
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


Scarlet Sapphira looked down to the ground from the plane then to her right, to see Amane silently asleep, still holding her hand.

She leaned on the seat and he slowly opened one eye, smirked, then closed it back, knowing for sure she hadn't moved in a plane a lot, he then asked with his eyes still closed,"This is your second time on a plane, isn't it?"

"... believe it or not but I had never gone out of the city until Lee took me to Mexico, my family did want to take me on several trips across the world but with my obstinate and unpredictable temperament, they feared I'd run away and get lost for days on end like I did when I was six again."

"But I know that you wouldn't do that, or manipulate me or betray me, because I know you've changed."He said.

"Didn't you think something similar with Lee before?"

"Now it's your turn to either believe it or not, but, I never actually trusted him, I did like him, very much, but didn't trust him, growing up like I did, you learn not to trust anyone, especially those closest to you as they could hurt you the most, I thought he was just sent by his dad to take me and my dad down, the two didn't really like each other very much."

"But what about me? My uncle's literally a secret agent and my family's Christian and..."

"Shhh, calm down, let me tell you something, I never trust anyone until I know they're trustworthy and Scarlet Sapphira, I've never trusted anyone more than I trust you..."

She felt like a monumental weight had just been shoved over her shoulders, he had good intentions, but it made her feel worse, all the pressure almost made her break down, till he gently kissed her forehead, then everything faded away as she looked back at him...

After landing, they were taken to the Fujiyama resort and Scarlet Sapphira looked at the majestic marvel of a mountain before her, shrouded in clouds.

Amane then spoke,"The mountain isn't usually very visible in the Spring, we'll just check in then go sightseeing."

"Where to?"She asked.

"Wherever you want."He whispered into her ear, his warm, sweet smelling breath sending chills down her spine.

Amane checked them into a high class Ryokan Inn which Scarlet Sapphira thought was far too expensive, but he looked at her from the corner of his eyes when she stated that, then asked for their most expensive room which was almost double the price of the previous room...per night.

Scarlet Sapphira was shocked as they were led by an English speaking ' nakai ' staff, to the most collosal room she had seen in her life.

The room spanned by several dozen meters, in the balcony alone, which had a perfect view of the mountain as the clouds slowly scudded away, overlooked by a cherry tree in blossom.

The circular couch was placed opposite to a giant flat screen Tv with a clear acrylic barrier showing an aquarium at the bottom and a lush green garden from the Eastern window, that is, if you ever got there after the long walk...

She walked through the room and did a twirl as all the elements in the traditionally emphasised living space flew into her.

Amane put their luggage into their individual rooms, then said he was going to take a bath, and should ask if she needed anything.

Scarlet Sapphira didn't want him to leave her alone so soon so asked if she could go with him, but he made upturned his lips slightly then said,"We can't bathe together."

"I don't want to bath with you, just...near you."

He shrugged, then went to change and so did she.

Coming out with a customary white bathrobe which felt like a cloud on her skin, Amane walked out of his room, wearing only a towel around his waist and seeing those features she ever so rarely saw, Scarlet Sapphira began to get flustered and he chuckled as that was his original intent, then said she should follow him.

They were led by some staff members (nakai), to a group of hot springs which seemed to go by the name ' onsen '.

Scarlet Sapphira was separated from Amane and she was incredibly embarrassed as she had literally never taken her clothes off before anyone else, sure they were only women, but they were dozens and already staring at her, probably because of her hair.

After taking off her bathrobe, she immediately became the centre of attention as several of the women would have gladly killed for a body like that without a second thought.

Scarlet Sapphira was slowly immersed into the bubbling waters below her then submerged below...

After she was done bathing, she walked out of the pool to meet Amane sitting on some random rock and smirking...did he see her?

The people most definitely did as they began to scream, but it seemed less about the fact that a man was watching them and more about the fact that such a man was watching them.

He led Scarlet Sapphira back to her room and she began removing her bathrobe, but saw, through the spaces between the windows separating their rooms...Amane changing...

She wanted to look away but couldn't turn her eyes from that feast they perceived, until he looked in her direction and she stumbled backwards and was about to fall when he threw open the windows and ran to her aid, holding her an inch above the floor, his broad chest emanating a warmth she lacked and his short and prickly beard gently singeing her skin as she said,"I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?"He asked, truly worried.

She nodded and said he could leave, then closed the windows again, this time fully...

The nakai helped her to put on her clothes in the form of a stylish, red kimono sleeved gown by name,' yukata ', and apparently, she could wear it virtually anywhere, if only she'd known earlier...

The gown had large sleeves made of the finest linen, with a dark red colour and white and pink cherry blossoms portrayed allover the material.

The cord holding the main belt(obijime) was of a pure white colour, greatly contrasting to the red of the gown and the blue of the main belt(obi) with a flower like ornament of name ' obidome ' with an ' obiage ' roll stuffed between the belt and her thin body.

Walking over the highest shoes she had ever worn in her life, the ' geta ' clog shoes, she looked at herself in the mirror, trying on her ' tenugui ' scarf and flower like hairpin, then heard someone say,"You look stunning, Scarlet Sapphira..."

She turned back to face and thank Amane, but ended up being stunned herself, but she on the other hand, had no words to say.

His yukata was of dark blue- indigo, with pictures of curly clouds and stormy seas with his thinner and tighter obi designed with symbols of mountains and forests in stark contrast to his robe.

His footwear included two toed, mitten like ' tabi ' socks and his flip flop like ' setta ' shoes, his face on the other hand, was all that took the cake as he slightly smiled at her, walking forward with his fists touching, his confidence and stature portrayed him as one of those impossibly handsome protagonists seen in 3d anime shows.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, making her let out a breath of air and was about to kiss her when she pulled back and said,"Don't you think we're going a little too fast?".

He slowly pulled back and tilted his head, before asking,"How so?"

"Just a week ago, you had a boyfriend whom you loved and I separated from you, and you all of a sudden want to date me...and do everything with me..."

"Scarlet Sapphira, you and I both know that I couldn't lie to you, even if I tried, now look at me, are my feelings feigned?"

She slowly shook her head as he said,"But I'll still wait for you, however long you may need."

"Thank you..."She spoke.