
Chapter 1: Your Presence

Shu City is a small third-tier city in the remote area of Zhongzheng Kingdom, the second strongest country in Blue Water Planet, which once flourished for a period of time due to coal mines, but also fell silent due to the depletion of the mineral veins.

Nowadays, most of the young people in the city go out to work, and even the students also have the habit of going out to work on holidays.

Xiao Yu at this time just finished the college entrance examination, according to the Shu City over the years, he should be with his classmates or travelling or go out to work, but did not want to Xiao Yu the whole summer holidays are at home in the old mansion, became the eyes of friends and relatives in the mansion.

For this reason, Xiao Yu not less by relatives and friends of the phone harassment, worried that he became a waste of dead house.

Xiao Yu can only smile bitterly, he can refute what, is not to say that the basement of their own home appeared a space door, their own time has been in the study of this door rather than home jerk ah jerk?

Early in the morning, just finished washing Xiao Yu received a call from the class teacher.

The class teacher was quite excited to tell Xiao Yu, his college entrance examination results in Shu City topped, into the key university is already a nail in the coffin.

This news in Shu City is a great thing, last year's college entrance examination, the entire Shu City can go to the key universities only 17 or 18 just, Xiao Yu this achievement, has been enough for the general family to celebrate a big feast.

Xiao Yu pretends to be excited and the teacher, but the heart has been on their own results do not think so.

After all, the basement under Xiao Yu's feet has a space door that connects to another world!

Moreover, through yesterday's experiment of using a camera tied to a puppy, Xiao Yu was already convinced that that world was equally suitable for animals to live in!

Compared to this, a place in a key university ... huh, really nothing!

Even compared to last night's courier's phone call to let Xiao Yu excited, after all, the courier's items are closely related to Xiao Yu's adventure plan!

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Yu hurriedly used breakfast, then began to prepare.

"Internet purchased cross-country duffel bag, a full set of protective clothing including headgear, face protection, compass, binoculars, windproof lighter, military dry food, multifunctional engineer shovel ..."

Xiao Yu while wearing a side inventory, these things but exhausted his New Year's money and living expenses, if not his parents are out of non-New Year's return, is to give a lot more living expenses, Xiao Yu really buy not all these cross-country adventure supplies.

Especially ... that sharp weapon!

"Hunting Crossbow with Moon Chasing Brand for Novice!" Xiao Yu picked up this hunting crossbow painted in pitch black with a cautious face after he was fully dressed.

"The seller of this crossbow really didn't lie to me, even a novice like me can master the skills of using it in a short period of time, together with the thirty crossbows and arrows that I have bladed myself, as long as that world isn't some kind of metaphysical wind, I have the basic ability to defend myself, right?"

Xiao Yu felt that he still had the adventurer's gene in his bones, otherwise where would he be so hot-blooded that he was planning to go on a personal expedition?

Thinking that he would soon set foot on that unfamiliar continent, Xiao Yu couldn't help but secretly gulp, his body rolling with excitement.

Fully dressed Xiao Yu looked towards the bedroom floor mirror, looked at the mirror inside the mirror that looked and TV explosion-proof SWAT almost dressed himself, could not help but nodded with satisfaction.

Although this set of online shopping goods protection has not been field-tested, but at least it looks forced not low, full sense of security is not?

And quite handsome!

Xiao Yu's old home is located in the outskirts of Shu City, is an old house with a history of several decades of brick and wood structure, there is a small garden in the house, the centre of the garden is the entrance to the basement.

This basement was previously used to store pickles, rice wine and so on, just with the trend of migrant workers, here is also deserted, until Xiao Yu this summer holiday to clean up the clutter intends to basement as a utility room which makes it see the light of day again.

Also rely on this opportunity, Xiao Yu was able to find the basement that printed on the wall emitting a faint blue light of the space door!

The door of space is a half oval pattern that is about three metres high and about two metres in diameter in the middle.

The moment Xiao Yu, who was fully armed, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the door, a faint blue light extended out and wrapped around Xiao Yu.

After feeling no discomfort in himself, Xiao Yu gritted his teeth and violently leapt into the door!

At once, he only felt his eyes brighten, and when he opened his eyes again, he realised that he had stepped onto the land of another world.

"Whew, breathing is smooth, and there is no uncomfortable reaction like the experimental puppy."

Xiao Yu moved his body bones a few times, only to feel that it was more relaxed than in Shu City.

Looking around, Xiao Yu realised that the area he was in should be located in the valley of a small canyon, and behind him were earth-coloured walls that also had magic patterns.

Only, this canyon seems to be really short, the two sides may be four or five metres high, the narrowest place is about two metres or so, making Xiao Yu remember the miniature Grand Canyon that he used to see in the tourist attraction Window of the World.

Well, comparing with the memory, that miniature canyon is also bigger than the one in front of him.

Xiao Yu moved his arms and legs, and walked towards the front while driving the shoulder-mounted camera with great interest. ...

A group of ragged stragglers were being chased by a dozen or so bow cavalrymen in a wilderness that was filled with the Gobi.

These bow cavalrymen were wearing brown leather armour and domed iron helmets, riding steeds, and using the composite short bows in their hands to shoot at the stragglers at the end of the fleeing group from time to time.

The pursuit of the bow cavalrymen looked more like a game, as they kept chasing the stragglers and let out a burst of laughter after shooting those at the end of the line.

"These damned rebels!"

"Demons! They deserve to go to hell!"

In the ranks of the stragglers, two fairly strong men helped a wounded, one-eyed man escape, cursing in whispers as they ran.

"I got you guys into this." The only remaining eyes of the one eyed man exuded sadness, "If it wasn't for me, those hunting parties wouldn't have chased them into such a wilderness ..."

