
Episode 11: (Apple Bloom Arc) Sleuthing 1: Assembly

Scene 11.0: Ponyville, CMC Tree-House, 10:00 AM, Day 10 Of 365


After Shadow and Rose return from the Pocket Dimension created by Shadow's Dimension Crystal



Apple Bloom. Rose and I want to ask you a few questions on what happened today.


Apple Bloom:

You know you can ask me here.


Apple Rose:

We cannot. This is a very private matter and quite personal for you.



And I don't want to involve anyone into this. The stakes are too high to allow anyone to endanger themselves. Trust me, the only ones that can fight That Hag and survive is both Me and Rose. But in order to win against her, we need to find out the whole story behind why she's after you and her link to your parents. So please, Apple Bloom…tell us everything we need to know in private.


Apple Bloom:




Apple Bloom…!?


Sweetie Belle:

Let them be, Scoots. If this Hag is really that dangerous, we shouldn't get involved.



But Apple Bloom is our friend!


Sweetie Belle:

That's true but…I have been told that I should always give Shadow the benefit of the doubt when a situation like this happen.



Who told you that?


Sweetie Belle:


I promised I wouldn't tell.


Apple Bloom, Scootaloo:




Sweetie Belle:

(Ashamed, Hard Blush)

I would go that far…



(Amused Scoff)

No wonder you want to befriend me ever since I got here. Whoever that is, it must be someone that respects me very highly. But I can tell you aren't ready to tell me or anyone who it is at the moment. So I won't ask who it is. You will tell everyone when you and him are good and ready. Oh and that means that you also have to wait too, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.


Sweetie Belle:

(Surprised, Proud Smile)

Thank You, Shadow! No wonder every creature says you are really cool!



(Annoyed Sigh)

Okay, okay…


Apple Bloom:

I also want to know, but right now I really need my problem solved before going there.



Then follow us into the Pocket Dimension and answer our questions.


Apple Bloom:

Alright. We'll be back soon, girls.


As both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nods in agreement to Apple Bloom, she follows Shadow and Rose into the Pocket Dimension and is surprised to see that she is still in the Tree-House. Apple Bloom sits at the table where she usually sits and both Shadow and Rose sits across here.



For some reason I get the feeling this will be quick. First Question: How Much You Remember Your Parents?


Apple Bloom:


Not Much. They passed away when I was still very young.



I know this will be insensitive to ask but…how did they passed away?


Apple Bloom:

From what my family told me, they had an accident at one of our business routes.



Which One?


Apple Bloom:

I never asked because I never wanted to go there.



I see. I guess I will need to ask Apple Jack or Big Mac about that.


It won't be easy though since I feel they will get defensive if I overdo it with my questions. If that's the case, looks like I'm going to need help not only from Gatz, but from everyone else.

(Out Loud)

Judging by how you reacted when you first met Trotter, you never knew or heard of her.


Apple Bloom:

No. I never heard or even met her.



I see.


So Apple Bloom never heard the name because Trotter must have been using an Alias when she met Apple Bloom's Family and since I haven't seen any pictures with her in them, Trotter must have taken too many precautions in order to keep an extremely low profile so she can move about freely throughout Equestria without fearing being hunted down by Celestia's Royal Guard. If she was close to Apple Bloom's Parents, she must have done so during "THAT" time…

(Out Loud)

Were you born at Sweet Apple Acres or at the Hospital?


Apple Bloom:

What's that has to do—?


Apple Rose:

Please answer the question, Apple Bloom.


Apple Bloom:

I was born at home in Sweet Apple Acres.



Did your Parents hired a Midwife to help with your birth?


Apple Bloom:

That's obvious. You need a Midwife in order to give birth at home.




There it is! That's The Link! Trotter must have masqueraded as a Professional Midwife in order to get close to Apple Bloom's Parents. But…I need make one last question in order to fit this puzzle piece in place.

(Out Loud)

Were both Apple Jack and Big Mac born in Sweet Apple Acres Too?


