
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


Slowly, I opened the card and found a journal within it, the first date was several years ago, probably when he was a kid, but even then, I needed a literal dictionary to explain the diction, so Rose and Luis read it aloud alternatively, this was the most accurate layman's translation;

"Dear journal, how could I pour my sorrow into you with meaning? My parents, today, have engaged in yet another row, but judging by the intensity, it seems to be the last...

Dear journal, my mother has had enough and says she wants a divorce from my father, for he fornicated against her, with her own sister.

Dear journal, I tried begging my parents to stay together and work this out, but as an inconspicuous zephyr, I remained unnoticed, all the pain that pierced my heart as they began the journey to the law firm, before, I lived in a home overflowing with love, even to the insignificant organ grinder's monkeys being provided accommodation, funding and feed, living within the premises of my home, now, it is but a shadow of the past, a past I'm not so sure was real anymore...

Dear journal, I mourn, for on this date, my missing parents have been declared found, in the bosom of a car wreckage, my mother had been identified by the mangled body I was not allowed to lay my hands on, or perceive for that matter...

Dear journal, for not until the day I threw that black rose to my parents' gravestone had I realized my insignificant position as a child, I realized all I ever did was leech off of their resources and intensify the pains they had, as I was the only thing in the way of their happiness, even if separated.

On this day, I vow to act matured, I shall never beg or plead with anyone for anything, neither shall I take it by my own means, for they will give it to me of their own will, of their own insignificant will...

Dear journal, I'm with my third test subject at the moment, her name is of little significance. Having been with two other women who meant nothing to me, I only was with them for the pleasure of seeing their joy to see me renewed everyday, I realized one thing about women, the gifts you give them are of little importance as compared to what actions and words you do and say to them. After I have learned enough from this woman, I may move on to the next after letting her down, or making her let me down, it's actually quite amusing seeing their futile efforts to make me feel true affection towards them including engaging in brawls and lawsuits against each other, but luckily I am not that easily persuaded...

Dear journal, the time I needed to spend with the present subject has elapsed, but for some reason, I feel reluctant to terminate the project, I mustn't lose track of my aim, but I shall compromise, to see if the feelings she has for me will last, I shall hurt her in a way she would despise the most, by planning for her to find the truth about me.

After, I will arrange a few circumstances, including relationships, all to test the authenticity of her emotions, after twelve years, if she returns, I shall know for sure, I had fallen in love with her, so I shall cut all ties... to keep my emotions in check.

Dear journal, my distant aunt recently burned herself and her husband alive, to whom I had been supplying their daily bread, as recompense for all the trauma he put her through. Their adolescent son is of no importance to me whatsoever, but to preserve the image I have spent so long building for myself, I shall entertain him for a short time and arrange for him to leave of his own will...

Dear journal, I...

I couldn't continue, the tears in my eyes blurred my vision, but I had to, I needed answers, I told them to read on.

Dear journal, I have started to develop interest in the young lad, though he may not be the most useful one, I find it quite amusing how he witters on and on about useless details of his day, it is quite wearisome keeping him as he doesn't even give me the advantage of having a high intellect, but I shall keep him until the time, and continue to train him...

Dear journal...The asset I was going to use to simultaneously bring my last subject back and send the child away has done her part and I have no more use for her, but one, which involves me tapping into the slight but temperamental flaw of her character...

Dear journal, I do not know what has overcome me but since the child left, my life has been in shambles, I haven't slept or eaten in days, searching for him. I know that if I continued searching, I'd eventually find him and make him willingly return, but is that what I want? To have this child ruin everything I have worked for for so long?

It is unusually difficult to process what to do, but Lucy has called, saying she's on her way with Tommy...

Dear journal, I have been able to rescue Lucy and Tommy from a terrible car wreck, but doing so will show my weaknesses and sentiment towards my enemies, I could have easily left them to be admitted to the nearest hospital, paying for their care and uptake from afar, so no flaw is seen in my character but god! The control I spent so long building upon myself and emotions has been dissolved by the blood they leaked, I truly hope they shall be well...

Dear journal, after making the child come back with me...I felt truly hurt seeing him angry at me, I know I have treated him as he deserved, but I still feel I should do more, despite this, the time to bring Lucy back has almost elapsed, her fiance has no knowledge that I am the one making him feel so insecure, the foolish chap...

Dear journal, the time of my arranged demise is drawing nearer, I know this world deserves better than me, my wife and brother deserve better than me, my children deserve much better than me, all I wish is that they would be happier when I'm gone...

Dear journal, I presently took the last picture I would with my brother, if only he knew, this was goodbye...

Looking at the picture, Markella asked who the man was.

I slowly wiped the tears in my eyes then said,"Girls, this man is your biological father; Mark..."

They looked at us, the three adults, tears welling up, they asked for confirmation, they cried when they heard it was true, Scarlet Sapphira on the other hand, was looking intently at the picture, the kid was me, but the dude...

"There is no way that that is related to you."She said, skeptically.

"It's an adopted relationship Scarlet, but according to the journal, we are actually distant cousins, why?"

"He's too attractive, I mean, don't get me wrong uncle Luis, you're cool, but that guy's hot!!"

"He is handsome, isn't he?"I asked,"Wait, are you saying I'm ugly?"

"I'm not saying it, your face is saying it."

After Rose had successfully prevented me from pouncing on my own daughter, Luis continued,"Dear journal... I've been reading a lot lately and well, I decided to make these last few days of my useless life worthwhile, I've abandoned all my previous goals and ambitions, I don't want to make a good name for myself, just to show those around me true love... the cops are here to take me away... but I wouldn't let anything bad happen to Tommy and Lucy, my brother, stepdaughter and wife... I'm sorry for everything I put you all through, I know I'm a sinner and hope you could all find it in your hearts to forgive me, I love you all...

Lucy's tears fell between the pages of the book already stained with Mark's own tears.

The words stung Luis deeper the second time and seeing Lucy cry like this, made him feel like ending his own life as she spoke,"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I didn't listen."

He cupped her cheeks and said,"I have more to apologize for, I was so filled with resentment and jealousy that I left you to find a way to make you hate your previous husband, but now I realize, I only did the opposite."

She hugged him and he saw the triplets cry together in a corner.

He went to and squatted by them, then said,"Hey, don't cry, your father was a great man..."

Markella looked him straight in the eyes then said,"Yes, you are..."

Then the three of them ran into his arms...