them that they wonder who is their mother. Rumors started circling around that their mother might be one of the Princesses, but Shadow shot all of them down, even theories that could be Celestia, since right now he knows the truth and since both Discord & Celestia are keeping their relationship a secret, that means that they don't want it public just yet. Ever since the confrontation, Shadow, Flurry Heart, Discord & Fluttershy helps "Eris" move in her father's cottage in Chaosville and given her own room where she cried herself to sleep. Seeing his daughter like this reminds Discord of the time Celestia was forced to banish Luna to the Moon. Back then he felt delight in seeing the one who seal him in stone is suffering greatly, but now he sees similarities between her & their daughters and it is breaking his heart like never before. In the morning while Discord is giving Shadow his lessons…



(Furious, Glowing Golden/Red Eyes)




(Giggles, Thinking)

Now why does this feel so familiar?




This behavior…is this from Discord or Celestia? I can't tell since "Eris" is a young adult. Judging by her Aura, I'd say she's 18...2 years older than I am now and she seems way too emotional. Must be the pressure of her Chaos and Harmony Magics. Talk about a whirlwind of instability…I must've been too lenient with her while she was growing up. If I was her teacher then Luster is going to be…Oh, dear…Looks like Luster is Melodious' Teacher in the future. I get the feeling she'll be far more strict with her lessons as I am lenient with "Eris".




Good morning, kiddo! Want a glass of Chocolate Milk?



Yuck! You and your chocolate milk, Papa! Strawberry Milk is where the good stuff's at!




Strawberry!? That's too pink for my taste! Chocolate always win in the end!



Nuh-Uh! Strawberry's better! The Pink Color is much more cute looking than chocolate! I think I'm drinking mud when I see Chocolate Milk!



Didn't you know Pink is the color of the Love Poison?



(Surprised, Wide Evil Smile)

REEEALLY!? I can pull countless pranks using my favorite drink!



(Out Loud, Sighs)

Careful. You will inadvertently force the Princesses to ban Strawberry Milk if you overdo it.



(Shocked, Saddened)





Then I suggest you put that idea in the "I Won't Be Pulling This One" File Cabinet.



(Surprised, Laughs Hysterically)




Let me guess – I use this on you too many times in the future.



(Smiling, Calms Down)

Yeah…You always cared for me and Sis.



I'm her teacher too?



No, but you wanted her to loosen up a little since Lus—I mean her teacher was being too strict.




I knew it…Luster IS Melodious' Teacher. So…Luster was too strict with her. Could that be the reason Melodious is lashing out like this is because of Luster's Tough Love? I get the feeling that in the future, I become too relaxed and Luster becomes too serious instead. Talk about turning an 180 in life. I wonder what could have happened for that to take place.

(Out Loud)

I see. What about your mom?




An Old Hag. Next Question.



Why do you hate her?



I don't hate her it's just that…she just annoys the Tartarus out of me! She wants me to be as PERFECT as she is! I know I look like her when she was a filly, but COME ON!!!




You look like her? You're my spitting image, kiddo!



(Nervous, Smile)

Yeah! I mean! What I mean is that my imposing cuteness make everycreature think I look like her when she was a filly!

(Nervous Ojou-Sama Laughter)




I feel that she's hiding something.




Again – This girl is a chatterbox when she's too emotional. I get the feeling I manage to win every game we play in the future and I brag by saying I am that darn good on how easy it is to read her. I can't let her go Back to the Future being this weak. Hopefully I think I know how to help her

(Out Loud)

Say Eri-Chan, why not join me in my lessons? Since you are a couple of years older than me, that makes you my "Senpai".



(Proud Smile, Blushing)

Well since you put it that way…!




Hook, Line and Sinker…This girl is just as vain as Discord. I hope I can change that while she's in this timeline. She needs to be smart enough to be an independent critical thinker and not fall for these types of manipulation. I get the feeling my future self has high hopes for "Eris" if he took her as his student instead of Melodious. Unless…everyone pushed her to me to take her as my student. I wonder which one is the real truth. I want to ask her this, but I highly doubt she knows all of the details, because of what's happening right now with these 2 sisters. 2 Sisters? Looks like history is repeating itself, no pun intended if you are reading my mind without permission again.




??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]):


Oooh, Poo! How did he know!?


"Because you always do that and he's smarter than you give him credit for."