Apple Bloom:

No. They were both born at the hospital.




There it is! That's the answer I was looking for! Trotter must have told something to Apple Bloom's Parents that convinced them to follow her way of thinking without knowing that she was going to take advantage of them. And since Trotter is after Apple Bloom, the price is in fact Apple Bloom. But as Rose mentioned…that Hag is also looking for something else. Is there a possibility that the only way to get what she wants, is to have Apple Bloom in order to get it? Looks like I need to delve even deeper into Apple Family History, but how will I do that?

(Out Loud)

Does your family have a Historian?


Apple Bloom:

(Saddened, Touches Her Shawl)

We used to have one. Her name was Goldie Delicious. But ever since she passed away, my Family have been taking care of her home and every record of our family there.


Apple Rose:





I'm sorry for your loss. Can you give me directions to her home? There's something I need to confirm.


Apple Bloom:

Is it about that old mare, Trotter?



I just want to cover all the bases before making any decision that might end tragically. "Better Safe Than Sorry" as we all say. But now that I have a better understanding of the situation, I realize I can't do this alone. I'm going to need my friends in order to get to the bottom of this and get Trotter locked away in a Dimensional Prison with no way out.


Apple Bloom:

You said you weren't going to get others involved!?



I'm Not A God. I Can't Do Everything On My Own Like A Gary Stu. I'm a Pony with limited abilities just like everyone in this world. I can't use my full power because of the rules placed by my teachers, the Ancients.


Apple Bloom:

Aren't there exceptions?



You Need To Pass A Set Of Tests Known As "The Flames Of Ruin" Hosted By The Ancients Themselves. All I Know That The Only Ones Allowed To Take It Are Those Who Earn The Respect Of The Ancients And They Are Extremely Hard To Please. Once You Pass That Test, You Receive Their Blessing And You Are Allowed To Use Your Full Power Without Fear In Hurting Everyone Around You. I Have Yet To Take The Test Because They Say I Am Still Too Green And Too Young. Anyhoo…because of that, I am not allowed to use my full power no matter what.


Apple Bloom:

Is that the reason on how you lost to Trotter?



Part of it unfortunately. But that's all I wanted to talk to you about. Let's head to School. I need to talk to Blaze and the others so we can find Trotter before she decides to find you again.


Apple Bloom:

Alright. What we will tell Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?



Scootaloo might put up a fight and will want to get involved, but I already have an Ace-In-The-Hole to stop her from joining us. Sweetie Belle seems to see things my way so convincing her not to get involved will be easy. Whoever her boyfriend is, he must be pretty close to me. I wonder who it is.


Apple Bloom:

I'm kinda jealous of her. I used to have a boyfriend a few years back, but we broke up because things weren't going to work out.



Who was he?


Apple Bloom, Apple Rose:



Apple Bloom:

(Surprised, Blushing, Looking At Apple Rose In Disbelief)



Apple Rose:

(Nervous, Sweating)




You'll find out soon enough, but not today. So…

(Mischievous Smile)

…You And Uncle Spike? How Did That Happened?


Apple Bloom:

Spike and us are practically the same age. After he got over his Crush on Rarity, he decided to look for some creature else. He and Gabby used to date when Spike was old enough, but they decided that it could hurt their friendship later if things didn't worked out. Looks like the stunt Rarity pulled on them to steal Spike's attention from Gabby must have made them think it wasn't going to work out. He tried other Dragons, but it wasn't easy entering in a relationship with them because he's more of a Domesticated Dragon than a Dragon from the Dragon Lands. And the Dragons of Fillydelphia don't exactly align with his heart.



"Attraction Is Not A Choice" As One Of The Ancients Taught Me And He Is Right. Especially that Uncle Spike was raised among Ponies all his life instead of other Dragons. He started to interact with other Dragons after he befriended my mom, Dragon Lord Ember after the Gauntlet Of Fire and learned that not all dragons were mean jerks.The only way to destroy that attraction is if the content of the character in question doesn't match your values. But I have known you for over a week and you and Uncle Spike Are A Match. You are a very Hard Working Mare, Smart, Gifted, Funny…honestly you and he would have completely worked out.


