
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


I went to visit Ms. Gonzalez with Mark. We brought her flowers, clothes and toys.

She kissed Mark on the lips and I turned away in disgust.

When they saw me, they both chuckled and continued.

Why are grown ups so disgusting at times?


I went to a balcony and Mark came to me and said,"Huh, it's so beautiful out here."

"Yes it is... you have lipstick on your lips."

"What?"He said cleaning the red substance.

I chuckled as he leaned on the glass wall.

And unfortunately, I snorted like a pig.

I expected Mark to laugh at me...and he did.

I frowned and left, he told me to wait but I went into my room.

I was angry, but not at him, at myself. Why was I so weird? I snort, I pass out mucus everytime I see a girl I like, and more, why wasn't I more like Mark?

There was then a knocking and I allowed the person in. Mark walked in and sat by me on the bed and said,"I'm sorry for laughing at you."

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

"Wait, what? You shouldn't be used to teasing, no one should tease you at all."

"It's happened to me all my life, I don't think any of them cared whether it was right or wrong."

He pulled me closer and we stayed there.

I went to school with security guards the next day and though I felt weird, everyone was more attracted to me. This school was a lot different from the other.

I went to Chemistry class again then I saw a test tube boiling with a brick red liquid in it. It was producing a rusty orange gas which fell off the edges of the tube and flowed on the table.

One of the guards just pulled me away and said,"Master Thomas, you shouldn't be breathing Bromine vapour."

That was Bromine?!

I heard that it was extremely toxic.

I looked at Cameron with that same look and he gasped in fear, after class, he said he didn't do it but I didn't believe him.

I reported to the teacher and she wasn't surprised. She gave him detention for a month after that.

As I went home, Mark checked every inch of me to see if I was hurt...

"Mark, I'm fine. The school nurse confirmed it."

He made a sigh of relief before taking me home.

We were watching the TV together when the doorbell rang. Mark went to open it and it was Lucy, she just passed under his arm and walked towards me.

"You may come in?"Mark said questioningly.

"How did you even get over here?"Mark asked.

Just then a security officer who was trying to catch his breath said,"We tried to stop her boss, but she's just so fast..."

"Tommy, are you okay?"She asked.

"Yes why?"

"Are you sure it was that Cameron kid who tried to poison you?"

"Yes but how did you know?"

"Lucille told me."


Wow, news travels fast.

I went with Mark to visit Ms. Gonzalez the next day and she hugged us both.

"Huh, I miss my job."

"I know, but until we find who has been trying to kill you, you will have to stay here."

"Okay, but..."

"Duck!"I yelled, they both did and immediately, bullets rained into the room towards Catherine and me, Mark used himself as a human shield to protect us from the falling debris.

He looked in the direction they came from and ran out the window even before the cops could put their donuts down.

Mark tic- tacked off the two parallel walls of the police station and landed on the roof the assassin was on.

The person had sprinted away and Mark chased after him.

The man jumped from one roof to another and safety rolled, while Mark landed on his feet.

A helicopter was descending and Mark knew it was for that person.

He jumped on a truck and it closed the distance between them then he jumped on the top of a tunnel and jumped and kneed the person in the chin.

The person fell and immediately got up then targeted the gun at Mark then shot...


The bullet missed Mark by an inch and the person hesitated. Mark immediately ran and b- aerial kicked the man at the top of the head and the man stayed motionless.

The helicopter started ascending and a police helicopter followed.

The cops ran up the stairs and met Mark then took the criminal into custody.

He was interrogated but didn't talk.

Mark received permission to ask the man questions and he went in. I didn't see what Mark did to the man but he was begging for it to stop and came clean...

"The boss payed me to kill your girlfriend and brother but to leave but to leave you alone."

"And what is the boss' name?"

"Mr. Clark Nelson."

That was the last straw for Mark...

He was leaving and I held his hand and asked him,"Where are you going?"

"I have a bone to pick with that guy."

I held his hand tighter and said,"No don't go, he might take you and use you for his evil plans."

He looked into my eyes and I saw fear and pain, then he said,"I said I wouldn't let anyone harm you and so that's what I intend to do."

He left.

Catherine took care of me as I was in the station.

Mark went to Lightning flash but wasn't allowed in, the cops with him revealed their permit and all of them were immediately allowed.

They asked a secretary where he worked and she immediately told them.

The police banged the door down and surrounded him.


"Why? I haven't done anything wrong."

"Attempted murder and kidnapping are good enough reasons for you to be apprehended."

As the cops handcuffed him, he looked at Mark and said,"I'll get you for this, Hawkins..."