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]):


That's my student for ya! I taught him to be that smart!


"<Sigh > Looks like most Chaos Creatures are as vain as Discord. Moving On With The Story…"




For a full day, Shadow and "Eris" start studying together as she does treat him like a Kouhai by helping Shadow understand what he's doing wrong like his method on sensing Magic. Shadow couldn't believe his method was all wrong, in order to find the one he's trying to sense, he needed to visualize them in his mind as he have either seen or heard about them; focus on them and once the idea is formed in his mind, he needs to stick with it. Shadow followed her advice and decided to search for Celestia's Magical Signature but not telling either Discord, "Eris", Flurry Heart or Fluttershy as he's curious if the former princess was actually pregnant or not. Much to his surprise he can sense her and even though he's still trying to get a grasp of the skill, he does sense a faint pair of energies inside Celestia which Shadow concludes that she is, in fact pregnant with the twins.


At dinner, Fluttershy is smiling throughout the whole evening nonstop as she sees countless similarities between Discord and his daughter are as the eat the same way, even on how they down their respective favorite flavored milk. Flurry Heart is smiling as she imagines Melodious might have behaved like this before turning evil as she read that at times, Twins behave in a very similar way for some time early on in life. Shadow is smiling as well as he wonders if everycreature in Shard thought the same way when he and his mom ate together. Upon thinking this, he realize that "Eris" is walking down the same path as him: She Loves her Father, but Hates her Mother. He worries that her resentment might lead her down a Dark Path he once walked and almost turned him into a villain like the previous Platinum Shadows before him. If it wasn't for the friendship of the creatures of Ponyville, he fears he might have crossed lines he shouldn't. Shadow doesn't want "Eris" to become like that as he sees that Melodious already is in that point and wonders how he can save her from that Darkness. The moment he thought of the word "Darkness", Shadow believes he needs Luster to get through Melodious. Luster's Future Self might be a very strict mare, but right now she's a lot more open-minded and not as serious as she will become down the line; but first strengthening the bond between Discord, "Eris" and hopefully Celestia. Luckily after witnessing the events of his father's Diary Crystal, Shadow has a good idea in mending the relationship between Celestia and "Eris".


Scene 2.1: Arctic North, Blight Terror's Castle [Castle Halls], 8:48 PM


As Melodious is walking down the castle halls, she encounters both Tirek & Chrysalis in front of her and then notices the Real Eris & Discord's Former Lover, Cosmos standing behind her; and all of them seem to want blood for what her parents did to them. Melodious mocks them all out as failures with a condescending tone in her voice and a sneer across her face: Tirek & Chrysalis losing to her mother and being easily deceived by her father. Eris for losing her kingdom to her mother's Counterpart, Daybreaker and Cosmos for getting dumped by her father. Hearing Melodious mock them like this reminds them how much they all despise her parents as they want to end her, but they are stopped by Volcanus & Lady Imago by creating a firewall separating them all away from Melodious. Imago threatens to end them if they continue this infighting as both her & Volcanus saw and heard everything as they know Melodious was defending herself from them after they all find out the truth of who her parents are. After they all left disgruntled, Lady Imago approaches Melodious with a stern look in her face that she wants to slap the Daughter of Discord, but holds herself back and decides to be stern to her instead.


Lady Imago:

I know how you feel. I hate Chrysalis after learning the truth about my origin. Even now as I am forced to work with her, I want to make her pay. But my mission comes first before my desires.



I want to end all of you too. But right now, just like you said – My Mission Comes First.


Lady Imago:

Can I assume that you have nocreature you care for anymore? Even if you resent the world, there is always 1 you will never bring yourself to hate.



Mine is my daughter. Even though she betrayed me and chose Ember over me, I can never bring myself to hate her.


Lady Imago:

Same for mine. My Twins are everything to me. I never wanted Krystal to get involved in any of this, but it didn't matter what I wanted…the Fates have already decided her destiny. That is why I put her under the care of Thorax, because I desired her to be happy before all comes crashing down around her.




You look and act tough, but you are the biggest softy here.


Lady Imago:

So I mellow out in the future. Good to know, but know this…

(Slams Hoof Next To Melodious, Dark Aura, Glowing Evil Eyes)

I'm not that soft as you think I am TODAY! So…watch…your…step.



(Terrified, Hiding Fears Behind Condescending Attitude & Smile)

Whatever you say, My Lady!