Apple Bloom:

(Blushing, Sad Smile)

Thank you but…I guess that the reason we didn't end up being together is because…I think he hasn't forgotten about Rarity to be honest.



But…didn't you say he gotten over his crush on her?


Apple Bloom:

Yeah, but one day we heard that Rarity fell in love with a Rude Yet Gallant Pegasus. Now that I remember, This Pegasus Had A "Platinum Mane And A Coat As Dark As The Night" just like you, Shadow.



I heard of him and at one point I thought he was my father, but then I found out he wasn't after I met someone who knew him. I never met him myself though. What was his name?


Apple Bloom:




So that's the Stallion Rarity compared me with.


Apple Bloom:

You could say Spike's feelings for Rarity resurfaced as soon as he found out that her and Clyde were a couple. He hasn't been the same ever since. I…was the one who broke up with him.



I could say so many things about that, but since I don't have any experience in love and relationships, I cannot comment on it. But Anyhoo, you didn't answer my question: how did you two got together?


Apple Bloom:

I needed a little help at the farm and every creature I know was busy except for Spike. While we were working we kinda messed up along the way. One thing lead to another and then one mistake that could have ended me, Spike saved me.



(Looks At Rose With A Raised Eyebrow)


Apple Rose:

(Rolls Her Eyes At Shadow)



What about Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?


Apple Bloom:

Big Mac and Apple Jack were out of town making deliveries to our usual customers; Sugar Belle went back to her old village with Starlight for the Sunset Celebration and Rainbow Dash was at a Wonderbolt Event. As for the girls, Sweetie Belle was visiting Rarity at Yakyakistan and Scootaloo was spending time with her parents after they came to Ponyville for a quick visit.



I see your point. Well…I guess I got everything I need to start this investigation. Time to meet the others.


As Shadow, Rose and Apple Bloom leaves the Pocket Dimension, Shadow's Dimension Crystal powers down and turns Bright Red as he puts it into his bag.


Sweetie Belle:

Why did your crystal turned red?



Because I used it. That means I won't be able to use the Dimension Crystal until Tomorrow when it cools down completely. It needs to turn Azure Blue in order for me to use it again. Anyhoo…looks like I will be spending time with Apple Bloom for the next following days. As for you two, I suggest that you keep away. Trotter might want to try get to Apple Bloom by attacking everyone around her and Trotter is a very dangerous monster that can end you with just touching you. The reason for that is that Trotter's Magic is Very Deadly and Infectious that not even the world's greatest healer can heal. Even my teachers, the Ancients can't save you if Trotter infects you with her Magic.



(Skeptical, Raising Left Eyebrow)

I never heard of any type of Magic hurting creatures like that.




Because Necromancy Practice was banned and erased from history after the Defeat of Grogar and the Disappearance of Gusty The Great. That law was enacted as soon as Star Swirl The Bearded became the Greatest Wizard in all of Equestria after Gusty The Great went missing.

(Out Loud)

There is a Type of Magic that can do that, Scoots. But the magic in question has been forbidden for over a 1,000 Moons. Most of the details about said magic are pretty obscure since the Royal Family, Celestia and Luna's Parents decided to erase any details of said magic that plagued the world since the Dark Ages.



That magic is really that horrible!?



I did say "It Plagued The Dark Ages Of The World", so that part of my quote should be taken morbidly serious.


Sweetie Belle:

So this Trotter can use that type of magic? I want to help you with all of this, Shadow. But if this is going to be that dangerous then I guess I should stay out of this and you should too, Scootaloo.




No Way! I Refuse! Apple Bloom Is Our Friend! There's Something We Can Do To Help!



