
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I went to the crime scene where he was and there was no evidence, they said he had committed suicide.

Rose, Ruby and I knew better than that, though we didn't have any evidence.

Then I remembered something...

Over eighty percent of all criminals return to the scene of the crime, usually to marvel at their own ' work of art '.

It's either the killer was one of the cops or that the criminal was one of the remaining twenty percent.

The cops didn't even know how he died or how there were no fingerprints.

I looked around. It seemed like Rose's and Ruby's grandfather was drinking some hot water when it happened as there was a thermos flask nearby. He probably spilled it when he was stabbed.

I kept coming back to the crime scene to investigate, assuring Rose I'd find the culprit.

Then it hit me...

He was stabbed but there is no weapon drenched in blood...

There was a thermos flask and a puddle of water...

He was stabbed with an ice knife!

It was stored in the thermos flask for transportation.

Then it naturally melted, destroying all evidence!

I was searching several different video camera feeds from my room when I got an anonymous message,"Come to the fountain if you want to find the killer..."

It could be a trap, but I had no clues. I had to take my chances.

I was at the fountain and met a man. He was probably a fan of baseball, judging by his baseball cap, boots, shirt and totally baseball related outfit.

I looked at him and he looked around at the cops and said,"I expected you to come alone."

"Don't expect what you don't say, now tell me what I need to know."I said.

He did a gesture and I rolled my eyes and brought out a bunch of money. I counted five hundred dollars and gave it to him. He said,"Keep it coming..."

I already don't like you...

I brought out five hundred more then he said,"I was pruning the garden when I saw the guards let in a man. They seemed to know him as they didn't resist. He walked in with a thermos flask and I looked through the room window and saw a struggle then one raised a clear sword and struck."

"And how did the man look?"I asked.

He did the gesture again and I counted more money and gave it to him then he said,"He was in a black windbreaker jacket and khaki trousers."

"I believe you didn't hear the question, how did he look?"I asked again.

He did the gesture again then I lost it and lifted him up by the collar then he yelled for help.

No one helped him as I said,"I'm going to ask you one more time, how did the man look?"

"He had blonde hair and green eyes and was devilishly handsome, perfectly chiseled chin and..."He began.

"...a perfect Greek sculpture nose."I ended.

"Yes, yes, you know him?"He asked.

"Of course it's Xander."I murmured.

I dropped him then walked away with the cops and he yelled,"Hey! I said that for free!"

I threw a suitcase full of money on his face and he fell down.

I drew a picture of him and showed it to the cops and they knew who to search for.

They searched for days but never found him.

I continued investigating but all his records ended when he jumped off a bridge when Rose broke up with him, I was confused.

He faked his death?

I went to his family and they didn't like me one bit. They blamed me for his death and gave me—let me be more formal with this—uselessly bonkers answers.

I had to suit up once again.

I was researching on him in Rose's room while she was in the library for the same purpose.

She then sent a message to me, it was a man's face.

He had dark brown eyes, a button nose and fair complexion. I asked her what it meant then she said,"That's Xander."

Of course!

There's nothing plastic surgery can't do!

I suited up.

I researched Xander and found out his new name was Chris Dyson. He was now a hitman and security guard with a kick boxing background and had undergone a plastic surgery a few days ago.

This outta be easy...

He was in a boxing ring, training with a huge guy and he won.

I walked in and sat down on a bench, looking at him the whole time.

He got out of the ring and went towards his car then he stopped, chuckled and said,"So you finally found me."

He turned back and we faced each other.

He pulled out a thermos flask and took out an ice knife then said,"Let's dance."