I WAS LYING!!! YOU ARE STILL A HARD-FLANK MARE!!! I hope she doesn't figure out that out of everycreature, I'm really scared of her! But…Somecreature I can't bring myself to hate…That would be…


Lady Imago:

Before I leave – Who is it? The creature you can't bring yourself to hate?



(Out Loud)

That's none of your business!


Lady Imago:

I see. Very well, I will leave you to your own devices, but know this! I will not be around to protect you next time if this happens again. Neither will Volcanus.


As Imago and Volcanus walks away, Melodious closes her eyes and visualize the one she can't bring herself to hate: Krystal. Fluttershy had already passed away a few years after Twilight's Death and didn't get to bond as deeply with Fluttershy like her father did. As she has flashbacks of all the times Krystal supported her. Future Krystal looks just like a fusion of Stardust Memory & Queen Chrysalis, but sporting Shadow's colors in a more mature and nurturing way than Lady Imago; her warm welcoming smile always made her relax after a hard day's studying as they would have a nice talk between on all her adventures with her brothers and their friends, fighting the likes as Blight Terror & his Cadre, A Resurrected Great Evil and the Return of A Dark Legend. Melodious always enjoyed Krystal's Stories, but she noticed her Nana would sound retelling everything as she sounded like she was singing a sad melody. As they walk down the hall, Volcanus is curious on why Imago stepped in to help Melodious…



Why bother in protecting that whelp? And don't tell me it's because she knows of future events that could prove of some benefits to us.


Lady Imago:

I might be a Clone of Chrysalis infused with the Essence of Stardust Memory, so I posses both of their abilities. Ever since I met her…I felt my daughter's Magical Aura among her own.



What does that mean?


Lady Imago:

That means my daughter either was her teacher or took care of her as a nanny. However…judging by the flow of her aura, I believe it is the latter as Krystal's Magical Signature is wrapped around Melodious' Heart.



So the one she might not attack out of all of us is Little Krystal and by the looks of it, you as well. Your daughter must resemble you in some fashion in the future if Melodious doesn't want to go against you.


Lady Imago:

We can also assume she won't try to attack my daughter so long as she's in this timeline.



I understand. My daughter betrayed me by siding with Ember, but even if that is the case, I will never raise my claw against her. Once we start Blight's takeover of Equestria Begins, I will have my dragons to keep her locked away in a safe location against her will if it comes to it.


Lady Imago:

I wish I had your resolve. I would never force something on Krystal she doesn't want.



The Sisters of Fate never had that consideration for anycreature, why should we?


Lady Imago:

The Sisters of Fate only love themselves. We love our children and wish for their happiness. That is why I consented with everycreature going after her to end her. In order for our children to grow strong and happy, they need to experience strife and hardships. Once they overcome it, they will be stronger for it, survive long term and will be able to solve any problem in life easily if they go through with it again. That is why I am allowing it. Not because I don't care for her, but because I want her to become a capable lady and find her soulmate that will help her if she cannot do so on her alone.


As Volcanus ponders on what Imago just told him as he believes she right, but as a father with a daughter, he doesn't want her to go through all of that chaos, nevertheless he knows she can handle it for if Platinum Shadow can survive it, so can his daughter. Meanwhile Melodious grabs 2 of Imago's Youngest Female Changeling Soldiers who are the same age as Krystal, whose names she quickly recognizes as she knows them from the Future. One of them is as shy Ocellus in her youth and the other one is close to Krystal's current height, but a little muscular. Melodious looks at these 2 with a serious stare, but under her cold exterior, Melodious has some sadistic streak in her as she wants to humiliate them for reasons known only to her. These 2 Changelings fear her, but they don't trust her as their loyalty is only for Blight Terror, Lady Imago, Krystal & Limbo.


??? (Shy Changeling):


You called, Princess Melodious?



Indeed. Are you really Kokoro and Ai?


Ai (Shy Changeling):

Y-Yes, my lady. I'm Ai and this is my childhood friend, Kokoro.



I always wondered how Changelings come up with names and why yours are different.



Well from what we are taught…our names are derived from insect body parts. Thorax and Pharynx are body parts—



(Annoyed, Disgusted)

TMI! No need to go there. Just tell me about your names?