(Serious Expression)

Emotions Alone Can Take You So Far, But In A Battle Between Life And Death, Being Emotional Will Get You And Everyone Around You Hurt Or Worse. Emotions Have No Place In A Battle Against An Enemy That Will End You Instantly Upon Seeing How Pathetic You Will Look After Getting Emotional. Trotter Hates Emotional Creatures. She Only Allows Her Designated Targets To Express Emotions Just So She Can Break Them In The Long Run Like She Is Doing To Me And She Will Do It To Apple Bloom, No Doubt About It. But You? You Aren't Even Worth Toying Around Because She Isn't Interested In You, Because You Aren't A Target. What Can You Offer To Trotter That She Will Make You A Target? From What I Have Seen, You Have Nothing She Would Actually Want. Same Goes For Sweetie Belle. The Only Ones Trotter Is After Is Apple Bloom And Me.


Apple Bloom:

But didn't Trotter say earlier that she isn't interested in you?



You didn't hear her whole quote. She Said: "Who I Am After This Day…". When someone says that, that means that they will get back to you after they get the New Target. The reason she said that is because she wasn't expecting me to be in Ponyville. After she is done with you, she'll come back to me. Every Villain is like a Boomerang. Once they take out the new one that popped up, they will go back to the old ones. Villains always hunt down easy targets before trying to destroy the hard ones. That's very counterproductive. The Harder the Target, the more powerful they become if you take your eyes off them and that's going to cost Trotter greatly when I see her again.


Apple Rose:

Remember About Your Memento, Platinum Shadow. You Take Her Life--



I know. It will be destroyed if I do. Thanks to you, I know the stakes about it.

(Warm & Inviting Smile)

You have my deepest gratitude.


Apple Rose:

(Blushing, Moved, Faking Annoyance)

Fool! Do Not Show Weakness To Your Enemy!



We Are Not Enemies, But Also We Are Not Allies Nor Friends. At The Moment Our Goals Align And We Need To Help Each Other In Order To Defeat Our Real Enemy. Once She's Dealt With, If You Want, We Can Settle The Score Our Masters Have Been Fighting For Eons.


Apple Rose:

(Confident Smile)

I Will Hold You To That, Platinum Shadow.


Scene 11.1: Ponyville, School Of Friendship [School Gardens], 11:41 AM


As all of Shadow's Friends are in their favorite eating spot at the School Gardens where they are finishing their lunch, just then Shadow accompanied by Apple Bloom and Apple Rose appeared in front of them which raises a lot of questions especially that Rose look like a younger Apple Bloom.



Welcome Back, Aniki! Who is that Precious, Wonderful, Adorable, Lovable Filly?



(Face-Hoof, Ashamed, Annoyed)

Oh, For Tartarus Sake! Not You Too!!!

(Clears Throat, Calms Down)

This Is Apple Rose and she's from a Very Dark Place and no, it's not the Chaotic Void.


Apple Rose:


That was so funny I forgot to laugh



Anyhoo, I need to speak something very important with all of you. Apple Bloom? Is there any place here in the school we can all talk privately without anyone eavesdropping on us?


Apple Bloom:

There sure is, but what about your Dimension Crystal?



Like I told you at the Tree-House: I can only use that Pocket Dimension Once A Day, so unfortunately I'm going to need to look for another place to talk privately.



(Surprised, Worried)

You Used Your Dimension Crystal Today!? Did Something Happened to You?



Not here. We need to talk without an unwanted audience around.


Apple Bloom:

Follow Me, Every creature.


Apple Bloom guides Shadow and his friends to small room that is used for certain projects that are made by students in secret in order to surprised every creature, in order words it is a Party Planning Room created at the request of Pinkie Pie.


Apple Bloom:

The room is locked. No Creature can come in except for Pinkie Pie because she has a copy of the Room Key and Starlight because she has the School's Skeleton Key.



Then I need to make this quick.



What the heck is going on, Shadow? Why all the secrecy? Also! You haven't apologized to Luster here!




It's alright, Bla--




No, It's Not!



I will apologize to her soon, but what is happening is far more important.



Why Is That!?



The Hag Of Raddos Is In Ponyville And She's After Apple Bloom.