"Your Highness!" The man to the right of the one-eyed man's eyes widened, "Don't be ridiculous! It was clearly that shameful Archduke Yanan who betrayed the kingdom's oath and started the rebellion! Everything should be their fault!"

"And ah, your highness ... we already see the canyon in front of us, the oath of our ancestors will allow us to reclaim everything we lost!"

"Those who rebel will kill themselves!"

The tone of the big man's words was certain, but the one-eyed man who was called His Highness and was indeed the king of the kingdom of this place, was in a state of heartfelt anguish.

His name is Anrik Youshi, is the eleventh generation of the Kingdom of Steel Capital Kingdom, was once the Lord of millions of people, holding great power, but at this time is like a lost dog, life and death by heaven.

He is not willing, is to escape on the road determined to take the last followers to the canyon ahead, just ... Anrik is in his heart to understand, in front of him that has appeared in front of the eyes of the blurred outline of the canyon, it is likely that in fact, there is no miracle.

The Canyon of the Gods, is the name of this canyon located in the wilderness, in the Kingdom of Steel Capital, there is a rumour that only circulates in the royal family ...

The Canyon of the Gods is where the ancient gods and their sons of God lie dormant.

The founding monarch of the Steel Capital Kingdom had once entered the canyon and had the honour of meeting the newly awakened son of a god.

It was with the help of this great and powerful son of God that the Kingdom of Steel rose.

This is the secret of the royal family, passed down from generation to generation, but it is also the secret of the royal family that is least believed.

To Anrik's generation, the Kingdom of Steel Capital has endured more than five hundred years of wind and rain, but over the years, the royal family of the Gods Canyon at least a thousand times to explore, not to mention the gods and the Son of God, but even the gods have not seen a hair.

It can be said that, for the royal family, the secret of the gods canyon, but is the founding monarch to their own face a kind of rhetoric, listen to it, who believe who is really not enough IQ ....

However, at the moment of the kingdom's collapse, Anrik looked at the entrance of the canyon referred to in the secret rumour, thinking that he was reduced to taking this as his last hope, and couldn't help but feel a bit hopeless.


Anrik was thinking about his mind, suddenly heard a scream in his ears, but a sharp arrow shot the back of the head of the big man beside him, causing him to fall at his feet, blood flowed all over the place, staining the soles of his shoes red.

The rhythm of the bow cavalry's attack increased at once, but it was another group of cloaked cavalry that came behind them.

These cloaked cavalry were the real hunters, they followed Anrik's scent, the leader saw the playfulness of the bow cavalry and growled in dissatisfaction, his voice was like thunder, which instantly made the bow cavalry tense up and soldiered on attacking the group of stragglers in front of them.

"Ancestor in the heavens ... am I, Anrik, really going to die here and break the inheritance of the Steel Capital Kingdom?" Looking at the pursuers, and then looking at the uncertain followers around him and the stragglers who were dragged down by himself, Anrik couldn't help but develop a death wish in his heart.

"Is that His Highness Anrik, what a pitiful fellow." The leader of the armour-clad cavalry, a tall knight shook his head slightly.

"Wouldn't it be better to listen to His Excellency's advice to pass on the throne? To make it so that now, the entire clan is going to be exterminated."

The knight slowly raised his right hand, ready to cast the spear in his hand to personally take the king's head.

He could hardly wait to take this great credit.

Suddenly, the knight's body lurched, but it was the warhorse under his knees that violently stopped and tilted its body.

"What's going on!" The knight noticed that in that instant just now, not only himself, but all the other cavalrymen also had the same reaction.

A trace of uneasiness haunted his heart.


The cavalrymen who had quieted down due to the abnormality of the warhorse noticed the strange noise coming from within the canyon.

"The earth, is trembling?" The careful riders, moreover, noticed the dust flying up under the horse's hooves at the same time.


Another sound rang out abruptly, and compared to the party, this sound seemed to be even louder, and with the cavalry stopping their steps, and the jumbled noises from the panicked stragglers' ranks diminishing along with them, this sound seemed especially abrupt!

"Is it an earthquake?"

A timid bow rider inquired.

"Could be, could be." The bow cavalry captain who answered him said without confidence.


Another thud! The trembling of the ground became more pronounced, and there was a noticeable commotion among the warhorses.

"Damn it, go after them and kill all those people!" The knight grew more and more uneasy, he hated this kind of accident!

He waved his spear and bellowed, "This is the wilderness! An earthquake won't kill you all! Kill! One head, one gold coin!"

The knight's bounty was enough to make the arch cavalrymen's eyes turn bloodshot and howl into wild beasts in normal times.

However, just as the bow riders looked towards the shivering stragglers at the entrance of the canyon and prepared to launch an attack, a shadow, a shadow that blocked out the sun, caused them to fall into a collective state of disorientation.


A cavalryman's short sword fell to the ground.


As the shadow expanded even louder on the earth the sound of an earthquake carried over, more cavalrymen's hands caused their weapons to fall to the earth out of trembling out of fear.


"How is this ... possible!"

The pursuers looking at this side of the canyon had their mouths wide open.

The King of Steel Capital, Anrik, who had his back to the entrance of the canyon, had already planned to finish himself off, but looked at the halted enemy in surprise and stood up in confusion.

Looking at the cavalrymen have dropped their weapons, feeling his body seems to be much cooler at once, as if the sky is covered with a touch of dark clouds at once he slowly twisted his body to look at the entrance of the canyon.

In a flash ... the once king ah, the only remaining one eye, tears flashed.

He saw, saw - the great existence mentioned in the words of the ancestor with a height of hundreds of metres, difficult to name!

The ancestor is above!

O Son of God Lord, you actually exist!