Okay. My name means "Love" and Kokoro's name means "Heart" in the Far East. When Lady Imago became our new leader, she decreed that we needed to expand our naming conventions. She believes that Chrysalis limited us greatly holding us to her ways only. After the Prince and Princess were born, all of Lady Imago's Decrees went into effect.



So that's why Appendix Tailbone chose his current name. Insects do not have either an Appendix or a Tailbone. If the decree wasn't issued, his name would have been Malpighian Exoskeleton. But that's not why I called you here. I called you here for a special mission.



And that is?



Since you admitted to me indirectly that you are loyal towards Lady Imago and her children. So this is what I want you to do – I want you to Protect Princess Krystal.


Ai, Kokoro:





Before you ask how to do that, all I'll say is just be almost yourselves. Remember that Renegade Changelings are considered a threat to Equestria, especially that everycreature knows of Blight-Sama. So I need you both to keep the Princess out of our affairs in the incoming war or she will get in a situation that none of us want.



I know I shouldn't ask, but why are you concerned for the princess?



I could tell you, but I believe it would be more entertaining if I were to tickle torture you so you don't ask that of me ever again. You do not mind asking that question again, do you?



(Spooked, Hiding Fears Behind Serious Demeanor, Looks Away)

Never mind.


Tickle Torture!? She really is the Daughter of Discord. Still…why does Melodious want to keep the Princess away from danger? Doesn't she hates her as much as everycreature?



Can you give us an idea on how to approach her?



I already gave it to you. Just take any form you want, meet her and be yourselves. Unlike her mother, the princess is very approachable.



If you say so.

(Shapeshift Into Red Hippogriff)

I always found Hippogriffs very versatile creatures.




That's so you, Ai.

(Shapeshift Into Blue Dragon)

I'm more of a Dragon than anything. I love how tough they are.




They look just like their Future Selves. This makes things easier to deal with. Their Adult Selves are such a pain in the flank in so many darn ways. Luckily their younger selves are so weak right now, manipulating them into doing what I want will not be a problem. And if they start resembling their Future Selves, I can dispose of them just as easily.


Scene 2.2: Ponyville, 6:43 AM, Day 93 of 365


As Shadow, Flurry Heart & Fluttershy are once again are enjoying seeing Discord & "Eris" once again behaving in a similar way but in a slightly opposite manner. Meanwhile in secret, Krystal is training at a nearby lake where her Foster Father, Thorax and his best friend, Ember became friends as the always have a picnic in this spot along with Blaze whenever they had the time. Krystal asked for Zecora's advice on how to get stronger. The Old Zebra told her that she needs to understand her power; since everycreature even Shadow has forbidden her to venture into the Chaotic Void, Zecora recommended Krystal to begin using Meditation as a start to that journey. As Krystal is in deep meditation, she sees in her mind a weird looking black & white gate laced in gold, crystal and covered with black thorn vines & green vein-like lines coursing through it. Krystal is worried to see this as she believes this is the clash of both the will of Chrysalis & Stardust Memory trying to overtake one another. This saddens her as she fully believes both can coexist in peace. If they can't, Krystal, her twin brother and even her mother would never be born. She approaches the gate and is about to touch it, but she's stopped as her left hoof is grabbed by a strange-looking entity that looks like a Human wearing black long-sleeve gloves, high-thigh heeled boots, V-Shaped Sexy Swimsuit along with demon wings and tail as she physically resembles Applejack; except her colors are Blonde Hair, Golden Eyes, but Pale White Skin which mesmerizes Krystal that is taken aback by the beauty of this strange woman.



(Relieved Sigh)

That was close. If you had touched that, you'd fall into a world of insanity.



(Blushing, Taken Aback)

Who…Are You? You look like…


Applejack!? Is That You!?



(Proud Smile)

Not Quite. But Thanks for Comparing Me to a Great Gal like Her. I want to quote a certain buffoon, but you don't deserve that and I don't want to use my real name, so you can me "Rumina". And if you are wondering, I'm a wanderer looking for someplace to lazy about and look at the landscape. Then I saw you trying to open your inner power recklessly.



Is this what this gate is?



Why Yes. See all that is surrounding it? That means that this gate is still a work in progress. You are still confused on who or what you are because of the current revelations you have found out as of late. That's why your Gate of Power looks like this. It is an incomplete gate caused by which side you should strive for – Embrace Stardust Memory's Power of Life or Chrysalis' Power of Chaos.



So to complete it I need to chose a side?