Trotter Poisonia Is In Ponyville!?



(Annoyed Scoff)

And you say she's after Apple Bloom!? Why Her and Not You?



I don't know why she's after Apple Bloom. That's why I'm here to ask all of you for help. I want to do a deep dive investigation in all of this. And to answer your latter question, Slipstream…I think she wasn't expecting I would be in Ponyville when she came after Apple Bloom.



Since you need our assistance, I assume you didn't managed to defeat and capture her.



No. I dropped my guard during the fight and she managed to overpower me with a powerful miasma. Rose here managed to save our hides. Luckily thanks to my Mother's Memento and My Natural Immunities, I managed to survive the miasma but I was horribly weakened due to that poisoning. Thanks to Rose's…Origins, let's call it that…she can survive The Hag's Dark Magic but if she had dropped her guard at any moment like I did, she would have ended up like me. But she wasn't going to because she was, at the time, lacked a soul. Now that she has one, expect her to screw up somewhere along the line.


Apple Rose:


Why You--!!!


Apple Bloom:


HOLD ON NOW!!! How do you all know about that Old Mare while every creature else doesn't!?


Every Creature:

Shadow's Travel Stories.


Apple Bloom:

So you know about her because Shadow told you and not every creature else!? Platinum Shadow!!!



Anyhoo…I want to find out why she's after Apple Bloom so allow me to tell you what Apple Bloom told me and I'll let you decide what do you think.


As every creature nods, Shadow tells them all about Trotter and the conclusions he came up after asking Apple Bloom on how much she knew The Hag. Apple Bloom is surprised at all of the conclusions Shadow managed to collect by asking her the questions in the Pocket Dimension. Gatz, Blaze, Slipstream, Krystal, Flurry Heart and Luster managed to understand and see things just as Shadow sees them as for Florid and Yavish are slightly clueless on almost everything.



It all makes sense when you align all of these view points in this manner.



Yeah. I used to be a member of Volcanus' Group before I found out he was my mom's enemy; and knowing him, this is something he almost pulled of with me if it wasn't for you, Shadow. The strategy is different, but the endgame is all the same.



We need to put a stop to her before she decides to make a move and the clock is ticking. If we do not act, innocent creatures will get hurt or worse if that Hag gets her way.



This is horrible. How can any creature do this? I agree with Slipstream. We need to put a stop to her.



This Trotter…she reminds me of all the horrors Queen Chrysalis committed during her rule of my kingdom. I will not allow a monster like her repeat those horrors ever again.



This…might be too much for us to handle. We need to--



I refuse to involve The Princess and the others. Trotter has powers, abilities and skills that can accelerate the Prophecy Of The Princess Demise. I will NOT ask or even tell her any of this and no one here will either! Understand?



(Saddened, Looks Away From Shadow)




Shadow is right, Luster.







"Twilight Sparkle Will Not Outlive Her Friends". The Hag Of Raddos, Trotter Poisonia…Shadow is not willing to tell us what is the source of her power and I know it's because his teachers at the Chaotic Void has forbidden him from doing so or maybe it's something else. But I do Know what is the source of her power.


Every Creature:




Shadow, Apple Rose:

(Annoyed Stare)




(Notices Stares)

The Source of Her Magic Is Necromancy.


Every Creature:





You mean…She is a member of the Cult of Grogar!?



Not a Member…She's the Fallen High Priestess and the only one alive that have the same powers as Grogar.


Apple Rose:


How Do Know That!? You Are Just A Youngling And Platinum Shadow has been forbidden to speak of that type of Magic.



(Whispering To Apple Rose)

That's because Slipstream is an Agent Of SMILE. The new one lead by an Alicorn Princess that Equestria doesn't know of as of yet. Plus the New SMILE Agency are extremely efficient at info gathering especially that this Mysterious Alicorn can read minds with a single touch. And Slipstream is the Agency's Top Agent that she has a license to act independently.


Apple Rose:

I see…She's a One-Hippogriff-Army.



