
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


The village had many huts which was what I expected of an African vicinity, but was shocked when I also saw modern houses with multiple stories.

Our tour guide took us to where some men were weaving the long strands of Kente fabric. I used to think Kente was embroidered, not woven in thin strands then seamed together.

The tour guide gave us a lot of information on the history of Kente weaving, how the web of a spider inspired two men who later invented it, how each design has its own name and meaning, the names and meanings of some of them, etc.

One of the weavers wanted me to try and I was stiff as they carried me to the seat. I looked at all the complex parts of it then went serious.

I started weaving, stepping on the foot thingy, swiping the thingy they swiped left and right and doing everything right.

The man put his hands on his head in despair as his hard work had been ruined by a big mistake he made.

Mark looked at the man and said,"I'll pay you for your trouble."

The man was compensated.

Next, we went to a village on a river called Nzulezu. The houses were built on stilts and floated around the thick jungle boarderd water body.

We were told about the myths surrounding the area and rented a room for a night.

We then went to Fort Freidrichsburg, the bay it was on was breathtaking. The shimmering turquoise waves, crashing on the black rocks, the little crabs scuttling to safety, the stranded starfish, etc.

We only found out that the beauty of this area was just a coverup for its secrets. The slave trade...

I couldn't stand what those Europeans did to my ancestors and felt sorry for them.

We went to a bead making village next and they taught us the procedure, from the breaking of the glasses into miniscule shards, melting them and shaping and colouring them.

We then went to a woodwork village...

Boy, they have everything in this country, don't they?

We saw the wooden sculptures, masks, stools and other wooden artwork. I was amazed at their experience.

We next went to the Wli falls, the tallest in all West Africa. I took several pictures as we were there.

We only had time for two more places so the tour guide too us to the Ashanti gold mine, via the picturesque Adomi bridge.

We got to the hot gold mine and I got the chance to hold some Aurum in my hands.

The final place we went to was to paraglide in the Kwahu mountains.

When we jumped off, I almost shattered the guide's eardrums with my scream as my feet were airborne.

The moment we landed, I sprinted to hug Mark...I was terrified, but the adrenaline was awesome! I wanted to go through that fear factor again.

We went back to the hotel and I scrolled through all my seventy two pictures, to sort out the best and delete the rest.

Mark read through my report, while our souvenirs sat motionless on the floor. The two of us goofed off a little, pretending to be Ashanti chiefs on their stools or as masquerades with the African masks.

I was so sad when we were on the plane leaving and I could tell Mark was too, but it didn't feel like it was because we were leaving, it was more like he missed someone...

We got to the airport and dragged our bags when Mark stopped moving, then he sprinted in the wrong direction.

I followed him as he yelled,"Catherine, Catherine!"

The air hostess turned around and looked at him.

"Hi."She said.

"Hi, I just wanted to invite you to dinner, you know, just the two of us."

"...well I'll be free this Friday evening."

"At noon?"

"At twelve, here's my address."She said, handing him a paper.


He likes her!

He walked back to the luggage looking like he was on top of the world. We went back home and he had a goofy smile on his face.

"Ohooo, look who's moving on."I said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're going on a date."

"What? I'm not dating."

"Dinner, the two of you, alone? That's totally a date."

"You know what? I'm just gonna block you out because I don't want you to ruin my mood."

I shrugged my shoulders and chuckled to myself.

The next day was the submission day and I got an A for my presentation.

Friday came and I was teasing Mark about his date, though he blocked me out, I didn't give up.

Mark went to pick Ms. Gonzalez up and they went to the restaurant.

A taxi was following them on their way...

They ordered their food and someone with binoculars started watching them from the floral arrangement.

I was watching them then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked back to see a security guard, he said,"Kid, you're not supposed to be here."


He tried to catch me and I passed between his legs so he fell. Another guard was running towards me and I faked a right turn then went left, he fell for the trick and crashed into a table.

Mark looked at me as several security guards chased me left, right, up and down the stairs.

"Huh, I've got to go."Mark said.

"Sure."She said.

He stood up and left.

One of the guards caught me upside down and carried me out as I yelled for him to let me go, he threw me butt first outside the restaurant and I frowned.

I had to get back in there...

I was climbing a window when someone said,"What are you doing?"

I was startled and fell but he caught me.


"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I cancelled all my appointments for today. But you still have to go to school, I'll drive you."

"Nonono, I can walk."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, he shrugged his shoulders and left.

I peeked one more time through the window with my binoculars and saw Mark place his hand on hers.

She blushed and looked away and he said something...

I read his lips and he said,"I love you..."

That was fast.