Not necessarily. Shadow & "Eris" are Hybrids of both Chaos and Harmony Magic. I suggest you spend time with them on how to learn what you can from them on how to balance your power just like they have.



I know Aniki will tell me I have to figure it out on my own, but "Eris"? She's too well reserved because she's from the future. I don't think she'll tell me anything she thinks might cause a Time Paradox.



If you confront her on something everyone is looking for answers on a certain topic you are wondering, she'll have no choice but to open up to you.



What type of topic?



(Evil Smile)



Rumina whispers something in Krystal's ear which shocks her as the mysterious She-Devil is right, the thing everycreature is curious about, "Eris" might have answers to why things happened the way they did. After telling Krystal about "Eris" knowing what happened on that specific event, Rumina says she'll be here when Krystal comes back here as the She-Devil snaps her fingers, booting the Changeling Princess out of her own Mind and back into the waking world. Krystal tries to hurry to Chaosville to confront "Eris" on this knowledge, but she accidentally stumbles upon 2 creatures without looking: It is both Ai & Kokoro in their chosen disguises. Upon looking at them, Krystal is mesmerized once again as she has never seen a Ruby Red Hippogriff and a Sapphire Blue Dragon whose bodies are as shiny as Blaze's Scales. The same can be said for Ai and Kokoro that they are finally getting to meet their princess for the very first time as they see her beauty to be on par or greater than Lady Imago herself.




Sorry! I wasn't looking! Are you alright?



(Blushing, Nervous)





Calm down. I'm just a normal everyday Changeling.




Wrong! You are a Princess! Daughter of the Most Powerful and Gifted Parents In All of Equestria! Embrace it you must! You Must!



(Laughs Out Loud)


Ai, Kokoro:





Sorry. But your behavior is quite typical of your kind and I enjoy being around honest creatures like yourselves.


Ai, Kokoro:

(Thinking, In Awe, Moved)

She's…An Angel…Her Radiant Smile is Sheer Perfection! WE ARE NOT WORTHY! WE ARE NOT WORTHY!! WE ARE NOT WORTHY!!!



You know who I am, but I do not know who you are.



(Out Loud)

I'm Ai and this is my childhood friend, Kokoro. We were raised in the same colony.



I remember Papa telling me about that. Colonies settled around the world that resembles Ponyville Princess Twilight helped create with the assistance of every leader of the world.



(Nervous Smile)

Yes! That's were we met!



(Nervous Chuckle, Thinking)

I put my hoof in my mouth there. Thank Imago that Kokoro bailed me out when she did.



I get the feeling you are new here. I wish I could show you around, but I have something I must do at the moment.



(Out Loud)

You don't mind if we come along? We promise not to bother you.



Thank you, but where I'm going is not a safe place for normal creatures.



We can take care of ourselves. We might not look it, but we are quite resourceful.



Is that so? I might be new in sensing and seeing Magical Energies using my new powers, but you have something that does sets you apart from everycreature. Alright! You can come with me, but be careful. Chaosville tends to be more dangerous than the Everfree Forest, especially that the Everfree Forest has become tamed as of late since Trotter Passed Away.


Ai, Kokoro:


Thanks to your twin brother, Prince Limbo. But we can't say that without hurting your feelings. But…

(Saddened, Scared)

why do we need to go to Chaosville!?


Scene 2.3: Chaosville, 7:20 AM


Shadow & "Eris" start their stretching exercises as Shadow gets distracted as the Female Draconequus' Stretching Poses with her body being very well developed for a girl from the future is who currently 2 years older than him, but this "distraction" is short-lived as he feels a chilling grip of death staring down at him [No, It's Not Lord Thanatos or the Keres] that Shadow snapped out of it and started to ignore "Eris" as the one who scared him like this was Lysithea who is still keeping tabs on him from a distance as well as Discord that developed a sense of over-protectiveness on his daughter after such a short period of time. Just then, Krystal arrives there along with her new "friends", Ai & Kokoro as Shadow is curious about them, however "Eris" is spooked as she easily recognizes them as she tries to hide her concerns especially that these forms they are sporting are the same ones the Changeling Girls will use commonly in the future.



(Hugs Shadow, Smiling)





Good to see you, Krystal. Who are your new friends?



(Ladylike Bow)

It is an honor to finally meet you, Prince Shadow. I'm Ai and this is my childhood friend, Kokoro.