A High Priestess for the Cult Of Grogar!?



(Annoyed Sigh)

What Slipstream and Rose say is true. My Teachers has forbidden me to speak of certain Magical Creatures or Elements that should not exist and only me or someone they have chosen must deal with all of this under wraps.



And yet you came to us for help. Why?




Because Jack sealed away most of his powers and the Ancients have forbidden him to use his True Full Power unless the threat that will destroy Equestria is far too dangerous to play it safe. Shadow did show off his True Form to me and my family, but that doesn't count as using his Full Power. He just showed us his True Form just so that we knew if the threat that appears in the future is something very dire.

(Out Loud)

I know why, Gatz. But Neither Shadow or me can't speak of it yet.



(Defeated Sigh)

I see. What about your Mother's Memento? Didn't you told us that it is filled with Holy Magic? We can use that since we will be facing a Necromancer like a High Priestess Of The Cult Of Grogar.



About that…My Teachers In The Chaotic Void lied to me about my Mother's Memento.



What do you mean!?




I want to tell them everything I found out…but it's too early to tell them that this is an Element of Virtue that's on the same level as The Elements Of Harmony. So I will omit that it is an Element until I find out the whole truth about this memento.

(Out Loud)

My teachers told me that if a magic opposite of my memento is infused into it, it will cause a backlash of magic that would destroy my surroundings. That is a Half Truth because my memento has a Will That Values All Life More Than Anything. I assume that the Backlash of Magic can only destroy the magic trying to corrupt the properties of memento's Life Magic. The first time I experienced that Backlash was when I fought Trotter 10 years ago when I started traveling the world and that Backlash did in fact destroyed the whole area. But now that I think about it, the immediate area was infected with her Necromancy, so that is why the area was destroyed. I wonder how that area looks like now that is void of Necromancy and enriched with Holy Life Magic.




If You Memento Is All About Life, Then I Think It's Now A Beautiful Flower Garden.



(Warm Smile)

I hope you are right, Florid…for my sake. To be honest, that was the only time that had happened until today. Today it happened again, but nothing was destroyed…not even the one infusing said magic to me.


Apple Rose:


He isn't looking in my direction which means he doesn't want me to draw the wrong impression from his friends. You aren't a bad guy after all, Platinum Shadow.



I'm…for some reason not surprised. I'll be first to admit that your feelings towards both Sombra and your Father are quite Dark, but I never believed for a moment that you would ever cross that line. We have known each other for over 7 Years, Shadow and every single time you get into a fight, you don't resort to extreme measures like that. You do get aggressive every time you get into a fight, but you don't overdo it.

(Proud Laughter)

I'm just glad you haven't lost your way in the years we haven't seen each other.



I feel the same way. Also…I'm A Warrior-Type. My Mother's Memento was meant for Healers.



Shadow, You are technically a Rogue and every creature that have played Ogres And Oubliettes knows that Rogues can use the majority of skills, weapons, armors and relics all the other Classes can use except the high tier ones.



(Nervous Smile & Attitude)

My Mother's Memento is Very High Tier…You could say it is…A Legendary 5 Star Relic.



If I remember correctly in the game, if the relic is A Character Exclusive Relic like your Mother's Memento, it doesn't matter what your Job Class Is, you can easily use its full power.



Now that you mention it, you can say it is in fact a Character Exclusive Relic since it is literally a Family Heirloom.



There you go.



However…This Relic can be destroyed if I break it's Ultimate Rule.



What's the rule, Aniki?



If I end the life of others, My Mother's Memento will be destroyed.


Every Creature:





I'm not worried. Because I have never met any creature that values life more than you, Shadow. You will never cross that line. I have complete faith that you won't do so ever.



Blaze is right, Aniki! You will never take any creature's life. I believe in you! Now And Forever!




(Confident Smile)

Thank you. I really mean it. But after all of this is over…I will confront my Teachers in the Chaotic Void and demand more answers on the complete history of my Mother's Memento.



I believe that is everything you needed to discuss with us. Now then…how do we proceed on searching for the truth behind Trotter's Intentions.

At that moment Shadow gives a loud whistle and Q appears in the room in a small burst of blue flame and perches himself on Shadow's back.






Gatz, you still can understand Q's words?



Yes. Actually there were times Q and I would talk on everything you have been doing in your travels.



(Glares At Q)

I hope you didn't have a loose beak and told him things I don't want anyone to know!!



(Shakes Head)

Kyu, Kyu, Kyu!



You Better Not!

(Clears Throat)

Anyhoo…I will give all of you a contract with Q in order to move the investigation along like speaking with other critters and get a bird's eye view on certain areas.



(Interested, Not Looking At Shadow)

Really!? What Do You Mean By "Bird's Eye View On Certain Areas"?



(Thinking, Annoyed)

I know you and I are at odds at the moment, Luster, but please look at me when you talk to me because this is getting ridiculous by the day. I need to get this over with and apologize as soon as possible because I can't take anymore accidental blows to the head! She's going to succeed where Trotter, Volcanus and everyone of my enemies have failed to do for far too long: Ending My Life Out Of Sheer Dumb Luck! And She's Not Doing It On Purpose…

(Out Loud, Sighs)

With a contract with Q, You can also link with him to see through his eyes when he's flying high up the sky to have a better view of the area below.



Good! Yavish Hates Flying! Yaks Don't Fly!



How do we make a contract?



Just extend your dominant arm and I will do the rest.


Every creature except for Apple Bloom, Apple Rose and Gatz extend their dominant arm and Shadow raises his right hoof as a black "S" with spiky corners surrounded in a blue fire appears on top of it, the "S" multiplies into 7 and slowly moves to the palm of their hands and fuses with them as the marks disappear like it's not even there.



There! Now you all have a contract with Q.


Every Creature:





No, it's not. The reason the contract easily bonded with you is because Q and I trust you and believe you deserve to be in a contract. If One of Us didn't believe in you, the contract would not stick and the same way could be said if you don't trust me.


Luster seems to still trust me though. If she didn't, the contract mark would have rejected her as soon as it touched her hoof and have given her a slight burn mark. But she didn't get burned, Luster and the contract merged perfectly without any complications.

(Out Loud)

Anyhoo…Let's test this out. Q! Say Something!



Kyu, Kyuu, Kyu, Kyuu, Kyuu, Kyu, Kyuu!


Every Creature:

(Shocked, Blushing)





Tell me you didn't understand that!!!



What a potty mouth you have there, Q.






So…Where do we start with this investigation, Shadow?



(Annoyed Sigh, Calms Down)

Since we are still on Square One, we need to ask Apple Bloom's Siblings, Apple Jack and Big Mac in order to start this. Once we manage to collect enough intel, we will investigate the business routes that Apple Bloom's Parents took before she was born; when we find out which ones they have taken during those times.We also need to research the Apple Family History from its inception until the last entry that the late Goldie Delicious wrote. Depending on what we find, we might either look for more evidence, bide our time for Trotter to come to us or we might go to her. I'm hoping that we don't resort for the latter. Especially that we don't know where she's hiding at the moment or what kind of traps she has in her hideout if we manage to find out where she is.



From its inception!? But I thought Trotter got involved with Apple Bloom's Parents. The Apple Family have been around for over a Hundred Moons, maybe even longer.



And Trotter have been alive for over 2,000 Moons, so there is a possibility she interacted with the Apples on more occasions besides Apple Bloom's Parents in the past.



What about Apple Rose? If she's as strong as you, we might have a chance to take Trotter down.




True. Rose is just as strong as me but…Her Aura is changing. I don't know if it's because she is infused with My Mother's Memento's Holy Magic or something else, but Rose is changing dramatically and drastically fast. If this change that is happening to her keeps moving along like this, Rose will no longer be a Homunculus and A Grim Reaper…She Will Become…A Real Living Pony In A Matter Of Hours.


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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