"Love" and "Heart" in the Far East Tongue. Those are beautiful names.




Thank you for your kind words, Shadow-Oji.



Please, no honorifics. I'm no Prince. I'm just a Pony trying to learn more about my father…


even though I didn't want to originally. I was dead set in getting my revenge on him. But…

(Sad Smile, Holds Diary Crystal)

After I accepted his challenge and started collecting his Diary Crystals…I learned that my point of view of him was a little misguided. I was clouded with resentment of him thinking he abandoned my mother and me. But these crystals showed me that he was working hard in trying to save her. He was even willing to end the life of someone important to him in order to save her. So please, just call me Shadow.


Ai, Kokoro:

Yes, Shadow-Kun!



(Face-Hoof, Annoyed Sigh)

Close Enough…


Everycreature laughs at Shadow's reaction, but "Eris" wonders if her mother, Celestia was always hard on her for a reason that she doesn't know just like Shadow on how Jack left his family in order to save his wife, Stardust Memory. So why has Celestia turned more strict in the future? While "Eris" is lost in thought on this idea, Krystal smiles mischievously, sneaks up on her, hugs the Young Draconequus and kisses her on the cheek which startles "Eris" as she remembers that Future Krystal behaves exactly like this. Krystal notices "Eris"'s reaction as this makes her smile more evilly that she starts resembling her "Grandmother" Queen Chrysalis which scares and worries everycreature there even her brother, Shadow.



Sooo…Eri-Chan…Can you answer us a simple question?







Do you know the story on the entire backstory on how Sweetie-Bot came to be?



Yeah, It was no secret. You told us everything, no holds bars.



(Evil Smile)

Is that so?



So that's how Ananas…Fraulein knew how the trial was going to end the way it did. Melodious told her. So that means Fraulein is working with Blight Terror.



(Sad Sigh)

Don't bother questioning her now. Blight Terror removed the memories connecting her to him.



Removed? So that means her memories must be hidden either in his hideout or somewhere here in Ponyville.







Don't worry "Eris". We won't look for her memories. I get the feeling she'll get them back one way or another…with or without us even trying. But that does explain Fraulein's behavior throughout Sweetie Belle's Trial. I knew something was off about her during that time. So Melodious told Blight and gave that info to Fraulein.



I wonder how much Blight knows of the future.



If he's an Ancient like my teachers, my father and myself…I highly doubt he knows too much. Knowing too much of the future is taboo. Not even the Original Platinum Shadow, The Fallen would resort to sneaking a peak of the world to be as he believed in forging his own future instead of submitting to possible tomorrow that might not happen in his eyes.



If that's true, then why not listen to it?



It's considered like cheating. Even if the Fallen was evil, he still had a strong sense of honor. Having an edge like that is not only insulting, but also undermine his stance as the Most Powerful of the Ancients.



If that's the case, then why Blight used the information of Sweetie Belle's Trial?



He might have been flexing his muscles. Instilling a sense of fear among his ranks in order to make sure they know he has an idea on who is going to betray him in the long run.



That is a very smart move. I wish I thought of that when I was trying help reform Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow 9 years ago.



Your way wasn't wrong. It was just poorly mismanaged and executed. In my honest opinion it could have worked, but you needed to put in a little more effort on your part and have been just as proactive with them, you might have succeeded in reforming them. Constant Interaction and Having An Open Mind is what could have gotten through to them. Just like how Fluttershy and you became friends.







Did I say something weird?


"Eris" laughs uncontrollably with tears running down her face as she remembers her teacher, Future Shadow telling her almost the same thing: "If They Want To Be Successful, They Need To Put In A Little More Effort On Their Part And Have To be Just As Proactive In Their Endeavors, If They Want To Succeed In Life. Constant Interaction And Having An Open Mind Has The Power To Change The World." Remembering that quote is the push she needed to tell Shadow and only Shadow the Story for the most part on why things turned out the way they did as she teleports him and herself abruptly to a dimension that her father, Discord or anycreature else can't follow; which worries them all on what is "Eris" is thinking…


To Be Continued…

I'm Back. Due To The Weather Getting Cold For Winter, I Got Sick And Took A Week Off For Thanksgiving. Still Sick Though But I Can't Let That Stop Me From Releasing My Stories For Your Reading Pleasure. Enjoy!

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

StarscreamSigmacreators' thoughts